Texas Instruments Manifest Format 2.0
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<title>Texas Instruments Manifest</title>
<body><!-- Logo display, will need to fix up the URLs, this is just for testing.. Image alternate display not wporking well yet -->
<div class="LogoSection">
<td id="TIlogoLeft">
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</div><div class="HeaderSection">
<h1 id="ProductName">
<!-- @Start Product -->
SmartRF Flash Programmer Manifest
<!-- @End Product -->
<h2 id="ReleaseDate">
<!-- @Start Date -->
<!-- @End Date -->
<h2 id="SRASID">
<!-- @Start Date -->
Manifest ID - SRAS00002876
<!-- @End Date -->
</div><div class="LegendSection">
<p>(explanation of the fields in the Manifest Table below)</p>
<b>Software Name </b>
The name of the application or file
Version of the application or file
<b>License Type</b>
Type of license(s) under which TI will be providing
software to the licensee (e.g. BSD-3-Clause, GPL-2.0, TI TSPA License, TI
Commercial License). The license could be under Commercial terms or Open Source. See Open Source Reference License Disclaimer in
the Disclaimers Section. Whenever possible, TI will use an <a href="http://spdx.org/licenses/"> SPDX Short Identifier </a> for an Open Source
License. TI Commercial license terms are not usually included in the manifest and are conveyed through a variety
of means such as a clickwrap license upon install,
a signed license agreement and so forth.
The directory name and path on the media or a specific file where the Software is located. Typically fully qualified path names
are not used and instead the relevant top level directory of the application is given.
A notation often used in the manifests is [as installed]/directory/*. Note that the asterisk implies that all
files under that directory are licensed as the License Type field denotes. Any exceptions to this will
generally be denoted as [as installed]/directory/* except as noted below which means as shown in subsequent rows of
the manifest.
<b>Delivered As</b>
This field will either be “Source”, “Binary” or “Source
and Binary” and is the primary form the content of the Software is delivered
in. If the Software is delivered in an archive format, this field
applies to the contents of the archive. If the word Limited is used
with Source, as in “Limited Source” or “Limited Source and Binary” then
only portions of the Source for the application are provided.
<b>Modified by TI</b>
This field will either be “Yes” or “No”. A “Yes” means
TI has made changes to the Software. A “No” means TI has not made any
changes. Note: This field is not applicable for Software “Obtained
from” TI.
<b>Obtained from</b>
This field specifies from where or from whom TI obtained
the Software. It may be a URL to an Open Source site, a 3<
- 粉丝: 2
- 资源: 1
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