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.. include:: headings.inc
.. _wx.grid.Grid:
|phoenix_title| **wx.grid.Grid**
:ref:`wx.grid.Grid` and its related classes are used for displaying and editing tabular data.
They provide a rich set of features for display, editing, and interacting with a variety of data sources. For simple applications, and to help you get started, :ref:`wx.grid.Grid` is the only class you need to refer to directly. It will set up default instances of the other classes and manage them for you. For more complex applications you can derive your own classes for custom grid views, grid data tables, cell editors and renderers. The :ref:`Grid Overview <grid overview>` has examples of simple and more complex applications, explains the relationship between the various grid classes and has a summary of the keyboard shortcuts and mouse functions provided by :ref:`wx.grid.Grid`.
A :ref:`wx.grid.GridTableBase` class holds the actual data to be displayed by a :ref:`wx.grid.Grid` class. One or more :ref:`wx.grid.Grid` classes may act as a view for one table class. The default table class is called :ref:`wx.grid.GridStringTable` and holds an array of strings. An instance of such a class is created by :meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CreateGrid`.
:ref:`wx.grid.GridCellRenderer` is the abstract base class for rendering contents in a cell. The following renderers are predefined:
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellBoolRenderer`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellFloatRenderer`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellNumberRenderer`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellDateRenderer`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellDateTimeRenderer`
The look of a cell can be further defined using :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellAttr`. An object of this type may be returned by :meth:`wx.grid.GridTableBase.GetAttr` .
:ref:`wx.grid.GridCellEditor` is the abstract base class for editing the value of a cell. The following editors are predefined:
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellBoolEditor`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellFloatEditor`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellNumberEditor`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellTextEditor`
- :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellDateEditor`
Please see :ref:`wx.grid.GridEvent`, :ref:`wx.grid.GridSizeEvent`, :ref:`wx.grid.GridRangeSelectEvent`, and :ref:`wx.grid.GridEditorCreatedEvent` for the documentation of all event types you can use with :ref:`wx.grid.Grid`.
.. seealso:: :ref:`Grid Overview <grid overview>`, :ref:`wx.grid.GridUpdateLocker`
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html
<div id="toggleBlock" onclick="return toggleVisibility(this)" class="closed" style="cursor:pointer;">
<img id="toggleBlock-trigger" src="_static/images/closed.png"/>
Inheritance diagram for class <strong>Grid</strong>:
<div id="toggleBlock-summary" style="display:block;"></div>
<div id="toggleBlock-content" style="display:none;">
<p class="graphviz">
<center><img src="_static/images/inheritance/wx.grid.Grid_inheritance.png" alt="Inheritance diagram of Grid" usemap="#dummy" class="inheritance"/></center>
<script type="text/javascript">toggleVisibilityOnLoad(document.getElementById('toggleBlock'))</script>
<map id="dummy" name="dummy"> <area shape="rect" id="node1" href="wx.grid.Grid.html" title="wx.grid.Grid and its related classes are used for displaying and editing tabular data." alt="" coords="41,179,137,208"/> <area shape="rect" id="node2" href="Scrolled< wxWindow >.html" title="Scrolled< wxWindow >" alt="" coords="5,101,172,131"/> </map>
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.__init__` Default constructor.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AppendCols` Appends one or more new columns to the right of the grid.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AppendRows` Appends one or more new rows to the bottom of the grid.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AreHorzGridLinesClipped` Return ``True`` if the horizontal grid lines stop at the last column boundary or ``False`` if they continue to the end of the window.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AreVertGridLinesClipped` Return ``True`` if the vertical grid lines stop at the last row boundary or ``False`` if they continue to the end of the window.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AssignTable` Assigns a pointer to a custom grid table to be used by the grid.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AutoSize` Automatically sets the height and width of all rows and columns to fit their contents.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AutoSizeColLabelSize` Automatically adjusts width of the column to fit its label.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AutoSizeColumn` Automatically sizes the column to fit its contents.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AutoSizeColumns` Automatically sizes all columns to fit their contents.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AutoSizeRow` Automatically sizes the row to fit its contents.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AutoSizeRowLabelSize` Automatically adjusts height of the row to fit its label.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.AutoSizeRows` Automatically sizes all rows to fit their contents.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.BeginBatch` Increments the grid's batch count.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.BlockToDeviceRect` Convert grid cell coordinates to grid window pixel coordinates.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CalcCellsExposed` Appends one or more new columns to the right of the grid.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CalcColLabelsExposed` Appends one or more new columns to the right of the grid.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CalcGridWindowScrolledPosition` Translates the logical coordinates to the device ones, taking into account the grid window type.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CalcGridWindowUnscrolledPosition` Translates the device coordinates to the logical ones, taking into account the grid window type.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CalcRowLabelsExposed` Appends one or more new columns to the right of the grid.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CanDragCell` Return ``True`` if the dragging of cells is enabled or ``False`` otherwise.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CanDragColMove` Returns ``True`` if columns can be moved by dragging with the mouse.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CanDragColSize` Returns ``True`` if the given column can be resized by dragging with the mouse.
:meth:`~wx.grid.Grid.CanDragGridColEdges` Return ``True`` if co
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