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<h1 align="center">ToolsFx</h1>
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## Function
### Encoding [wiki](https://github.com/Leon406/ToolsFx/wiki/%E7%BC%96%E8%A7%A3%E7%A0%81(Encoding))
- [x] base64
- [x] urlBase64
- [x] base16/32/36/45/58/62/85/91/92/100
- [x] base58check
- [x] UrlEncode
- [x] Unicode
- [x] js hex(\x61)/js octal(\140)
- [x] binary/octal/decimal/hex
- [x] custom base serial dict
- [x] puny code
- [x] quote printable
- [x] uuEncode
- [x] xxEncode
- [x] escape/escapeAll
- [x] auto decode(crack)
![one key decode](./art/one_key_decode.gif)
**String Process(e.g. Split)**
### Encoding Transfer (not raw data)
- [x] Transfer
### Digest(Hash)
support file, big file which is larger than 8Gi
- [x] md serial
- [x] sha1
- [x] sha2
- [x] sha3
- [x] SM3
- [x] RIPEMD
- [x] whirlpool
- [x] Tiger
- [x] dictionary hash mapping(crack)
- [x] etc.
### MAC
#### HMAC
- [x] md serial
- [x] sha1
- [x] sha2
- [x] sha3
- [x] SM3
- [x] RIPEMD
- [x] whirpool
- [x] Tiger
- [x] etc.
#### CMAC
- [x] Shacal-2CMAC
- [x] SM4-CMAC
- [x] Three-fish-256CMAC / Three-fish-512CMAC / Three-fish-1024CMAC
#### GMAC
#### POLY1305
- [x] POLY1305
- [x] POLY1305-AES
- [x] POLY1305-ARIA
- [x] POLY1305-CAST6
- [x] POLY1305-NOEKEON
- [x] POLY1305-RC6
- [x] POLY1305-SEED
- [x] POLY1305-SERPENT
- [x] POLY1305-SM4
- [x] POLY1305-Twofish
### Symmetric Crypto(block cipher)
#### Encrypt Algorithm
- [x] DES/3DES
- [x] AES
- [x] SM4
- [x] Blowfish
- [x] Twofish
- [x] RC2
- [x] etc.
<summary>support mode</summary>
<li>SIC (also known as CTR)</li>
<li>CTS (equivalent to CBC/WithCTS)</li>
<li>CCM (AEAD)</li>
<li>EAX (AEAD)</li>
<li>GCM (AEAD)</li>
<li>OCB (AEAD)</li>
<summary>support padding scheme</summary>
<li>No padding</li>
<li>withCTS (if used with ECB mode)</li>
### Symmetric Crypto (stream cipher)
- [x] RC4
- [x] HC128/HC256
- [x] ChaCha/ChaCha20/ChaCha20-Poly1305
- [x] Salsa20
- [x] XSalsa20
- [x] VMPC
- [x] Grain v1
- [x] Grain128
- [x] Zuc128
- [x] etc.
### Asymmetric Crypto RSA
- [x] support pkcs1 /pkcs8 key
- [x] support 512/1024/2048/3072/4096 bit
- [x] support plain text length longer than key size
- [x] support public key encrypt and private key encrypt
- [x] support openssl pkcs1/pkcs8 private key format
- [x] support certification cer file
- [x] support pem and pk8 format :new:
### Digital Signature
- [x] RSA serial
- [x] DSA
- [x] ECDSA
- [x] EC
- [x] EdDSA(ED448/ED25192)
- [x] SM2
- [ ] other
### Classical Crypto (for CTF)
- [x] caesar
- [x] rot5/rot13/rot18/rot47
- [x] affine
- [x] virgenene
- [x] atbash
- [x] morse
- [x] qwe keyboard
- [x] polybius
- [x] bacon 24/bacon 26
- [x] one time pad
- [x] socialist core value
- [x] Auto Key
- [x] rail-fence normal /rail-fence w-type
- [x] playfair
- [x] brainfuck/troll/ook
- [x] Braille
- [x] alphabet index
- [x] 01248
- [x] BubbleBabble
- [x] Element Periodic Table
- [x] PawnShop Cipher
- [x] Handy code
- [x] Beaufort
- [x] Porta Cipher
- [x] Bifid/Trifid/FourSquare Cipher
- [x] Gronsfeld Cipher
- [x] Gray code
- [x] Buddha Says(佛曰)
- [x] Hill Cipher
- [x] 新佛曰/兽音/熊曰(online)
- [x] rabbit
- [x] aaencode/jjencode
- [x] RSA crack (nec,pqec)
- [x] etc.
### PBE
### misc模块
- timestamp to date
- date to timestamp
- uuid
- port scan
- ip scan
- ping
- tcping
### Others
- [x] Qrcode/OCR
- [x] String Process
- [x] Big Integer Calculator
- [x] ECC Calculator
- [ ] TBD
### Features
- [x] support drag file
- [x] Symmetric Crypto support base64/hex encoded key, iv
- [x] Digest and Symmetric Crypto support multi files
- [x] i18n
- [x] CTF related
- [x] PBE
- [x] module configurable,support online url
[bouncy castle document](https://www.bouncycastle.org/specifications.html)
## Downloads
[GitHub release](https://github.com/Leon406/ToolsFx/releases)
[gitte mirror(for Chinese user)](https://gitee.com/LeonShih/ToolsFx)
download boost https://leon.lanzoui.com/b0d9av2kb code:52pj plugin download https://leon.lanzoub.com/b0d9w4cof 提取码:ax63
### Issues, PRs are welcome!!!
## Version Choose
- with jre environment (for developer)
- jdk8 ---- choose suffix with jdk8-all-platform
- jdk11+ ---- choose suffix with jdk17-no-jfx-all-platform & also need to config javafx environment
- w/o jre environment(Windows user only,normal user)
- 64bit Windows ---- withjre-win-x64(latest LTS version)
- 32/64bit Windows ---- jdk8-withjre-windows-x86 (if have no idea, choose this)
- beta (jar file, for geeker)
copy jar file to lib directory and delete ToolsFx-xxx.jar or app-xx.jar
- [github action nightly(same as beta,build when code change)](https://github.com/Leon406/ToolsFx/actions/workflows/app-test.yml)
[nightly download ](https://nightly.link/Leon406/ToolsFx/workflows/app-test/dev/artifact.zip)
## How to Run
- Linux/macOS double-click ToolsFx in root directory
- Windows double-click ToolsFx.bat or vbs file(remove black command window)
## How to Config
When Application is running ,it will generate ToolsFx.properties automatically , just modify the value. Below are the
| key | value |
| ----------------------- |------------------------------------------------------|
| isEnableClassical | Classical module switch,default is false |
| isEnablePBE | PBE module switch,default is false |
| isEnableSignature | Signature module switch,default is true |
| isEnableMac | MAC module switch,default is true |
| isEnableSymmetricStream | Symmetric( Stream) module switch,default is true |
| isEnableQrcode | Qrcode module switch,default is true |
| isEnableInternalWebview | Internal Browser switch,default is false |
| offlineMode | offline mode, hide online functions,default is false |
| uiScale