FileForceKiller v1.3
This tool based on the technology of window's kernel, it could delete running files or occuping files. It is suitable for deleting the file in virus analyses.
This product is free software; you can download it, install it, copy it and distribute it noncommercially; If you want use it for commercial sale, copy and distribute, you must get the warranty and permission of DSWLAB before(for example, if the anti-virus company want to use it to analyses the Trojan horse in batches, he must get mandate and permission of DSWLAB before).
The feature of FileForceKiller.exe£º
1.Drop files or hit "Add File" button to add file to list for deleting.
2.Copy the name of file which will delete, paste to list for deleting.
3.Check "Ban create file again", can ban that the virus creates the same name file.
4.Check "Don't delete file that has signature", if the file has signature will not delete.
5.Check "Delete after unlocking", will unlock the file before deleting the file.
6.Check "Backup file when deleting(.bak)", will backup the file before deleting the file.
7.Check "Stay on top", the FileForceKiller will stay on top.
8.Check "Register shell extensions", will register shell menu(File Force Killer).
The feature of shell munu(File Force Killer):
1.If the file has been unlocked, hit "Unlock" button to unlock it.
2.Chenck "Delete after unlocking", will unlock the file before deleting the file.
4.Check "Delete after unloading", will unload the module of the file before deleting the file.
5.Hit "Delete" button, can delete files or remove directories.
sucop: Kill various kinds of Trojan horse completely, protect the security of system in an all-round way.
more free tools download£º
Specialized desktop and safe products of content £º
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