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ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing toolkit for Scala and
Java programmers.
Official Website:
Using ScalaTest
### Setup
Please visit [Download and Setup]( for download and setup instructions.
### Quick Start
Please visit [Quick Start]( for steps to get started quickly.
Building ScalaTest
### Pre-Requisites
The followings are needed for building ScalaTest:
* JDK 8
* [SBT 1.2.8](
use the following SBT options instead:
SBT_OPTS="-server -Xms512M -Xmx3000M -Xss1M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:NewRatio=8"
### Building and Running Tests
This command will build and run the regular tests:
`$ sbt test`
To run generated all tests, you'll need to increase maximum heap size to at least -Xmx5000M, and use this command instead:
$ rm -rf gentests
$ sbt gentests/test
You can also run different groups generated tests separately:
$ rm -rf gentests
$ sbt genMustMatchersTests1/test
$ sbt genMustMatchersTests2/test
$ sbt genMustMatchersTests3/test
$ sbt genMustMatchersTests4/test
$ sbt genGenTests/test
$ sbt genTablesTests/test
$ sbt genInspectorsTests/test
$ sbt genInspectorsShorthandsTests1/test
$ sbt genInspectorsShorthandsTests2/test
$ sbt genTheyTests/test
$ sbt genContainTests1/test
$ sbt genContainTests2/test
$ sbt genSortedTests/test
$ sbt genLoneElementTests/test
$ sbt genEmptyTests/test
What it does is simply switch to gentests project and run test.
To run scala-js tests:
$ sbt scalatestAppJS/clean
$ sbt scalacticTestJS/test:compile
$ sbt scalacticTestJS/test
$ sbt scalatestTestJS/test:compile
$ sbt scalatestTestJS/test
To run scala-native tests:
$ sbt -Dscalatest.skip.jdk.check=true ++2.11.12 scalatestAppNative/clean
$ sbt -Dscalatest.skip.jdk.check=true ++2.11.12 scalacticTestNative/test:compile
$ sbt -Dscalatest.skip.jdk.check=true ++2.11.12 scalacticTestNative/test
$ sbt -Dscalatest.skip.jdk.check=true ++2.11.12 scalatestTestNative/test:compile
$ sbt -Dscalatest.skip.jdk.check=true ++2.11.12 scalatestTestNative/test
### Building Examples
You can build examples project using this command:
`$ sbt examples/compile`
### Packaging
You can package the ScalaTest JAR file using this command:
`$ sbt package`
The resulting JAR file will be produced in target/scala-2.11/.
You can also publish it to your local Ivy repository using this command:
`$ sbt publishLocal`
Or publish it to local maven repository using this command:
`$ sbt publishM2`
### Publishing
To publish to Sonatype, you first need to make sure you have the following:
* A GPG client is installed on your command line path. For more information, please refer to [GNU Privacy Guard Website](
* You have created your GPG keys and distributed your public key to hkp:// For more information, please refer to [How To Generate PGP Signatures With Maven](
* You have been granted the right to publish using org.scalatest and org.scalactic domain.
By default, ScalaTest build will read your Sonatype credentials from ~/.ivy2/.credentials, which is a properties file that looks like this:
realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager
You can use SCALATEST_NEXUS_LOGIN and SCALATEST_NEXUS_PASSWORD environment variables to override Sonatype credentials.
For signing, ScalaTest build will use ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg by default and prompt for GPG passphase if required. Alternatively you can use SCALATEST_GPG_FILE to use a different GPG file, and use SCALATEST_GPG_PASSPHASE to provide GPG passphase to avoid input prompt.
If you would like to export a particular private key into a separate GPG file, you can use the following command:
`$ gpg --export-secret-keys > example-secret-key.gpg`
With Sonatype credentials and GPG file in place, you can now publish to Sonatype.
Before publishing any patch release, binary compatibility with previous version should be checked:
$ export SCALAJS_VERSION=0.6.33
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalactic/package scalactic/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestCore/package scalatestCore/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFeatureSpec/package scalatestFeatureSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFlatSpec/package scalatestFlatSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFreeSpec/package scalatestFreeSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFunSuite/package scalatestFunSuite/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFunSpec/package scalatestFunSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestPropSpec/package scalatestPropSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestRefSpec/package scalatestRefSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestWordSpec/package scalatestWordSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestDiagrams/package scalatestDiagrams/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestMatchersCore/package scalatestMatchersCore/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestShouldMatchers/package scalatestShouldMatchers/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestMustMatchers/package scalatestMustMatchers/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalacticJS/package scalacticJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestCoreJS/package scalatestCoreJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFeatureSpecJS/package scalatestFeatureSpecJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFlatSpecJS/package scalatestFlatSpecJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFreeSpecJS/package scalatestFreeSpecJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFunSuiteJS/package scalatestFunSuiteJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestFunSpecJS/package scalatestFunSpecJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestPropSpecJS/package scalatestPropSpecJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestWordSpecJS/package scalatestWordSpecJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestDiagramsJS/package scalatestDiagramsJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestMatchersCoreJS/package scalatestMatchersCoreJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestShouldMatchersJS/package scalatestShouldMatchersJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.10.7 scalatestMustMatchersJS/package scalatestMustMatchersJS/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ export SCALAJS_VERSION=1.1.1
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalactic/package scalactic/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestCore/package scalatestCore/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestFeatureSpec/package scalatestFeatureSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestFlatSpec/package scalatestFlatSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestFreeSpec/package scalatestFreeSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestFunSuite/package scalatestFunSuite/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestFunSpec/package scalatestFunSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestPropSpec/package scalatestPropSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestRefSpec/package scalatestRefSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestWordSpec/package scalatestWordSpec/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestDiagrams/package scalatestDiagrams/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestMatchersCore/package scalatestMatchersCore/mimaReportBinaryIssues
$ sbt ++2.11.12 scalatestShoul