TscExcelExport 3.6 full source
* The warnings 'unsafe code', 'unsafe type' and 'unsafe typecast' should be ignored. In Delphi 7, 2005, 2006, Turbo Delphi and 2007 these warnings can be disabled in your project options. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 (February 2000) Version 1.2 - Improved connection to Excel Version 1.3 - Added Orientation of titles - Added StyleColumnWidth Version 1.4 - Improved GetColumnCharacters - Added Border properties and background colors for Titles, Data and Summary - Added Summary properties (SummarySelection, SummaryFields, SummaryCalculation) Version 1.5 - Improved speed of exporting data - Improved exporting string-fields - Added ConnectTo property Version 1.6 - Suppression of reference to Dataset.RecordCount (thanks to G閞ard Beneteau) - Added VisibleFieldsOnly property Version 1.7 - Notification when disconnecting dataset - Very fast export by using a variant matrix (thanks to Frank van den Bergh) Version 1.8 - Bug in exporting titles (thanks to Roberto Parola) - Setting format of cells before exporting data (thanks to Asbj鴕n Heggvik) - Added BlockOfRecords property : little bit faster and more control of memory - Added properties to set begin row of titles and data Version 1.9 - Added properties (Orientation, WrapText, Alignment) to font (thanks to David Balick) (property OrientationTitles is removed) - Added HeaderText (thanks to David Balick) - Improved some routines Version 2.0 - Added read only property with row number of last data row - Added property with the Excel tabsheet so after the export it is possible to access the cells in Excel - Added event OnExportRecords Version 2.1 - Bugfixes Version 2.2 - Bugfix when exporting filtered dataset (thanks to Heinz Faerber) - New column width styles : cwFieldDisplayWidth, cwFieldDataSize, cwEnhAutoFit (idea from Scott Stanek) Version 2.3 - Added properties begin column data/titles and header (idea from Knjazev Sergey) - Added property ShowTitles Version 2.4 - Support for Delphi 6.0 Version 2.5 - D6 : problem when using disconnect Version 2.6 - Bugfixes and some improvements - Added method LoadDefaultProperties to reset all properties - Improvement SetFormat (thanks to Enrico Chiaramonte) - Improvements using borders (thanks to Ot醰io) - Added event OnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent (thanks to Yuri Plotnikov) - Added events to export data without using a TDataset and new property DataPipe : dpDataset, dpCustom (thanks to David Balick) - Event OnExportRecords will be triggered after exporting the record Version 2.7 - Some bugfixes - Added new unit scExcelExportReg which contains a component editor - Added exceptions to prevent access violations (EFileNotExists, ENoDatasetConnected, EDatasetNotActive, ENoActiveWorkbook) - Added new property Filename which can be used to add data to existing file - Add data to existing worksheet when name of given worksheet already exists - Added new feature to group rows (thanks to Vadim Mescheryakov & Stijn Vansummeren) - Added new group options properties : ClearContents, BorderRange, IntervalFontSize - New events for exporting without dataset : OnGotoFirstRecord, OnGotoNextRecord Version 2.81 - Created a package for Delphi5 and Delphi6 to make installation easier - Added new public method Connect. Can be used to make a connection to Excel before exporting data. When exporting more datasets at the same time, the Disconnect method should be used after using the ExportDataset method ! - Added new read only property Connected. - Text property of field in stead of Value property is exported so OnGetText events can be used Version 2.91 - Improvements SetFormat (before exporting data) - Added support for fieldtype ftTimeStamp - Added fieldtype ftMemo, ftOraClob, ftFmtMemo, these kinds of fields are exported using AsVariant not the Text property like other fields - Improvement for regional settings of floats (thanks to Jorge Pinetta) - Improvement ShowTitles and BeginRowData properties (thanks to Jordi March i Nogu? - Added FooterText properties - Small changes for Delphi 7.0 Version 3.0 - Bugfix for Delphi 5 (added extra compiler directives) - Improvements constants of Borders, Colors, ... - Use OnGetText event for memo field when it is assigned, otherwise export contents of memo - Improvement exporting string data when DataPipe = dpCustom - New demonstration program Version 3.1 - Bugfix for displayformat (InitFormatNumbers was disabled) - Improvements for exporting currency fields (a kind of curency displayformat is created so that the result in Excel looks the same as in your Delphi program) - Improvement for setting displayformat for cells. This has to be done before exporting. In previous version this was done from row 1 to 9999. When exporting more records they had no displayformat. Now displayformat for each block of rows is set. This will also increase the file size ! - Added resource strings for the exceptions. Now these error messages can be translated. - Added scAVG (average) as new TSummaryCalculation type Version 3.11 - Added support for displayformat of datetime fields Version 3.12 - Bugfix displayformat of time field Version 3.2 (May 2004) - Bugfix displayformat with thousand seperators - Bugfix date time fields with Excel 2003 (internal American datetime format should be used) - Tested with MS Excel 2003 Version 3.3 (February 2005) - Bugfixes : ExcelVersion, Excel 2003, ... - Created 2 packages, a run-time (ExcelExportPack) and a design-time (dclExcelExportPack) - Added package for Delphi (BDS) 2005 - Added new OnCellStyle event which can be used to change the background color and font color, size, name and bold style of a cell - Added new OnFieldCellStyle event which can be used to change the background color and font color, size, name and bold style of a cell when datapipe is set to dpCustom - Added ftBCD and ftFMTBCD datatype in IsValueField function - Added ftFMTBCD datatype to CanConvertFieldToCell function Version 3.31 (February 2005) - Empty datetime fields are exported as '' instead of 31/12/1899 (thanks to Peter Hannah) Version 3.4 (April 2006) - Bugfix Memo fields, maximum length 910 (thanks to Douglas Neckers) - Bugfix set font and style when there are more then 26 columns (thanks to Horst Borscht) - Made properties ExcelApplication and ExcelWorkbook public - Added IsExcelAppActive function - Added ENotSupported exception - Added Quit option for Disconnect method - Added support for ExcelXP type library - Added FileFormat XML (XML spreadsheet, only with ExcelXP type library) - Added scExcelExportConfig.inc unit with compiler directives for choosing Excel type library (97, 2000, XP) - Added package and package group for Delphi (BDS) 2006 Version 3.41 (May 2006) - Bugfix compiler directives in Delphi 5 - Added SummaryDisplayFormat property Version 3.42 (June 2006) - Bugfix BeginRowHeader - Added PropertyGroups parameter to LoadDefaultProperties Now a set of property groups can be given : pgFont, pgPositions, pgSummary, pgGroup, pgText, pgOther - Improvement WorkSheetName. By setting the WorkSheetName property an existing or new worksheet can be focused after the export. Version 3.5 (September 2006) - Bugfix setting column width - Added properties for merging of header and footer cells (MergeHeaderCells, MergeFooterCells) - Added AutoFilter property for titles of dataset - Added support for Excel 2007 (b鑤a) - Added ffXLSX for saving files in Excel 2007 Open XML format - Added support for OnGetText event for numeric fields - Added public property for LCID so it can be used after exporting - Using default font and size of Excel by setting Size = -1 and Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' -> Excel97/2003 : Arial size 10, Excel 2007 : Calibri size 11 - Tested with Turbo Delphi Explorer (Win32) Version 3.51 (October 2006) - Added readonly TypeLibrary property Version 3.6 (June 2007) - Added support for Delphi 2007 - Retested support for Excel 2007 - Tested with Windows Vista - Started with converting comments to XML documentation - Added public method FindFirstEmptyRow
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- N88X82012-09-17for delphi 2009 and above.
- jhlz19682014-12-04还不错,有参考价值
- 幻想多巴胺2012-10-25for delphi 2009 and above
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