%MZMESHANALYSE Analyse and improve mesh.
% mzMeshAnalyse analyses a mesh and highlights elements which gives the
% mesh a "bad" quality. The user can zoom in on the worse element or
% toggle between the 20 worse elements in the mesh. And the user can edit
% and modify the mesh in order to improve on the quality.
% Usage:
% mzMeshAnalyse()
% mzMeshAnalyse(meshfilename)
% mzMeshAnalyse(meshfilename,s)
% Inputs:
% meshfilename : filename of mesh file. Leave out or use [] to open
% a file selection dialog
% s : Initial constant surface elevation,
% optional, default s=0
% The quality of the mesh is measured in three different ways:
% 1) Simulation timestep (dt) based on a CFL condition (sqrt(g*h)).
% Using this measure, the user can decrease simulation runtime, often
% by only editing a few number of elements, significant amount of
% time is saved.
% 2) Smallest angle of elements. Elements with small angles give more
% inaccurate results and should be avoided.
% 3) Smallest area of elements. Small elements close to larger elements
% can give more inaccurate results
% Note that the plot title contains status information of the current
% edit mode, and current quality measure values. 3 values of the current
% quality measure are presented on the form
% smallest [1 5 20]th dt : [3.35 3.74 4.74]s (original 2.37s)
% By pressing 'p' the values in percentage are shown on the form
% smallest [1 5 20]th dt: [70.7 63.2 49.9]% of original 2.37s
% This means that the original minimum dt before editing the mesh was
% 2.37, and the current worse, 5th worse and 20th worse dt is 3.35, 3.74,
% and 4.74 respectively, which is 70.7, 63.2 or 49.9 percent of the
% original minimum time step. If correcting the 4 (or 19) worse elements
% of the current mesh, the minimum dt increases from 3.35 to 3.74 (or
% 4.74). When the difference between the three values in the vector is
% small, further modifications will only have a minor effect on
% simulation time.
% The dt calculated here relate closely to the dt that is used in the
% MikeZero engines. This dt is only static and does not add effect of
% current speed on the dt limitations.
% You can zoom in to the "bad" elements and manually edit the mesh.
% 1) Collapse a face: Select a face, and the two end-nodes of the face
% is collapsed to one node at the center of the face.
% 2) Collapse an element: Select an element, and the element nodes are
% collapsed to one node at the center of the element.
% 3) Create a quad from two neighbouring triangles, by deleting the face
% in between the two.
% 4) Delete a node: Mesh is updated accordingly.
% 5) Mode a node
% 6) Add a node
% Whenever editing the mesh, it is the users responsibility that the mesh
% is still valid and is a good quality mesh. With this tool you can
% modify the mesh such that it is no longer valid for simulations, or
% will give inaccurate results.
% In the plot there are 3 different indicators on bad elements, when
% the measure is dt.
% 1) A mark at one node indicates that the position/existence of this
% node limits the timestep. The node is a candidate for being
% moved/deleted.
% 2) A mark on a face (and its end-nodes) indicate that the
% length/existence of this face limits the timestep. The face is a
% candidate for a collapse.
% 3) A mark at the center of the element indicates that no special
% features where found that limits the timestep, apart from the size
% of the element and its total water depth. You may try to collapse
% the element.
% Several shortcuts can be used (when focus is on the mesh figure)
% Keys controlling zoom
% 'g' : Global view
% 'v' : Zoom to worse element
% 'b' : Zoom toggling between the 20 worse elements
% 'i' : Zoom in (not global view)
% 'o' : Zoom out (not global view)
% Keys controlling measure
% '1' : Use dt as measure
% '2' : Use smallest angle as measure
% '3' : Use element area as measure
% 'p' : Toggle between absolute measure and percentage of original
% Keys controlling edit mode
% 'f' : Collapse face
% 'e' : Collapse element
% 'q' : Create quad from two triangles sharing a face
% 'd' : Delete node
% 'm' : Move node
% 'a' : Add node
% 'z' : Undo last action (at most 10 actions can be undone)
% 's' : Save mesh using new file name (modXX_originalfilename)
% Other keys
% 'h' : Print help text to Matlab console
% 'y' : Plot histograms of mesh properties
% 'c' : Toggle color/black-white mesh (color is less performant)
% Note: If using the figure toolbar, e.g., for zooming, you need to
% unselect the tool on the toolbar before the shortcuts will work again.
% Due to performance issues in the Matlab plotting routines, for larger
% meshes, only a fraction of the internal elements are plotted. All
% element on the boundary are plotted. Also all "bad" elements and their
% neighbours are plotted.
% Based on the concepts and initial analysis code presented in Lambkin,
% D.O. (2007) 'Optimising mesh design in MIKE FM'. DHI website and In:
% Dix, J.K., Lambkin, D.O. and Cazenave, P.W. (2008) 'Development of a
% Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites'.
% English Heritage ALSF project 5224.
% Copyright, DHI, 2007-11-09. Author: JGR