React Redux
Official React bindings for [Redux](
Performant and flexible.
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## Installation
React Redux requires **React 0.14 or later.**
npm install --save react-redux
This assumes that you’re using [npm]( package manager with a module bundler like [Webpack]( or [Browserify]( to consume [CommonJS modules](
If you don’t yet use [npm]( or a modern module bundler, and would rather prefer a single-file [UMD]( build that makes `ReactRedux` available as a global object, you can grab a pre-built version from [cdnjs]( We *don’t* recommend this approach for any serious application, as most of the libraries complementary to Redux are only available on [npm](
## React Native
As of React Native 0.18, React Redux 5.x should work with React Native. If you have any issues with React Redux 5.x on React Native, run `npm ls react` and make sure you don’t have a duplicate React installation in your `node_modules`. We recommend that you use `npm@3.x` which is better at avoiding these kinds of issues.
If you are on an older version of React Native, you’ll need to keep using [React Redux 3.x branch and documentation]( because of [this problem](
## Documentation
- [Redux: Usage with React](
- [API](docs/
- [`<Provider store>`](docs/
- [`connect([mapStateToProps], [mapDispatchToProps], [mergeProps], [options])`](docs/
- [Troubleshooting](docs/
## How Does It Work?
We do a deep dive on how React Redux works in [this readthesource episode](
## License
## 仓库
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Redux 的官方 React 绑定。高性能且灵活。
Official React bindings for Redux. Performant and flexible.
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 2869
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