"Moono-lisa" Skin
This skin has been made a **default skin** starting from CKEditor 4.6.0 and is maintained by the core developers.
For more information about skins, please check the [CKEditor Skin SDK](https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/guide/skin_sdk_intro.html)
"Moono-lisa" is a monochromatic skin, which offers a modern, flat and minimalistic look which blends very well in modern design.
It comes with the following features:
- Chameleon feature with brightness.
- High-contrast compatibility.
- Graphics source provided in SVG.
Directory Structure
CSS parts:
- **editor.css**: the main CSS file. It's simply loading several other files, for easier maintenance,
- **mainui.css**: the file contains styles of entire editor outline structures,
- **toolbar.css**: the file contains styles of the editor toolbar space (top),
- **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar,
- **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded
until the first panel open up,
- **elementspath.css**: the file contains styles of the editor elements path bar (bottom),
- **menu.css**: the file contains styles of all editor menus including context menu and button drop-down,
it's not loaded until the first menu open up,
- **dialog.css**: the CSS files for the dialog UI, it's not loaded until the first dialog open,
- **reset.css**: the file defines the basis of style resets among all editor UI spaces,
- **preset.css**: the file defines the default styles of some UI elements reflecting the skin preference,
- **editor_XYZ.css** and **dialog_XYZ.css**: browser specific CSS hacks.
Other parts:
- **skin.js**: the only JavaScript part of the skin that registers the skin, its browser specific files and its icons and defines the Chameleon feature,
- **images/**: contains a fill general used images,
- **dev/**: contains SVG and PNG source of the skin icons.
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For licensing, see LICENSE.md or [https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license](https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license)
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