% Version 4.0
% -- added graph layout algorithms
% -- added planar graph algorithms
% -- improved testing code
% -- upgraded to boost 1.36.0
% -- added edge_weight_vector function
% -- new option syntax
% -- fixed bugs with graph generation routines
% Version 3.1:
% -- fixed bug with predecessor return from floyd_warshall_all_sp
% -- updated documentation for all_shortest_paths for predecessor return
% Version 3.0 (beta): more major updates
% -- added grid_graph
% -- added core_numbers
% -- added weighted and directed clustering components
% -- added lengauer_tarjan_dominator_tree
% -- added core_numbers_example
% -- updated to Boost 1.34.0
% -- removed kludge to fix bug in Johnson's all pairs shortest path from
% 1.33.1
% -- added matching, edmonds_maximum_cardinality_matching,
% maximal_matching, and test_matching function
% -- added kolmogorov and edmunds-karp max flow algorithms
% -- max_flow correctly implements the transpose option now
% -- added pred_from_path to convert predecessor arrays into path
% -- fixed bug with breadth_first_search not stopping
% -- fixed documentation bug with breadth_first_search
% -- fixed compiler warnings without -ansi on g++-4.0
% -- added edge_weight_index to automatically generate the edge index matrix
% -- fixed bugs with out of range vertices in all shortest path algorithms
% -- added topological_order function to get the topological order of graph
% vertices
% -- added 'target' vertex optional parameters to all search and shortest
% path algorithms to stop the search early if it finds a target vertex.
% -- added edge weight options to shortest_paths, all_shortest_paths, mst,
% astar_search, betweenness_centrality to allow edge weights that
% are disjoint from the graph.
% -- added significantly more testing code
% -- added new examples for edge-reweighted and targeted search
% -- fixed floyd-warshall and edge-betweenness code to return output with
% respect to the 'istrans' option correctly.
% -- added root option to prim_mst to get rooted prim's trees
% Version 2.1: minor update
% -- fixed bugs with MST and disconnected components
% -- updated to work with Matlab 2006b
% -- added predecessors to floyd_warshall output
% -- added edge centrality output
% -- added graph generation routines
% -- fixed error with erdos_reyni
% 2006-11-10: Fixed bug with MST generating disconnected components
% Version 2.0: complete update
% -- allow dense input (set_matlab_bgl_default('full2sparse',1))
% -- visitors
% -- inplace library
% -- astar search
% -- erdos_reyni generator
% components_mex.c: fixed a bug with calculating the size of each
% component.
% mst.m: Changed to using kruskal as the default following problems
% with prim due to negative edge weights. (2006-05-03)
% Fixed another bug with negative edge weights due to Mark Cummins
% (2006-06-15).
- 粉丝: 4075
- 资源: 4754
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- COMSOL MXene超材料吸收器的性能研究:探索高效能量转换与吸收机制,COMSOL MXene超材料吸收器的性能研究:探索高效能量转换与吸收机制,comsol MXene超材料吸收器 ,com
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