# jsGrid Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin
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Project site [js-grid.com](http://js-grid.com/)
**jsGrid** is a lightweight client-side data grid control based on jQuery.
It supports basic grid operations like inserting, filtering, editing, deleting, paging, sorting, and validating.
jsGrid is tunable and allows to customize appearance and components.
![jsGrid lightweight client-side data grid](http://content.screencast.com/users/tabalinas/folders/Jing/media/beada891-57fc-41f3-ad77-fbacecd01d15/00000002.png)
## Table of contents
* [Demos](#demos)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Grid Fields](#grid-fields)
* [Methods](#methods)
* [Callbacks](#callbacks)
* [Grid Controller](#grid-controller)
* [Validation](#validation)
* [Localization](#localization)
* [Sorting Strategies](#sorting-strategies)
* [Load Strategies](#load-strategies)
* [Load Indication](#load-indication)
* [Requirement](#requirement)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
## Demos
See [Demos](http://js-grid.com/demos/) on project site.
Sample projects showing how to use jsGrid with the most popular backend technologies
* **PHP** - https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid-php
* **ASP.NET WebAPI** - https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid-webapi
* **Express (NodeJS)** - https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid-express
* **Ruby on Rail** - https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid-rails
* **Django (Python)** - https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid-django
## Installation
Install jsgrid with bower:
$ bower install js-grid
Find jsGrid cdn links [here](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/jsgrid).
## Basic Usage
Ensure that jQuery library of version 1.8.3 or later is included.
Include `jsgrid.min.js`, `jsgrid-theme.min.css`, and `jsgrid.min.css` files into the web page.
Create grid applying jQuery plugin `jsGrid` with grid config as follows:
width: "100%",
height: "400px",
filtering: true,
editing: true,
sorting: true,
paging: true,
data: db.clients,
fields: [
{ name: "Name", type: "text", width: 150 },
{ name: "Age", type: "number", width: 50 },
{ name: "Address", type: "text", width: 200 },
{ name: "Country", type: "select", items: db.countries, valueField: "Id", textField: "Name" },
{ name: "Married", type: "checkbox", title: "Is Married", sorting: false },
{ type: "control" }
## Configuration
The config object may contain following options (default values are specified below):
fields: [],
data: [],
autoload: false,
controller: {
loadData: $.noop,
insertItem: $.noop,
updateItem: $.noop,
deleteItem: $.noop
width: "auto",
height: "auto",
heading: true,
filtering: false,
inserting: false,
editing: false,
selecting: true,
sorting: false,
paging: false,
pageLoading: false,
rowClass: function(item, itemIndex) { ... },
rowClick: function(args) { ... },
rowDoubleClick: function(args) { ... },
noDataContent: "Not found",
confirmDeleting: true,
deleteConfirm: "Are you sure?",
pagerContainer: null,
pageIndex: 1,
pageSize: 20,
pageButtonCount: 15,
pagerFormat: "Pages: {first} {prev} {pages} {next} {last} {pageIndex} of {pageCount}",
pagePrevText: "Prev",
pageNextText: "Next",
pageFirstText: "First",
pageLastText: "Last",
pageNavigatorNextText: "...",
pageNavigatorPrevText: "...",
invalidNotify: function(args) { ... }
invalidMessage: "Invalid data entered!",
loadIndication: true,
loadIndicationDelay: 500,
loadMessage: "Please, wait...",
loadShading: true,
loadIndicator: function(config) { ... }
loadStrategy: function(config) { ... }
updateOnResize: true,
rowRenderer: null,
headerRowRenderer: null,
filterRowRenderer: null,
insertRowRenderer: null,
editRowRenderer: null,
pagerRenderer: null
### fields
An array of fields (columns) of the grid.
Each field has general options and specific options depending on field type.
General options peculiar to all field types:
type: "",
name: "",
title: "",
align: "",
width: 100,
visible: true,
css: "",
headercss: "",
filtercss: "",
insertcss: "",
editcss: "",
filtering: true,
inserting: true,
editing: true,
sorting: true,
sorter: "string",
headerTemplate: function() { ... },
itemTemplate: function(value, item) { ... },
filterTemplate: function() { ... },
insertTemplate: function() { ... },
editTemplate: function(value, item) { ... },
filterValue: function() { ... },
insertValue: function() { ... },
editValue: function() { ... },
cellRenderer: null,
validate: null
- **type** is a string key of field (`"text"|"number"|"checkbox"|"select"|"textarea"|"control"`) in fields registry `jsGrid.fields` (the registry can be easily extended with custom field types).
- **name** is a property of data item associated with the column.
- **title** is a text to be displayed in the header of the column. If `title` is not specified, the `name` will be used instead.
- **align** is alignment of text in the cell. Accepts following values `"left"|"center"|"right"`.
- **width** is a width of the column.
- **visible** is a boolean specifying whether to show a column or not. (version added: 1.3)
- **css** is a string representing css classes to be attached to the table cell.
- **headercss** is a string representing css classes to be attached to the table header cell. If not specified, then **css** is attached instead.
- **filtercss** is a string representing css classes to be attached to the table filter row cell. If not specified, then **css** is attached instead.
- **insertcss** is a string representing css classes to be attached to the table insert row cell. If not specified, then **css** is attached instead.
- **editcss** is a string representing css classes to be attached to the table edit row cell. If not specified, then **css** is attached instead.
- **filtering** is a boolean specifying whether or not column has filtering (`filterTemplate()` is rendered and `filterValue()` is included in load filter object).
- **inserting** is a boolean specifying whether or not column has inserting (`insertTemplate()` is rendered and `insertValue()` is included in inserting item).
- **editing** is a boolean specifying whether or not column has editing (`editTemplate()` is rendered and `editValue()` is included in editing item).
- **sorting** is a boolean specifying whether or not column has sorting ability.
- **sorter** is a string or a function specifying how to sort item by the field. The string is a key of sorting strategy in the registry `jsGrid.sortStrategies` (the registry can be easily extended with custom sorting functions). Sorting function has the signature `function(value1, value2) { return -1|0|1; }`.
- **headerTemplate** is a function to create column header content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement.
- **itemTemplate** is a function to create cell content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement. The function signature is `function(value, item)`, where `value` is a value of column property of data item, and `item` is a row data item.
- **filterTemplate** is a function to create filter row cell content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement.
- **insertTemplate** is a function to create insert row cell content. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement.
- **editTemplate** is a function to create cell content of editing row. It should return markup as string, DomNode or jQueryElement. The f