English Specification for Catfish class:-
Attributes and behaviors similar to those for AlgaeColony
Constant class attributes:
ALIVE: Private attribute.
Represents status of Catfish that is alive as a String.
DEAD: Private attribute.
Represents status of Catfish that is dead as a String.
SPECIES: Private attribute.
Represents species of lifeform as a String.
BABY_MAX_ENERGY: Private attribute.
Represents maximum energy that can be carried as an integer.
BABY_MIN_ENERGY: Private attribute.
Represents minimum energy needed to stay alive as an integer.
ENERGY_TO_EAT: Private attribute.
Represents energy needed to eat AlgaeColony as an integer.
ENERGY_TO_SWIM: Private attribute.
Represents energy needed to swim as an integer.
ENERGY_TO_LOOK_FOR_FOOD: Private attribute.
Rpresents the energy a catfish must expend to look for food in the form of AlgaeColony as an integer.
ENERGY_IN_A_FULL_MEAL: Private attribute.
Represents the energy a catfish can gain from a full meal of AlgaeColony as an integer.
Represents the amount by which the minimum energy required by each catfish to stay alive increases in a time block as an integer.
Represents the amount by which the maximum energy stored by each catfish increases in a time block as an integer.
Constant instance attributes:
name: Private attribute.
Represents unique name as a String
Instance attributes:
row: Private attribute.
Represents row identifying the location as an integer.
column: Private attribute.
Represents column identifying the location as an integer.
deadOrAlive: Private attribute.
Represents living status as a String.
energy: Private attribute.
Represents current energy level as a String.
age: Private attribute.
Represents age as an integer.
simulation: Private attribute.
Represents simulation to which the Catfish belongs as an object of Simulation class.
minEnergy: Private attribute.
Represents minimum energy needed to survive as an integer.
maxEnergy: Private attribute.
Represents maximum energy that can be carried as an integer.
Class attributes:
nCatfishCreated: Private attribute.
Represents number of Catfish created so far as an integer, to help the Simulation object keep track of the total number of Catfish in the simulation.
Constructor: Create an instance of the Catfish class.
liveALittle: Live a block of time.
Part of the public interface.
die: Update living status to being dead. Returns nothing.
Part of the private interface.
getRow: Return the row in which Catfish is located as an integer.
Part of the public interface.
getColumn: Return the column in which Catfish is located as an integer.
Part of the public interface.
getAge: Return the age of Catfish as an integer.
Part of the public interface.
getName: Return the unique name identifying the Catfish as a String.
Part of the public interface.
getImage: Return an image representing the Catfish.
Part of the public interface.
getMinEnergy: Return the minimum energy needed to stay alive as an integer.
Part of the private interface.
getMaxEnergy: Return the maximum energy that can be carried as an integer.
Part of the private interface.
getEnergy: Return the current energy level as an integer.
Part of the public interface.
isDead: Return the living status of the Catfish as a boolean.
Part of the public interface.
getDisplayMechanism: Return the mechanism used for displaying the Catfish as a String.
Part of the public interface.
getSpecies: Return the species of the Catfish as a String.
Part of the public interface.
getColor: Return the color of the Catfish as a String.
Part of the public interface.
setEnergy: Set the energy level as specified by the integer value passed as a parameter.
Part of the private interface.
Attributes and behaviors specific to Catfish
Instance attribute:
direction: This private attribute represents the direction in which the Catfish is facing as a String
Constant class attributes:
RIGHT: Private attribute.
Represents the direction of Catfish facing right as a String.
LEFT: Private attribute.
Represents the direction of Catfish facing left as a String.
UP: Private attribute.
Represents the direction of Catfish facing up as a String.
DOWN: Private attribute.
Represents the direction of Catfish facing down as a String.
moveToRow: Move the Catfish to the row specified by the integer value passed as a parameter.
Returns the row where the Catfish is moved as an integer.
Part of the private interface.
moveToColumn: Move the Catfish to the column specified by the integer value passed as a parameter.
Returns the column where the Catfish is moved as an integer.
Part of the private interface.
isHungry: Check if the current energy level of the Catfish is less than twice the amount needed for survival.
Returns a boolean.
Part of the private interface.
getDirection: Check the direction in which the Catfish is facing.
Returns a String.
Part of the private interface.
lookForFoodInNeighborhood: Try to locate any AlgaeColony close by. Relinquish some energy in the process.
Note that this behavior requires a way to store the neighboring AlgaeColony objects. Your knowledge of Vectors from 2.2.3 Lifecycle of Objects can help you here.
Part of the private interface.
swimIfPossible(): The catfish swims to a new location in the lake if possible.
Returns nothing.
Part of the public interface.
eatIfPossible: Make the catfish "eat" AlgaeColony , gain energy from a full meal of AlgaeColony(i.e.the energy it stores is increased).
Returns nothing.
Part of the public interface.