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Multiple Linear and 1D Regression
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Regression is the study of the conditional distribution Y |x of the response Y given the p × 1 vector of nontrivial predictors x. In a 1D regression model, Y is conditionally independent of x given a single linear combination α + βTx of the predictors, written Y x|(α + βTx) or Y x|βTx. Many of the most used statistical methods are 1D models, including generalized linear models such as multiple linear regression, logistic regression, and Poisson regression
Multiple Linear and 1D Regression
David J. Olive
Southern Illinois University
Department of Mathematics
Mailcode 4408
Carbondale, IL 62901-4408
January 4, 2010
Preface vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Multiple Linear Regression ................. 5
1.2 Logistic Regression ...................... 9
1.3 Poisson Regression ....................... 12
1.4 Single Index Models ...................... 16
1.5 Survival Regression Models ................. 19
1.6 Variable Selection ....................... 20
1.7 Other Issues ........................... 25
1.8 Complements .......................... 27
1.9 Problems ............................. 27
2 Multiple Linear Regression 28
2.1 The MLR Model ........................ 28
2.2 Checking Goodness of Fit .................. 31
2.3 Checking Lack of Fit ..................... 35
2.3.1 Residual Plots ..................... 36
2.3.2 Other Model Violations ............... 40
2.4 The ANOVA F TEST ..................... 42
2.5 Prediction ............................ 49
2.6 The Partial F or Change in SS TEST ........... 56
2.7 The Wald t Test ........................ 61
2.8 The OLS Criterion ....................... 64
2.9 Two Important Special Cases ................ 68
2.9.1 The Location Model .................. 68
2.9.2 Simple Linear Regression .............. 69
2.10 The No Intercept MLR Model ............... 71
2.11 Summary ............................. 74
2.12 Complements .......................... 77
2.12.1 Lack of Fit Tests .................... 79
2.13 Problems ............................. 81
3 Building an MLR Model 102
3.1 Predictor Transformations ..................103
3.2 Graphical Methods for Response Transformations . . . 109
3.3 Main Effects, Interactions and Indicators ........116
3.4 Variable Selection .......................118
3.5 Diagnostics ...........................141
3.6 Outlier Detection .......................146
3.7 Summary .............................151
3.8 Complements ..........................155
3.9 Problems .............................160
4 WLS and Generalized Least Squares 181
4.1 Random Vectors ........................181
4.2 GLS, WLS and FGLS .....................183
4.3 Inference for GLS .......................188
4.4 Complements ..........................191
4.5 Problems .............................191
5 One Way ANOVA 194
5.1 Introduction ...........................194
5.2 Fixed Effects One Way ANOVA ..............196
5.3 Random Effects One Way ANOVA ............207
5.4 Response Transformations for Experimental Design . . 209
5.5 Summary .............................211
5.6 Complements ..........................216
5.7 Problems .............................222
6 K Way ANOVA 234
6.1 Two Way ANOVA .......................234
6.2 kWayAnovaModels .....................240
6.3 Summary .............................240
6.4 Complements ..........................243
6.5 Problems .............................243
7 Block Designs 248
7.1 One Way Block Designs ...................249
7.2 Blocking with the K Way Anova Design .........253
7.3 Latin Square Designs .....................255
7.4 Summary .............................259
7.5 Complements ..........................262
7.6 Problems .............................263
8 Orthogonal Designs 267
8.1 Factorial Designs ........................267
8.2 Fractional Factorial Designs .................283
8.3 Plackett Burman Designs ..................288
8.4 Summary .............................291
8.5 Complements ..........................303
8.6 Problems .............................304
9 More on Experimental Designs 311
9.1 Split Plot Designs .......................311
9.1.1 Whole Plots Randomly Assigned to A ......312
9.1.2 Whole Plots Assigned to A as in a CRBD ....314
9.2 Review of the DOE Models .................317
9.3 Summary .............................320
9.4 Complements ..........................324
9.5 Problems .............................324
10 Logistic Regression 329
10.1 Binary Regression .......................329
10.2 Binomial Regression ......................335
10.3 Inference .............................340
10.4 Variable Selection .......................350
10.5 Complements ..........................358
10.6 Problems .............................361
11 Poisson Regression 375
11.1 Poisson Regression .......................375
11.2 Inference .............................383
11.3 Variable Selection .......................388
11.4 Complements ..........................393
11.5 Problems .............................395
12 Generalized Linear Models 401
12.1 Introduction ...........................401
12.2 Multiple Linear Regression .................403
12.3 Logistic Regression ......................404
12.4 Poisson Regression .......................406
12.5 Inference and Variable Selection ..............407
12.6 Complements ..........................414
12.7 Problems .............................415
13 Theory for Linear Models 416
13.1 Complements ..........................416
13.2 Problems .............................417
14 Multivariate Models 419
14.1 The Multivariate Normal Distribution ..........420
14.2 Elliptically Contoured Distributions ............424
14.3 Sample Mahalanobis Distances ...............428
14.4 Complements ..........................429
14.5 Problems .............................429
15 1D Regression 433
15.1 Estimating the Sufficient Predictor ............436
15.2 Visualizing 1D Regression ..................441
15.3 Predictor Transformations ..................449
15.4 Variable Selection .......................450
15.5 Inference .............................461
15.6 Complements ..........................472
15.7 Problems .............................475
16 Survival Analysis 481
16.1 Univariate Survival Analysis .................482
16.2 Proportional Hazards Regression ..............495
16.2.1 Visualizing the Cox PH Regression Model ....496
16.2.2 Testing and Variable Selection ...........502
16.3 Weibull and Exponential Regression ............509
16.4 Accelerated Failure Time Models .............516
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