function huffstream = adaptivehuffman(stream,type)
% Matt Clarkson - University of Bath
% Copyleft 2008
% huffstream = adaptivehuffman(stream,type)
% Adaptively encodes or decodes an integer stream. If type is not defined
% the program inspects the input stream and failing to find a suitable
% adaptively encoded huffman stream the program defaults to compression.
% The stream has a two bit header containing the bit depth of the symbols.
% This is easily removed if a constant bit depth is always going to be
% used.
% To help visualise the huffman tree a function "treedetails" can be called
% at any point to display the values of each node.
% Examples:
% huffstream = adaptivehuffman(stream) returns a adaptively huffman encoded
% stream or a decompressed string depending on the input. For compression
% the input must be a one dimensional horizontal unsigned integer
% array. 8 and 16 bit depths are accepted. For decompression the
% input must be a previously encoded string
% huffstream = adaptivehuffman(stream,'enc') returns compressed stream.
% Also the compression percentage is printed.
% huffstream = adaptivehuffman(stream,'dec') returns the result of
% decompressing a previously compressed huffman stream.
%Insect input stream
if nargin < 2; %Inspects input stream
if isinteger(stream)... %If integer...
&& (size((unique(stream)),2) == 2)... %and has two symbols...
&& isa(stream,'uint8')... %and a usigned 8 bit integer stream...
&& ~(size(size(stream),2)~=2)... %and is 2D...
&& (size(stream,1) == 1 && size(stream,2) > 0)... %and is 1D horizontal...
&& sum(unique(stream)) == 1 %and is binary stream
type = 'dec';
type = 'enc';
if ~strcmp(type,'dec') %If not decoding, encode
%Adaptive Huffman Encoding
clear type
%Check stream structure
if ~isinteger(stream);error('Input must be unsigned integer stream');end
for i = 3:6;if isa(stream, num2str(2^i,'int%i'));error('Input must be unsigned integer stream');end;end
if size(size(stream),2)~=2 || ~(size(stream,1) == 1 && size(stream,2) > 0)
error('Input must be a one dimensional horizontal stream');
%Find bit depth of stream and check for accepted bit depths
for i = 3:6
if isa(stream, num2str(2^i,'uint%i'));bitdepth = 2^i;end;
if ~exist('bitdepth','var');error('Input stream must be a unsigned integer');end;
if bitdepth == 64 || bitdepth == 32;error('Bit depth must be 8 or 16');end;
%Set up the Not Yet Transmitted (NYT) Node and Tree Structure
huffstream = uint8([]); %Initialise outputstream
NYT = unique(stream); %Find unique symbols and create NYT list
NYTlocation = double(max(NYT))+2; %Set the NYT location
n = length(stream); %Find length of stream
nodenumber = (2*n); %Find the amount of nodes
tree(1).number = nodenumber; %Total number of nodes
tree(1).parent = 0; %Node parent
tree(1).left = 0; %Node left child
tree(1).right = 0; %Node right child
tree(1).symbol = NYTlocation; %Node symbol
tree(1).weight = 0; %Node Weight
location = zeros(1,NYTlocation); %Location of the symbols in the tree
location(NYTlocation) = 1; %Location of the NYT node
%Add a one bit header to the huffman stream where 0 and 1 represent
%8 and 16 bit depths respectively. If the function is going to be used
%with only one bit depth the following line can be commented out. Make
%sure, the bit depth in the decoding section is changed accordingly
huffstream = [huffstream uint8(bitget((log2(bitdepth)-3),1))];
%Huffman Tree loop
wb = waitbar(0,'Please Wait...','Name','Encoding'); %Creates progress bar
for index = 1:n %For whole stream
symbol = stream(index); %Read in symbol
if sum(NYT == symbol) %Symbol seen before?
nodecode(NYTlocation-1) %Add NYT code to the output stream
treeloop(symbol); %Start the huffman tree loop for symbol
huffstream(length(huffstream)+1:length(huffstream)+bitdepth) = uint8(bitget(symbol,bitdepth:-1:1)); %Output symbol
nodecode(symbol); %Add NYT code to the output stream
treeloop(symbol); %Start the huffman tree loop for symbol
waitbar(index/n,wb); %Update progress bar
close(wb) %Close progress bar
if nargin==2;fprintf(['Compressed: ' num2str((length(huffstream)/(length(stream)*bitdepth))*100,'%6.2f') '%%\n']);end;
%Adaptive Huffman Decoding
clear type
%Finds bitdepth. If the function is going to be used with only one bit
%depth alter the commenting of the following three assignments. Make sure
%that, if a constant bit rate is going to be used, the header assignment in
%the encoding part of the function is commented out.
bitdepth = 2^((bits2dec(stream(1)))+3);stream(1)=[];
%bitdepth = 8;
%bitdepth = 16;
%Set up the Not Yet Transmitted (NYT) Node and Tree Structure
huffstream = eval(num2str(bitdepth,'uint%i([])')); %Initialise outputstream
NYT = 0:(2^bitdepth)-1; %Find unique symbols and create NYT list
NYTlocation = max(NYT)+2; %Set the NYT location
n = length(stream); %Find length of stream
nodenumber = max(2*NYT)+1; %Find the amount of nodes
tree(1).number = nodenumber; %Total number of nodes
tree(1).parent = 0; %Node parent
tree(1).left = 0; %Node left child
tree(1).right = 0; %Node right child
tree(1).symbol = NYTlocation; %Node symbol
tree(1).weight = 0; %Node Weight
location = zeros(1,NYTlocation); %Location of the symbols in the tree
location(NYTlocation) = 1; %Location of the NYT node
%Perform Decoding
wb = waitbar(0,'Please Wait...','Name',