create user rootmyj identified by psmyj311
default tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
temporary tablespace temp
quota unlimited on DATA_RESTRANT
-- quota unlimited on temp;
grant dba to rootmyj;
revoke dba from rootmyj;
grant unlimited tablespace to rootmyj;
grant delete any table to rootmyj;
grant insert any table to rootmyj;
grant select any table to rootmyj;
grant update any table to rootmyj;
grant backup any table to rootmyj;
grant create session to rootmyj;
grant connect to rootmyj;
grant restricted session to rootmyj;
grant execute any procedure to rootmyj;
grant create any trigger to rootmyj;
grant drop any trigger to rootmyj;
-- Create table
create table USERS
id INTEGER not null,
loginname VARCHAR2(20) not null,
loginpwd VARCHAR2(20) not null,
truename VARCHAR2(20) not null,
email VARCHAR2(20),
phone VARCHAR2(20) not null,
address VARCHAR2(50) not null
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table USERS
add constraint PK_USERS primary key (ID)
using index
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;
-- Create table
create table ADMIN
id INTEGER not null,
loginname VARCHAR2(20) not null,
loginpwd VARCHAR2(20) not null
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table ADMIN
add constraint PK_ADMIN primary key (ID)
using index
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;
-- Create table
create table MEALSERIES
seriesid INTEGER not null,
seriesname VARCHAR2(10)
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table MEALSERIES
add constraint PK_MEALSERIES primary key (SERIESID)
using index
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;
-- Create table
create table MEAL
mealid INTEGER not null,
mealseriesid INTEGER not null,
mealname VARCHAR2(20) not null,
mealsummarize VARCHAR2(250) not null,
mealdescription VARCHAR2(250) not null,
mealprice NUMBER(8,2) not null,
mealimage VARCHAR2(20) not null
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table MEAL
add constraint PK_MEAL primary key (MEALID)
using index
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;
alter table MEAL
add constraint FK_MEAL foreign key (MEALSERIESID)
-- Create table
create table ORDERS
oid INTEGER not null,
userid INTEGER not null,
ordertime DATE not null,
orderstate VARCHAR2(20) not null,
orderprice NUMBER(8,2) not null
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table ORDERS
add constraint PK_ORDERS primary key (OID)
using index
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;
alter table ORDERS
add constraint FK_ORDERS foreign key (USERID)
references USERS (ID);
-- Create table
create table ORDERDTS
odid INTEGER not null,
oid INTEGER not null,
mealid INTEGER not null,
mealprice NUMBER(8,2) not null,
mealcount INTEGER not null
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table ORDERDTS
add constraint PK_ORDERDTS primary key (ODID)
using index
tablespace DATA_RESTRANT
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;
alter table ORDERDTS
add constraint FK_ORDERDTS foreign key (OID)
references ORDERS (OID);
alter table ORDERDTS
add constraint FK_ORDERDTS1 foreign key (MEALID)
references MEAL (MEALID);
-- Create sequence
create sequence SEQ_USERS
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 1
increment by 1
cache 20;
-- Create sequence
create sequence SEQ_ADMIN
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 1
increment by 1
cache 20;
-- Create sequence
create sequence SEQ_MEALSERIES
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 1
increment by 1
cache 20;
-- Create sequence
create sequence SEQ_MEAL
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 1
increment by 1
cache 20;
-- Create sequence
create sequence SEQ_ORDERS
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 1
increment by 1
cache 20;
-- Create sequence
create sequence SEQ_ORDERDTS
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 1
increment by 1
cache 20;
insert into MEALSERIES t(t.seriesid,t.seriesname)values(seq_mealseries.nextval,'川味热菜');
insert into MEALSERIES t(t.seriesid,t.seriesname)values(seq_mealseries.nextval,'川味凉菜');
insert into MEALSERIES t(t.seriesid,t.seriesname)values(seq_mealseries.nextval,'营养汤');