Revision 1, June 2013 P a g e | 1
Crystal Oscillator Guidance for Lora Modulation
LoRa Modulation:
Crystal Oscillator Guidance
1 Introduction
The purpose of this application note is to assist the engineer with the selection of a suitable crystal
oscillator for the LoRa modulation family of long-range wireless ISM transceiver devices.
It is recommended that this application note be read in conjunction with Semtech Application Note
AN1200.07, “Improving the Accuracy of a Crystal Oscillator” [1], for further information on crystal
oscillator specifications and parameters.
2 LoRa Modulation
LoRa, Semtech’s proprietary modulation is a spread spectrum technique that uses wideband linear
frequency modulated pulses to encode information, whose frequency increases or decreases over a
certain amount of time.
As with other spread spectrum modulation techniques LoRa uses the entire channel bandwidth to
broadcast a signal, making it robust to channel noise. In addition, because LoRa modulation uses a broad
band of the spectrum it is also resistant to long term relative frequency error and multi-path fading and
Doppler effects.
3 LoRa Modulation Crystal Specification
The Crystal specification for LoRa modulation is tabulated below in Table 1.
It can be observed that the crystal specification for Semtech’s family of LoRa modulation transceivers is
similar to those of existing Semtech FSK ISM transceiver range. Since the internal oscillator drive
circuitry of Semtech transceivers are similar it can be seen that no special IP is required to condition the