The shell is a programming language. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The shell is not just glue that sticks bits together. The shell is a lot more than a tool that runs other tools. The shell is a complete programming language! When a Linux user asked me about membership databases, I asked him what he really needed. He wanted to store names and addresses for a couple of hundred members and print mailing labels for each of them. I recommended using a text editor to store the information in a text file, and I provided a shell script to create the labels in PostScript. (The script, ps-labels, appeared in my first book, Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach.) When the SWEN worm was dumping hundreds of megabytes of junk into my mailbox every few minutes, I wrote a shell script to filter them out on the mail server and download the remaining mail to my home computer. That script has been doing its job for several years. I used to tell people that I did most of my programming in the shell but switched to C for anything that needed the extra speed. It has been several years since I have needed to use C, so I no longer mention it. I do everything in the shell. A shell script is as much a program as anything written in C, Python, or any other language. Just because shell scripts are easier to write doesn’t mean they should take a backseat to compiled programs or other scripting languages. I use the terms script and program interchangeably when referring to tasks written in the shell. 标题《精通bash编程(2009年10月出版)》中的知识点如下: 1. shell是一种编程语言:本书开篇即强调shell的重要性,明确提出shell不仅是一种将各种工具粘合在一起的工具,它实际上是一种完整的编程语言。这意味着用户可以使用shell来完成复杂的编程任务。 2. shell脚本的实用性:书中提到作者通过shell脚本解决了具体问题的案例,例如利用文本编辑器和shell脚本处理会员数据库信息,以及通过shell脚本过滤掉垃圾邮件。这些案例展示了shell脚本在日常工作中解决问题的强大能力。 3. 速度与效率:作者提到虽然过去常会转而使用C语言来处理需要额外速度的任务,但在近期已经不再需要这样做了,因为通过shell脚本也可以实现高效编程。 4. shell脚本与编译语言的比较:作者认为,不应因为shell脚本易于编写而将其视为不如编译语言或其他脚本语言。一个shell脚本在功能上与用C、Python等语言编写的程序是等同的。 5. 书籍内容介绍:《精通bash编程》这本书的目标是向读者介绍shell编程,特别是bash编程。作者强调了在GNU/Linux或其他类Unix系统上,应当首先考虑使用shell来完成程序任务。 从书籍的描述部分,我们可以得知的知识点还包括: 6. 学习目标:本书是为不同层次的Linux用户编写的,从初学者到有经验的程序员都可以从中受益。它旨在教授读者如何利用shell进行编程,并通过实例展示如何有效地使用Bash shell。 7. BASH的普及和重要性:Bash是GNU项目的标准shell,并且几乎在所有的Linux发行版中都是标准的shell。即使它在某些Unix版本上不是默认shell,通常也用于解释脚本。 8. 跨平台的应用:作者提到Bash不仅限于Linux系统,它也存在于许多Unix版本上。这表明Bash编程的技能是跨平台的,具有广泛的适用性。 9. 作者的个人经验与观点:Chris F.A. Johnson通过自己的经验分享,鼓励读者在编程时首先考虑使用shell,甚至可以使用shell原型来完成任务,而不必转换为其他语言。 10. 书籍定位:本书不仅仅面向初学者,也为已经编写过一些shell程序的读者提供了进一步提升的机会,甚至对那些已经精通shell编程的专家也有很大的帮助,因为它提供了关于高级shell编程的深入见解和技巧。 11. 书籍与资源:书中还提到了与书籍相关的一些额外资源,比如电子书版本、源代码在线,以及配套的其他书籍,如《Beginning Perl》和《Beginning the Linux Command Line》。这些资源为读者提供了更多的学习材料和参考。 综合以上内容,本书《精通bash编程》不仅是一本介绍Bash编程基础的书籍,更是一本深入探讨高级编程技巧,提供实际编程案例,以及帮助不同水平读者提升编程能力的实用教程。
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