<p align="center"><a href="http://vuejs.org" target="_blank"><img src="http://vuejs.org/images/logo.png"></a></p>
# vue.js [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/yyx990803/vue.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/yyx990803/vue) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/yyx990803/vue/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/yyx990803/vue)
> Simple, Fast & Composable MVVM for building interative interfaces.
## Introduction
Vue.js is a library that aims to simplify the development of interactive interfaces.
Technically, it provides the **ViewModel** layer of the MVVM pattern, which connects the **View** (the actual HTML that the user sees) and the **Model** (JSON-compliant plain JavaScript objects) via two way data-bindings.
Philosophically, the goal is to allow the developer to embrace an extremely minimal mental model when dealing with interfaces - there's only one type of object you need to worry about: the ViewModel. It is where all the view logic happens, and manipulating the ViewModel will automatically keep the View and the Model in sync. Actuall DOM manipulations and output formatting are abstracted away into **Directives** and **Filters**.
For more details, guides and documentations, visit [vuejs.org](http://vuejs.org).
## Browser Support
- Most Webkit/Blink-based browsers
- Firefox 4+
- IE9+ (IE9 needs [classList polyfill](https://github.com/remy/polyfills/blob/master/classList.js) and doesn't support transitions)
## Development
``` bash
# in case you don't already have them:
# npm install -g grunt-cli component
$ npm install
$ component install
To build:
``` bash
$ grunt build
To watch and auto-build dev version during development:
``` bash
$ grunt watch
To test:
``` bash
# if you don't have these yet:
# npm install -g phantomjs casperjs
$ grunt test
## License
## 仓库
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
需积分: 0 0 下载量 182 浏览量
收藏 177KB ZIP 举报
vue-0.7.5.zip (104个子文件)
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nested-vms.html 2KB
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template.html 2KB
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share-data.html 1KB
forms.html 1KB
runner.html 1KB
index.html 1KB
validation.html 1KB
repeated-vms.html 1KB
simple-dir.html 952B
routing.html 952B
chai.js 112KB
mocha.js 111KB
vue.js 89KB
vue.min.js 31KB
api.js 28KB
directives.js 21KB
compiler.js 19KB
observer.js 18KB
viewmodel.js 15KB
directive.js 14KB
todomvc.js 12KB
utils.js 10KB
observer.js 9KB
transition.js 8KB
repeat.js 6KB
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model.js 4KB
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Gruntfile.js 3KB
app.js 3KB
expression.js 3KB
misc.js 3KB
on.js 2KB
classList.js 2KB
text-parser.js 2KB
filters.js 2KB
benchmark.js 2KB
binding.js 2KB
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batcher.js 2KB
if.js 1KB
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app.js 1KB
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extend.js 1KB
forms.js 995B
text-parser.js 916B
nested-vms.js 889B
routing.js 832B
batcher.js 787B
config.js 727B
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emitter.js 646B
casper.js 638B
simple-dir.js 551B
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template.js 487B
validators.js 472B
dev.js 387B
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.jshintrc 544B
.jshintrc 248B
package.json 1KB
component.json 978B
.bower.json 400B
bower.json 395B
bower.json 53B
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- 漂亮动态效果PPT柱形图-3.pptx
- 山形柱状图数据分析PPT模板-1.pptx
- 长阴影扁平化PPT柱形图模板-1.pptx
- 山形锥形柱状图PPT模板素材-1.pptx
- 条形图-数据图表-简约扁平-3.pptx
- 条形图-数据图表-时尚红蓝-PPT模板-3.pptx
- 小人人数比例分析说明PPT模板-1.pptx
- 柱状图-数据图表-高端商务-3.pptx
- 柱状图-数据图表-扁平简洁-3.pptx
- 柱状图-数据图表-简约扁平 -3.pptx
- 柱状图-数据图表-清新活泼-3.pptx
- 柱状图-数据图表-折纸简洁-3.pptx
- 柱状图-数据图表-简约扁平--1.pptx
- windows tcp连通性测试工具tcping64
- CDN(内容分发网络)核心技术解析及其在网络优化中的应用
- 饼图-数据图表-简约清新 -3.pptx