* @file 微信小程序JSAPI
* @author 崔健 cuijian03@baidu.com 2017.01.10
* 百度地图微信小程序API类
* @class
class BMapWX {
* 百度地图微信小程序API类
* @constructor
constructor(param) {
this.ak = param["ak"];
* 使用微信接口进行定位
* @param {string} type 坐标类型
* @param {Function} success 成功执行
* @param {Function} fail 失败执行
* @param {Function} complete 完成后执行
getWXLocation(type, success, fail, complete) {
type = type || 'gcj02',
success = success || function () {};
fail = fail || function () {};
complete = complete || function () {};
type: type,
success: success,
fail: fail,
* POI周边检索
* @param {Object} param 检索配置
* 参数对象结构可以参考
* http://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=webapi/guide/webservice-placeapi
search(param) {
var that = this;
param = param || {};
let searchparam = {
query: param["query"] || '生活服务$美食&酒店',
scope: param["scope"] || 1,
filter: param["filter"] || '',
coord_type: param["coord_type"] || 2,
page_size: param["page_size"] || 10,
page_num: param["page_num"] || 0,
output: param["output"] || 'json',
ak: that.ak,
sn: param["sn"] || '',
timestamp: param["timestamp"] || '',
radius: param["radius"] || 2000,
ret_coordtype: 'gcj02ll'
let otherparam = {
iconPath: param["iconPath"],
iconTapPath: param["iconTapPath"],
width: param["width"],
height: param["height"],
alpha: param["alpha"] || 1,
success: param["success"] || function () {},
fail: param["fail"] || function () {}
let type = 'gcj02';
let locationsuccess = function (result) {
searchparam["location"] = result["latitude"] + ',' + result["longitude"];
url: 'https://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/search',
data: searchparam,
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
method: 'GET',
success(data) {
let res = data["data"];
if (res["status"] === 0) {
let poiArr = res["results"];
// outputRes 包含两个对象,
// originalData为百度接口返回的原始数据
// wxMarkerData为小程序规范的marker格式
let outputRes = {};
outputRes["originalData"] = res;
outputRes["wxMarkerData"] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < poiArr.length; i++) {
outputRes["wxMarkerData"][i] = {
id: i,
latitude: poiArr[i]["location"]["lat"],
longitude: poiArr[i]["location"]["lng"],
title: poiArr[i]["name"],
iconPath: otherparam["iconPath"],
iconTapPath: otherparam["iconTapPath"],
address: poiArr[i]["address"],
telephone: poiArr[i]["telephone"],
alpha: otherparam["alpha"],
width: otherparam["width"],
height: otherparam["height"]
} else {
errMsg: res["message"],
statusCode: res["status"]
fail(data) {
let locationfail = function (result) {
let locationcomplete = function (result) {
if (!param["location"]) {
that.getWXLocation(type, locationsuccess, locationfail, locationcomplete);
} else {
let longitude = param.location.split(',')[1];
let latitude = param.location.split(',')[0];
let errMsg = 'input location';
let res = {
errMsg: errMsg,
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude
* sug模糊检索
* @param {Object} param 检索配置
* 参数对象结构可以参考
* http://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=webapi/place-suggestion-api
suggestion(param) {
var that = this;
param = param || {};
let suggestionparam = {
query: param["query"] || '',
region: param["region"] || '全国',
city_limit: param["city_limit"] || false,
output: param["output"] || 'json',
ak: that.ak,
sn: param["sn"] || '',
timestamp: param["timestamp"] || '',
ret_coordtype: 'gcj02ll'
let otherparam = {
success: param["success"] || function () {},
fail: param["fail"] || function () {}
url: 'https://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/suggestion',
data: suggestionparam,
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
method: 'GET',
success(data) {
let res = data["data"];
if (res["status"] === 0) {
} else {
errMsg: res["message"],
statusCode: res["status"]
fail(data) {
* rgc检索(坐标->地点描述)
* @param {Object} param 检索配置
* 参数对象结构可以参考
* http://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=webapi/guide/webservice-geocoding
regeocoding(param) {
var that = this;
param = param || {};
let regeocodingparam = {
coordtype: param["coordtype"] || 'gcj02ll',
pois: param["pois"] || 0,
output: param["output"] || 'json',
ak: that.ak,
sn: param["sn"] || '',
timestamp: param["timestamp"] || '',
ret_coordtype: 'gcj02ll'
let otherparam = {
iconPath: param["iconPath"],
iconTapPath: param["iconTapPath"],
width: param["width"],
height: param["height"],
alpha: param["alpha"] || 1,
success: param["success"] || function () {},
fail: param["fail"] || function () {}
let type = 'gcj02';
let locationsuccess = function (result) {
regeocodingparam["location"] = result["latitude"] + ',' + result["longitude"];
url: 'https://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/',
data: regeocodingparam,
header: {
"content-type": "application/json"
method: 'GET',
success(data) {
let res = da
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
微信小程序,作为腾讯倾力打造的一款轻量级应用,凭借其独特的优势在移动开发领域崭露头角。它无需下载安装,用户扫一扫或搜一下即可打开应用,体验上更加便捷高效。小程序不仅拥有近似原生App的用户体验,还完美支持微信生态内的社交功能,如微信支付、公众号关联等,为用户提供一站式服务。 微信小程序-项目源码-原生开发框架 源码特色: 原生体验:基于微信原生框架开发,流畅不卡顿。 功能丰富:集成微信支付、分享等核心功能,满足多种业务需求。 易上手:提供详细文档和示例,快速入门。 可定制:源码开放,可根据项目需求进行定制开发。 源码下载:即刻获取这份强大而灵活的微信小程序源码资源,开启您的微信小程序之旅!
微信小程序-天气预报小程序项目源码-原生开发框架-含效果截图示例.zip (114个子文件)
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共 114 条
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