SJTU campus wifi pattern mining and analysis
Demographic prediction is an important component of user profile modeling. Accurate prediction of users’ demographics can help many applications, ranging from web search to behavior targeting.
In this project, we focus on how to predict mobile Internet users’ demographics of gender, age and college of students on campus, based on spatial-cyber-semantic analysis (including user trajectory and pattern extraction, user online web page analysis and semantic mining on user search keywords), using dataset collected from SJTU campus Wi-Fi networks.
The prediction accuracy of the ensemble model is around 85%.
System framework
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Code organization
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Data set summary
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Users' observation and online time during 24 hours on a typical weekday
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Users' online behavior from HTTP aspect
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Users' online behavior from keyword aspect
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Users' spatial matrix of different semantic locations for various age groups
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Users' posterior probability comparison of keywords for different genders
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Model's accuracy with different classifiers
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Model's accuracy with different feature dimensions
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Most important features in different tasks
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Model's accuracy with different tasks
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Model's overall performance
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