# vue-server-renderer
> This package is auto-generated. For pull requests please see [src/entries/web-server-renderer.js](https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/next/src/entries/web-server-renderer.js).
This package offers Node.js server-side rendering for Vue 2.0.
- [Installation](#installation)
- [API](#api)
- [Renderer Options](#renderer-options)
- [Why Use `bundleRenderer`?](#why-use-bundlerenderer)
- [Creating the Server Bundle](#creating-the-server-bundle)
- [Component Caching](#component-caching)
- [Client Side Hydration](#client-side-hydration)
## Installation
``` bash
npm install vue-server-renderer
## API
### createRenderer([[rendererOptions](#renderer-options)])
Create a `renderer` instance.
``` js
const renderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createRenderer()
### renderer.renderToString(vm, cb)
Render a Vue instance to string. The callback is a standard Node.js callback that receives the error as the first argument:
``` js
const Vue = require('vue')
const renderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createRenderer()
const vm = new Vue({
render (h) {
return h('div', 'hello')
renderer.renderToString(vm, (err, html) => {
console.log(html) // -> <div server-rendered="true">hello</div>
### renderer.renderToStream(vm)
Render a Vue instance in streaming mode. Returns a Node.js readable stream.
``` js
// example usage with express
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
const vm = new App({ url: req.url })
const stream = renderer.renderToStream(vm)
res.write(`<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>...</title></head><body>`)
stream.on('data', chunk => {
stream.on('end', () => {
### createBundleRenderer(code, [[rendererOptions](#renderer-options)])
Creates a `bundleRenderer` instance using pre-bundled application code (see [Creating the Server Bundle](#creating-the-server-bundle)). For each render call, the code will be re-run in a new context using Node.js' `vm` module. This ensures your application state is discrete between requests, and you don't need to worry about structuring your application in a limiting pattern just for the sake of SSR.
``` js
const bundleRenderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createBundleRenderer(code)
### bundleRenderer.renderToString([context], cb)
Render the bundled app to a string. Same callback interface with `renderer.renderToString`. The optional context object will be passed to the bundle's exported function.
``` js
bundleRenderer.renderToString({ url: '/' }, (err, html) => {
// ...
### bundleRenderer.renderToStream([context])
Render the bundled app to a stream. Same stream interface with `renderer.renderToStream`. The optional context object will be passed to the bundle's exported function.
``` js
.renderToStream({ url: '/' })
## Renderer Options
### directives
Allows you to provide server-side implementations for your custom directives:
``` js
const renderer = createRenderer({
directives: {
example (vnode, directiveMeta) {
// transform vnode based on directive binding metadata
As an example, check out [`v-show`'s server-side implementation](https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/next/src/platforms/web/server/directives/show.js).
### cache
Provide a [component cache](#component-caching) implementation. The cache object must implement the following interface:
``` js
get: (key: string, [cb: Function]) => string | void,
set: (key: string, val: string) => void,
has?: (key: string, [cb: Function]) => boolean | void // optional
A typical usage is passing in an [lru-cache](https://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache):
``` js
const LRU = require('lru-cache')
const renderer = createRenderer({
cache: LRU({
max: 10000
Note that the cache object should at least implement `get` and `set`. In addition, `get` and `has` can be optionally async if they accept a second argument as callback. This allows the cache to make use of async APIs, e.g. a redis client:
``` js
const renderer = createRenderer({
cache: {
get: (key, cb) => {
redisClient.get(key, (err, res) => {
// handle error if any
set: (key, val) => {
redisClient.set(key, val)
## Why Use `bundleRenderer`?
In a typical Node.js app, the server is a long-running process. If we directly require our application code, the instantiated modules will be shared across every request. This imposes some inconvenient restrictions to the application structure: we will have to avoid any use of global stateful singletons (e.g. the store), otherwise state mutations caused by one request will affect the result of the next.
Instead, it's more straightforward to run our app "fresh" for each request, so that we don't have to think about avoiding state contamination across requests. This is exactly what `bundleRenderer` helps us achieve.
## Creating the Server Bundle
<img width="973" alt="screen shot 2016-08-11 at 6 06 57 pm" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/499550/17607895/786a415a-5fee-11e6-9c11-45a2cfdf085c.png">
The application bundle can be generated by any build tool, so you can easily use Webpack + `vue-loader` with the bundleRenderer. You do need to use a slightly different webpack config and entry point for your server-side bundle, but the difference is rather minimal:
1. add `target: 'node'`, and use `output: { libraryTarget: 'commonjs2' }` for your webpack config. Also, it's probably a good idea to [externalize your dependencies](#externals).
2. In your server-side entry point, export a function. The function will receive the render context object (passed to `bundleRenderer.renderToString` or `bundleRenderer.renderToStream`), and should return a Promise, which should eventually resolve to the app's root Vue instance:
``` js
// server-entry.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
const app = new Vue(App)
// the default export should be a function
// which will receive the context of the render call
export default context => {
// data pre-fetching
return app.fetchServerData(context.url).then(() => {
return app
### Externals
When using the `bundleRenderer`, we will by default bundle every dependency of our app into the server bundle as well. This means on each request these depdencies will need to be parsed and evaluated again, which is unnecessary in most cases.
We can optimize this by externalizing dependencies from your bundle. During the render, any raw `require()` calls found in the bundle will return the actual Node module from your rendering process. With Webpack, we can simply list the modules we want to externalize using the [`externals` config option](https://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#externals):
``` js
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
// this will externalize all modules listed under "dependencies"
// in your package.json
externals: Object.keys(require('./package.json').dependencies)
### Externals Caveats
Since externalized modules will be shared across every request, you need to make sure that the dependency is **idempotent**. That is, using it across different requests should always yield the same result - it cannot have global state that may be changed by your application. Interactions between externalized modules are fine (e.g. using a Vue plugin).
## Component Caching
You can easily cache components during SSR by implementing the `serverCacheKey` function:
``` js
export default {
name: 'item', // required
props: ['item'],
serverCacheKey: props => props.item.id,
render (h) {
return h('div', this.item.id)
Note that cachable component **must also define a unique "name" option**. This is necessary for Vue to determine the identity of the component when using the
bundle renderer.
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