# jsonapi-datastore
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JavaScript client-side [JSON API](http://jsonapi.org) data handling made easy.
Current version is v0.4.0-beta. It is still a work in progress, but should do what it says.
## Description
The [JSONAPI](http://jsonapi.org) standard is great for exchanging data (which is its purpose), but the format is not ideal to work directly with in an application.
jsonapi-datastore is a JavaScript framework-agnostic library (but an [AngularJS version](#angularjs) is provided for convenience) that takes away the burden of handling [JSONAPI](http://jsonapi.org) data on the client side.
What it does:
- read JSONAPI payloads,
- rebuild the underlying data graph,
- allows you to query models and access their relationships directly,
- create new models,
- serialize models for creation/update.
What it does not do:
- make requests to your API. You design your endpoints URLs, the way you handle authentication, caching, etc. is totally up to you.
## Installing
Install jsonapi-datastore with `bower` by running:
$ bower install jsonapi-datastore
or with `npm` by running:
$ npm install jsonapi-datastore
## Parsing data
Just call the `.sync()` method of your store.
var store = new JsonApiDataStore();
This parses the data and incorporates it in the store, taking care of already existing records (by updating them) and relationships.
## Parsing with meta data
If you have meta data in your payload use the `.syncWithMeta` method of your store.
var store = new JsonApiDataStore();
This does everything that `.sync()` does, but returns an object with data and meta split.
## Retrieving models
Just call the `.find(type, id)` method of your store.
var article = store.find('article', 123);
or call the `.findAll(type)` method of your store to get all the models of that type.
var articles = store.findAll('article');
All the attributes *and* relationships are accessible through the model as object properties.
In case a related resource has not been fetched yet (either as a primary resource or as an included resource), the corresponding property on the model will contain only the `type` and `id` (and the `._placeHolder` property will be set to `true`). However, the models are *updated in place*, so you can fetch a related resource later, and your data will remain consistent.
## Serializing data
Just call the `.serialize()` method on the model.
## Examples
// Create a store:
var store = new JsonApiDataStore();
// Then, given the following payload, containing two `articles`, with a related `user` who is the author of both:
var payload = {
data: [{
type: 'article',
id: 1337,
attributes: {
title: 'Cool article'
relationships: {
author: {
data: {
type: 'user',
id: 1
}, {
type: 'article',
id: 300,
attributes: {
title: 'Even cooler article'
relationships: {
author: {
data: {
type: 'user',
id: 1
// we can sync it:
var articles = store.sync(payload);
// which will return the list of synced articles.
// Later, we can retrieve one of those:
var article = store.find('article', 1337);
// If the author resource has not been synced yet, we can only access its id and its type:
// { id: 1, _type: 'article' }
// If we do sync the author resource later:
var authorPayload = {
data: {
type: 'user',
id: 1,
attributes: {
name: 'Lucas'
// we can then access the author's name through our old `article` reference:
// 'Lucas'
// We can also serialize any whole model in a JSONAPI-compliant way:
// ...
// or just a subset of its attributes/relationships:
console.log(article.serialize({ attributes: ['title'], relationships: []}));
// ...
## Documentation
## What's missing
Currently, the store does not handle `links` attributes or resource-level or relationship-level meta.
## Notes
### AngularJS
jsonapi-datastore is bundled with an AngularJs wrapper. Just include `ng-jsonapi-datastore.js` in your `index.html` and require the module `beauby.jsonApiDataStore` in your application.
You can then use the `JsonApiDataStore` factory, which is essentially defined as follows:
store: new JsonApiDataStore(),
Model: JsonApiDataStoreModel
so that you can use it as follows:
.controller('myController', function(JsonApiDataStore) {
var article = JsonApiDataStore.store.find('article', 1337);
var newArticle = new JsonApiDataStore.Model('article');
newArticle.setAttribute('title', 'My cool article');
## Contributing
All pull-requests welcome!
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商城d小程序源码.zip (269个子文件)
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