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<div class="title">
<h1 class="display-2 text-white">Lazy Kit</h1>
<h4 class="text-white">A new design system for developing with less effort.</h4>
<div class="credits">
<p class="text-white mb-0 small">Made with <span class="text-danger"><i class="fas fa-heart"></i></span> by</p>
<img src="assets/img/bb_logo_white.png" alt="Lazy Kit" width="150">
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<p class="lead"><b>Lazy Kit</b> is a complete design system built on Bootstrap 4. It is created for all web makers that want to get a project off the ground quickly and neatly. It overwrites all Bootstrap 4 components and adds 2 more plugins. It also comes with 3 example pages.</p>
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<h2 id="colours">Colours</h2>
<p>We have improved the Bootstrap colour selection with a brighter variation. All the components from the kit will have variations for each one of this contextual classes.</p>
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<div class="swatch" style="background-color: #611F6A; "></div>
<div class="title">Primary</div>
<div class="hex text-muted">#611F6A</div>
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<div class="swatch" style="background-color: #071D5C; "></div>
<div class="title">Secondary</div>
<div class="hex text-muted">#071D5C</div>
<!-- success -->
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<div class="swatch" style="background-color: #007A5B; "></div>
<div class="title">Success</div>
<div class="hex text-muted">#007A5B</div>
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UI组件合集网页模板-适配移动端&PC端-HTML网站源码.zip (102个子文件)
bootstrap.min.css 152KB
lazy.css 48KB
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nouislider.css 5KB
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hearteyes.gif 85KB
thinking.gif 55KB
index.html 85KB
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buttons.html 14KB
dropdowns.html 13KB
navbars.html 13KB
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landing.html 11KB
pagination.html 11KB
progress_bars.html 10KB
getting_started.html 10KB
typography.html 10KB
alerts.html 9KB
modals.html 9KB
badges.html 9KB
tooltips_popovers.html 9KB
contents.html 8KB
font_awesome.html 8KB
sliders.html 8KB
license.html 7KB
profile.html 7KB
credits.html 7KB
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register.html 6KB
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favicon.ico 15KB
dog-8.jpg 2.27MB
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dog-9.jpg 2.13MB
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dog-7.jpg 1.71MB
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dog-6.jpg 893KB
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nouislider.js 64KB
bootstrap.min.js 57KB
nouislider.min.js 22KB
popper.min.js 19KB
prism.js 12KB
lazy.js 2KB
demo.js 498B
register.png 2.75MB
profile.png 1.21MB
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landing.png 202KB
lorde.png 130KB
bb_logo_white.png 2KB
_sliders.scss 6KB
demo.scss 5KB
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_buttons.scss 2KB
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linea-basic-10.ttf 21KB
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