# Fritzing
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The Fritzing application is an Electronic Design Automation software with a low entry barrier, suited for the needs of makers and hobbyists. It offers a unique real-life "breadboard" view, and a parts library with many commonly used high-level components. Fritzing makes it very easy to communicate about circuits, as well as to turn them into PCB layouts ready for production. It is particularly popular among Arduino and Raspberry Pi users, and is widely used in education and creative tinkering.
* For more information on Fritzing and its related activities, visit [http://fritzing.org](http://fritzing.org). There you can also [download](http://fritzing.org/download) the latest releases for all platforms and get help on getting started.
* To report a problem or suggest improvements, use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/fritzing/fritzing-app/issues) or the [user forum](http://forum.fritzing.org).
Please provide steps, what operating system you are on, including the version. Add screenshots or copies of error messages, describe what behavior you saw and what you expected.
* If you would like to help with the development, please take a look at those labels:
* [![label: easy start][~easy start]](https://github.com/fritzing/fritzing-app/labels/easy%20start)
* [![label: challenging start][~challenging start]](https://github.com/fritzing/fritzing-app/labels/challenging%20start)
Some of those don't need C++ skills, like reproducing an issue on a certain platform, or verifying translations of languages we don't speak. If there is something for you, you might want to check the [developer instructions](https://github.com/fritzing/fritzing-app/wiki) next. This includes information about how to compile and run the Fritzing app.
## Project Structure
* **help** - End-user documentation included with the app.
* **parts** - All the part definitions, including meta data (.fzp) and graphics (.svg), as well as some utility tools. They are kept in a separate repository at [https://github.com/fritzing/fritzing-parts](http://github.com/fritzing/fritzing-parts) and only linked from here.
* **pri** - Submodule definitions for Qt
* **resources** - Binaries and definitions that are supposed not to be touched by users, such as fonts, images, special parts, etc.
* **sketches** - Example circuits/sketches shipped with the application
* **src** - Application logic!
* **tools** - Utility tools for making releases, converting parts, etc.
* **translations** - Language translations
## Credits
The Fritzing app was maintained by the Friends-of-Fritzing e.V., a non-profit foundation based in Berlin, Germany. The project has grown out of a state-funded research project at the [Interaction Design Lab](http://idl.fh-potsdam.de) at [Potsdam University of Applied Sciences](http://fh-potsdam.de).
The founding team consists of Prof. Reto Wettach, André Knörig, Jonathan Cohen, and Stefan Hermann. Many [fantastic people](http://fritzing.org/about/people/) have contributed to it over the years.
Since 2019, the project is maintained by Kjell Morgenstern, with great support from Peter Van Epp, André Knörig, and AISLER.
The Fritzing app is written on top of the [Qt cross-platform framework](http://qt-project.org).
## Licensing
The source code of Fritzing is under GNU GPL v3, the documentation and part designs under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareALike 3.0 Unported. The full texts of these licenses are shipped with this download.
This means that you can create your own variation of Fritzing, as long as you credit us and also publish it under GPL. Similarly, you may re-publish our documentation, as long as you credit us, and publish it under the same
license. You may publish circuits and diagrams that you create with Fritzing and that use our graphics, again as long as you credit us, and
publish your works under the same license. A credit can be as simple as "this image was created with Fritzing."
Lookup [our FAQs](http://fritzing.org/faq/) for more details on licensing.
[~help wanted]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-help%20wanted-%23159818
[~easy start]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-easy%20start-%2333AAFF
[~challenging start]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-challenging%20start-%235500EE
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
fritzing 64位 0.95最新.zip (9683个子文件)
0.9.3b 41B
fpgrabber.bat 247B
config 319B
parts.db 10.99MB
description 73B
Qt5Gui.dll 6.21MB
Qt5Core.dll 5.88MB
Qt5Widgets.dll 5.33MB
libGLESv2.dll 3.41MB
qwindows.dll 1.4MB
Qt5Network.dll 1.27MB
git2.dll 1.18MB
qsqlite.dll 1.12MB
qjpeg.dll 394KB
Qt5Svg.dll 331KB
Qt5PrintSupport.dll 317KB
Qt5Sql.dll 206KB
Qt5Xml.dll 192KB
Qt5SerialPort.dll 85KB
windowsprintersupport.dll 55KB
libEGL.dll 24KB
exclude 240B
Fritzing.exe 7.36MB
core.fzb 49KB
sparkfun-digitalic.fzb 19KB
picaxe.fzb 19KB
sparkfun.fzb 17KB
sparkfun-connectors.fzb 16KB
sparkfun-sensors.fzb 16KB
sparkfun-rf.fzb 11KB
sparkfun-poweric.fzb 11KB
sparkfun-etc.fzb 10KB
sparkfun-electromechanical.fzb 9KB
arduino.fzb 9KB
lilypad.fzb 7KB
sparkfun-analogic.fzb 7KB
sparkfun-discretesemi.fzb 5KB
parallax.fzb 4KB
WeMos.fzb 3KB
contribParts.fzb 3KB
seeed_fritzing_parts.fzb 3KB
dagu.fzb 3KB
AnalogDevices.fzb 3KB
frc.fzb 2KB
intel.fzb 2KB
Atlas Scientific.fzb 2KB
snootlab.fzb 2KB
breadboard.fzp 399KB
breadboard2.fzp 339KB
proto_shield_v6MEGA.fzp 275KB
jlpcb-089.fzp 258KB
Mega_Shield-v13.fzp 253KB
Half_breadboard.fzp 225KB
Power Screwshield 1.0a.fzp 217KB
screwshield-v15.fzp 214KB
halfBreadboard.fzp 214KB
arduino_mega_sensor_shield_v20.fzp 191KB
Proto_shield_REV3.fzp 179KB
halfMinusBreadboard.fzp 138KB
raspio_duino.fzp 135KB
ProtoShield-v25.fzp 118KB
microSD_Shield-v13.fzp 108KB
ludusProtoShield.fzp 105KB
tinyBreadboard.fzp 103KB
Memoire-1.0.fzp 89KB
miniBreadboard.fzp 87KB
sparkfun-digitalic-ep2c8_pq208-.fzp 86KB
sparkfun-digitalic-xc3s250_500e-pq208-.fzp 86KB
Wireless_SD_v3.fzp 83KB
xbeeshield-v13.fzp 82KB
Ardumoto v13.fzp 79KB
STM32_Nucleo_board.fzp 78KB
WiFly_Shield-v17.fzp 78KB
USBHostShield-v13.fzp 73KB
sodaq_mbili_rev4 (4).fzp 69KB
SI4735 Shield-v13.fzp 63KB
ArduPilotMega_v15.fzp 63KB
roborio_1.fzp 63KB
MyoWare_Proto_Shield.fzp 61KB
ludusProtoShieldWireless.fzp 60KB
chipkit_MX4.fzp 59KB
pinoccio-proto.fzp 58KB
arduino_mega.fzp 56KB
GPSShield-v15.fzp 56KB
Arduino Voice Shield-v16.fzp 54KB
intel-arduino_galileo_gen2.fzp 52KB
intel-arduino_galileo.fzp 52KB
intel-arduino_galileo_gen2-simple.fzp 51KB
intel-arduino_galileo-simple.fzp 51KB
Arduino_ADK_MEGA_2560-Rev3(icsp).fzp 51KB
WeMos-D1-mini-Protoboard-Shield-no-headers.fzp 48KB
Arduino_ADK_MEGA_2560-Rev3.fzp 48KB
Arduino_ADK_MEGA_2560-Rev3(fix).fzp 47KB
MIDI Music Shield-v13.fzp 47KB
Arduino_DUE_V02b.fzp 46KB
mega_pro-v13.fzp 45KB
controller_wiring.fzp 45KB
gogoboard 4.0.fzp 44KB
sparkfun-electromechanical-buttonpad-4x4-special.fzp 43KB
共 9683 条
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- 97
- WYBLIW2021-10-09是0.9.5版本,可以
- greatriver0072021-01-23非常感谢谢谢
- winter_20212022-01-22还不错,可以使用!
- 粉丝: 6
- 资源: 4
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- 技术资料分享STM32F10xx46-Errata-CH-V2很好的技术资料.zip
- onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.6.0.tgz.zip
- onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.7.0.tgz.zip
- onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.8.0.tgz.zip
- onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.10.0.tgz.zip
- onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.9.0.tgz.zip
- onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.11.0.tgz.zip
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- onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.15.0.tgz.zip
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