Lowest power consumption solution in the
market for embedded applications.
High RF output TX power and RX
Supports both SDIO and SPI as option.
Is delivered fully tested and calibrated
Support for both external antenna or
internal chip antenna by the use of a
switching antenna connector.
The SPB104 is a complete WLAN card for evaluation and
development on platforms like the Atmel EVK1104 using
the AVR32 CPU. The SPB104 includes the WiFi
component HDG104 from H&D Wireless AB and enables
developers to evaluate and develop their own wireless
applications based on the 802.11bg standard compliant
HDG104 and the feature rich AVR32 platform from Atmel.
The HDG104 enables a cost efficient ultra low power,
high performance and feature rich WiFi client solution. It
provides up to 54 Mbit/s data rate when operating in the
OFDM mode and up to 11 Mbit/s data rate when
operating in the DSSS/CCK mode.
HDG104 integrates RF IC, baseband/MAC IC, EEPROM
and RF filters into a highly integrated and optimized SIP
(System In Package) solution with high quality and
reliability. This minimizes the need of external
components, simplifying assembly and test.
This highly integrated solution is optimized for customer
applications running on a host CPU. The host interface
supports SDIO and SPI. Internal RAM comprises both
and data memory eliminating the need for external
RAM, Flash or ROM memory interfaces. Baseband
firmware, FW, is stored on the
host and downloaded at
start up. MAC address, trimming values etc are stored in
the on board EEPROM.
Data Rates: 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48,
and 54Mbps
• Modulation: QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM DBPSK,
• WEP and AES hardware encryption accelerator up
to 128 bit.
• On-chip RF filter for the ISM band 2.4GHz
• An internal 32 kHz oscillator maintains real time in
power save mode, allows the high frequency clock to
be turned off.
• Extensive DMA hardware support for data flow to
reduce CPU load.
Low cost and low power consumption by use of Ultra
Low Power (ULP) technology
• On-board 160 kB SRAM and 1 kB EEPROM
eliminates need for external FLASH, RAM and
EEPROM for firmware
• Internal Boot-ROM. This allows firmware to be
downloaded into SRAM from the host
• Advanced power management for optimum power
consumption at varying load.
• External interfaces SDIO and SPI
• Supply voltage 2.75-3.6 V
• RoHS Compliant
H o m e A u t o m a ti o n
The SPB104 WiFi solution and
the AVR32 EVK1104 is a quick
start for developers that want to
enter the home automation
market such as AMR,
surveillance, entrance control or
general home appliances.
I n d u s t r y S e n s o r N e t w o r k s
WiFi in combination with AVR32
can easily be installed and used
for Industry sensors or remote
control because of the pre-
integration of the EVK and the
availability of WiFi infrastructure.
Media Ap p l i c a tio n s
In all media applications the
problem of how to access and
change the media is easily
solved with WiFi and due to the
high speed and security
functions of 802.11, media such
as mp3, IP-radio or video are
transferred fast and secure.
SPB104-WiFi 802.11b+
g SDIO Evaluation kit Card
Photo: SPB104 – WiFi 802.11b+g SDIO Evaluation kit Card