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Brief Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About this Book
Chapter 1. A new paradigm for Big Data
1. Batch layer
Chapter 2. Data model for Big Data
Chapter 3. Data model for Big Data: Illustration
Chapter 4. Data storage on the batch layer
Chapter 5. Data storage on the batch layer: Illustration
Chapter 6. Batch layer
Chapter 7. Batch layer: Illustration
Chapter 8. An example batch layer: Architecture and algorithms
Chapter 9. An example batch layer: Implementation
2. Serving layer
Chapter 10. Serving layer
Chapter 11. Serving layer: Illustration
3. Speed layer
Chapter 12. Realtime views
Chapter 13. Realtime views: Illustration
Chapter 14. Queuing and stream processing
Chapter 15. Queuing and stream processing: Illustration
Chapter 16. Micro-batch stream processing
Chapter 17. Micro-batch stream processing: Illustration
Chapter 18. Lambda Architecture in depth
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About this Book
Chapter 1. A new paradigm for Big Data
1.1. How this book is structured
1.2. Scaling with a traditional database
1.2.1. Scaling with a queue
1.2.2. Scaling by sharding the database
1.2.3. Fault-tolerance issues begin
1.2.4. Corruption issues
1.2.5. What went wrong?
1.2.6. How will Big Data techniques help?
1.3. NoSQL is not a panacea
1.4. First principles
1.5. Desired properties of a Big Data system
1.5.1. Robustness and fault tolerance
1.5.2. Low latency reads and updates
1.5.3. Scalability
1.5.4. Generalization
1.5.5. Extensibility
1.5.6. Ad hoc queries
1.5.7. Minimal maintenance
1.5.8. Debuggability
1.6. The problems with fully incremental architectures
1.6.1. Operational complexity
1.6.2. Extreme complexity of achieving eventual consistency
1.6.3. Lack of human-fault tolerance
1.6.4. Fully incremental solution vs. Lambda Architecture solution
1.7. Lambda Architecture
1.7.1. Batch layer
1.7.2. Serving layer
1.7.3. Batch and serving layers satisfy almost all properties
1.7.4. Speed layer
1.8. Recent trends in technology
1.8.1. CPUs aren’t getting faster
1.8.2. Elastic clouds
1.8.3. Vibrant open source ecosystem for Big Data
1.9. Example application: SuperWebAnalytics.com
1.10. Summary
1. Batch layer
Chapter 2. Data model for Big Data
2.1. The properties of data
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