THE SPRING FRAMEWORK, release 2.5.3 (April 2008)
Spring is a modular Java/J2EE application framework, based on code published in "Expert One-on-One
J2EE Design and Development" by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002). Spring includes:
* Powerful JavaBeans-based configuration management, applying Inversion-of-Control principles. This makes
wiring up applications quick and easy. No more singletons littered throughout your codebase, no more arbitrary
properties files: one consistent and elegant approach everywhere. This core bean factory can be used in any
environment, from applets to J2EE containers.
* Generic abstraction layer for transaction management, allowing for pluggable transaction managers, and making
it easy to demarcate transactions without dealing with low-level issues. Generic strategies for JTA and a
single JDBC DataSource are included. In contrast to plain JTA or EJB CMT, Spring's transaction support is not
tied to J2EE environments.
* JDBC abstraction layer that offers a meaningful exception hierarchy (no more pulling vendor codes out of
SQLException), simplifies error handling, and greatly reduces the amount of code you'll need to write.
You'll never need to write another finally block to use JDBC again. The JDBC-oriented exceptions comply to
Spring's generic DAO exception hierarchy.
* Integration with JDO, JPA, Hibernate, TopLink, and iBATIS SQL Maps: in terms of resource holders,
DAO implementation support, and transaction strategies. First-class Hibernate and JDO support with many
IoC convenience features, addressing many typical Hibernate/JDO integration issues. All of these comply
to Spring's generic transaction and DAO exception hierarchies.
* AOP functionality, fully integrated into Spring configuration management. You can AOP-enable any object
managed by Spring, adding aspects such as declarative transaction management. With Spring, you can have
declarative transaction management without EJB... even without JTA, if you're using a single database in
Tomcat (or another web container without JTA support).
* Flexible MVC web application framework, built on core Spring functionality. This dispatcher framework
is highly configurable via strategy interfaces, and accommodates multiple view technologies: e.g. JSP, Tiles,
Velocity, FreeMarker, iText. It comes in a Servlet and a Portlet edition, working closely with the underlying
environment. Note that Spring can easily be combined with third-party web MVC frameworks too: e.g. Struts, JSF.
You can use all of Spring's functionality in any J2EE server, and most of it also in non-managed environments.
A central focus of Spring is to allow for reusable business and data access objects that are not tied to
specific J2EE services. Such objects can be reused across J2EE environments (web or EJB), standalone
applications, test environments, etc without any hassle.
Spring has a layered architecture; all its functionality builds on lower levels. So you can e.g. use the
JavaBeans configuration management without using the MVC framework or AOP support. But if you use the web
MVC framework or AOP support, you'll find they build on the configuration framework, so you can apply your
knowledge about it immediately.
The Spring Framework 2.5 requires JDK 1.4.2 and J2EE 1.3 (Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2, JTA 1.0, EJB 2.0). JDK 1.6 is
required for building the framework; for the full build including all aspects, AspectJ is required as well.
Integration is provided with Log4J 1.2, CGLIB 2.1, AspectJ 1.5, Commons Attributes 2.2, JMX 1.2, JCA 1.0/1.5,
Hibernate 3.1/3.2, TopLink 10.1.3/11, JDO 2.0, JPA 1.0, iBATIS SQL Maps 2.3, Caucho's Hessian 2.1/3.0/3.1,
JAX-RPC 1.1, JAX-WS 2.0/2.1, Quartz 1.5/1.6, EHCache 1.2/1.3, Commons FileUpload 1.2, Velocity 1.5,
FreeMarker 2.3, JasperReports 1.3/2.0, JSTL 1.0/1.1, JSF 1.1/1.2, Struts 1.2/1.3, Tiles 1.2/2.0, etc.
Basic release contents (~5 MB):
* "dist" contains the Spring binary jar files
Contents of the "-with-docs" distribution (~32 MB):
* "dist" contains the Spring binary jar files, as well as corresponding source jars
* "docs" contains the Spring reference documentation in PDF and HTML format, as well as the complete API javadocs
Contents of the "-with-dependencies" distribution (~71 MB):
* "dist" contains the Spring binary jar files, as well as corresponding source jars
* "docs" contains the Spring reference documentation in PDF and HTML format, as well as the complete API javadocs
* "lib" contains all third-party libraries needed for building the framework and/or running the samples
* "src" contains the general Java source files for the framework
* "mock" contains the general Java source files for Spring's mock and testing support classes
* "test" contains the general Java source files for Spring's test suite
* "tiger/src" contains the JDK-1.5-specific Java source files for the framework
* "tiger/mock" contains the JDK-1.5-specific Java source files for Spring's mock and testing support classes
* "tiger/test" contains the JDK-1.5-specific Java source files for Spring's test suite
* "aspectj/src" contains the AspectJ-specific source files for the framework
* "aspectj/test" contains the AspectJ-specific source files for Spring's test suite
* "samples" contains various demo applications
The "lib" directory is only included in the "-with-dependencies" download. Make sure to download this full
distribution ZIP file if you want to run the sample applications and/or build the framework yourself.
Ant build scripts for the framework and the samples are provided. The standard samples can be built with
the included Ant runtime by invoking the corresponding "build.bat" files (see samples subdirectories).
Latest info is available at the public website:
Project info at the SourceForge site:
The Spring Framework is released under the terms of the Apache Software License (see license.txt).
All libraries included in the "-with-dependencies" download are subject to their respective licenses.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (
The "dist" directory contains the following distinct jar files for use in applications. Both module-specific
jar files and a jar file with all of Spring are provided. The following list specifies the corresponding contents
and third-party dependencies. Libraries in brackets are optional, i.e. just necessary for certain functionality.
FULL JAR (dist):
* "spring" (~2850 KB)
- Convenient jar file combining all standard modules (except for the test module and the Spring MVC support)
- Also includes the AOP Alliance interfaces (as a convenience)!
- Does not include contents of spring-aspects.jar, spring-test.jar and spring-webmvc*.jar!
MODULE JARS (dist/modules):
* "spring-aop" (~320 KB)
- Contents: AOP framework
- Dependencies: spring-core, (spring-beans, AOP Alliance)
* "spring-beans" (~470 KB)
- Contents: JavaBeans support, bean container
- Dependencies: spring-core
* "spring-context" (~460 KB)
- Contents: application context, JNDI, JMX, instrumentation, remoting, scripting, scheduling, validation
- Dependencies: spring-beans, (spring-aop, JMX API, EJB API)
* "spring-context-support" (~90 KB)
- Contents: Quartz and CommonJ scheduling, UI templating, mail, caching
- Dependencies: spring-context, (spring-aop, spring-jdbc)
* "spring-core" (~280 KB)
- Contents: core abstractions and utilities, source-level metadata support, repackaged ASM library
- Dependencies: Commons Logging, (Commons Attributes)
* "spring-jdbc" (~310 KB)
- Contents: JDBC support
- Dependencies: spring-beans, spring-tx
* "spring-jms" (~185 KB)
- Contents: JMS 1.0.2/1.1 s
Spring框架是Java开发中不可或缺的一部分,它以其模块化、可扩展性和灵活性而闻名。Spring 2.5.3是该框架的一个重要版本,虽然不是最新的(考虑到Spring框架已经发展到更高版本),但在当时,它引入了许多关键改进和新特性。在这个版本中,Spring团队继续致力于提升开发效率和应用性能。
Spring 2.5.3引入了对Java 5的全面支持,包括泛型和注解。这意味着开发者可以充分利用这些语言特性来编写更加简洁和类型安全的代码。例如,可以使用注解(如@Service、@Repository和@Controller)来声明bean的作用域和服务角色,这简化了配置并降低了XML配置文件的复杂性。
Spring 2.5.3强化了依赖注入(DI)功能,使得管理对象间的依赖关系变得更加容易。通过注解驱动的依赖注入,开发者可以直接在类的字段或方法上使用@Autowired注解,让Spring自动装配依赖,而无需显式地在配置文件中声明。
此外,Spring 2.5.3在AOP(面向切面编程)方面也有增强。新增了基于注解的AOP支持,允许开发者在方法上直接定义切面,如@Transactional注解用于实现事务管理。这减少了对XML配置的依赖,提高了代码的可读性和可维护性。
在数据访问层,Spring 2.5.3加强了对JDBC、Hibernate和iBatis等持久化技术的支持。特别是,对于ORM(对象关系映射)框架,Spring提供了更强大的整合,使得在不同ORM框架之间切换变得更加便捷。
在Web层,Spring MVC在2.5.3版本中也有所优化,提供了一种更直观的方式来处理HTTP请求和构建响应。通过@Controller和@RequestMapping注解,开发者可以更直观地定义控制器行为,同时,ModelAndView类简化了视图模型的处理。
此外,Spring 2.5.3还引入了对JSR-303(Java Bean Validation)标准的支持,这是一个用于验证JavaBeans属性的规范。这使得在业务逻辑中添加验证规则变得更加简单和标准化。
在测试方面,Spring Test库的增强使得单元测试和集成测试更加方便。开发者可以利用@Test注解以及Mockito等工具来编写简洁且隔离的测试用例。
Spring Framework 2.5.3版本是一个重要的里程碑,它提升了开发者的生产力,减少了配置工作,并增强了框架的灵活性和可扩展性。虽然当前Spring已经发展到了更高版本,但理解2.5.3中的这些特性仍然是理解Spring框架核心概念的关键步骤。
- 粉丝: 20
- 资源: 112
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- 【独家首发】粒子群算法PSO优化Transformer-BiLSTM负荷数据回归预测【含Matlab源码 6561期】.zip
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