# LethalCompany InputUtils
Utilities for creating InputActions and having them be accessible in-game.
InputActions created through this mod are accessible in-game via the keybinds menu added in update v45.
#### For feature requests or issues head over to my [repo](https://github.com/Rune580/LethalCompanyInputUtils)
## General Users
This mod is just a dependency for other mods, it doesn't add content, but it allows mods to add keybinds.
### Where are my bind overrides stored?
Depends on the version of InputUtils:
- **>= 0.4.1** `BepInEx/config/controls`
- **<= 0.4.0** `BepInEx/controls`
### Recommended Install
Use a Mod manager. I won't provide support if a mod manager wasn't used, a mod manager makes it far easier to debug issues since users can just share a modpack code.
## Developer Quick-Start
*This Api/Mod is still in beta, please keep in mind that stuff may change.*
Feedback is appreciated.
Download the latest release from either the [Thunderstore](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Rune580/LethalCompany_InputUtils) or the [Releases](https://github.com/Rune580/LethalCompanyInputUtils/releases).
Extract the zip and add a reference to the dll file of the mod in Visual Studio or Rider.
### Initializing Your Binds
- Create a **subclass of `LcInputActions`**
- An instance of this class will contain all `InputAction`s your mod wishes to bind inputs for
- Name the class appropriately
- Create InputActions [using Attributes](#using-attributes) and/or [at Runtime](#at-runtime)
public class MyExampleInputClass : LcInputActions
[InputAction("<Keyboard>/g", Name = "Explode")]
public InputAction ExplodeKey { get; set; }
[InputAction("<Keyboard>/h", Name = "Another")]
public InputAction AnotherKey { get; set; }
### Using Attributes
- **Create instance properties** for all desired `InputActions`
- **Annotate** the instance properties with the `[InputAction(...)]` annotation
> For actions to be registered to the API, **Properties MUST be annotated with `[InputAction(...)]`**
>[InputAction("YourkbmPath", Name = "", GamepadPath = "", KbmInteractions = "", GamepadInteractions = "", ActionID = "", ActionType = InputActionType...)]
#### Required Parameters
* `kbmPath`: The default bind for Keyboard and Mouse devices
#### Optional Parameters
* `Name`: The Displayed text in the game keybinds menu
* `GamepadPath`: The default bind for Gamepad devices
* `KbmInteractions`: Sets the interactions of the kbm binding. See [Interactions Docs](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@1.7/api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Interactions.html)
* `GamepadInteractions`: Sets the interactions of the gamepad binding. See [Interactions Docs](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@1.7/api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Interactions.html)
* `ActionID`: Overrides the generated actionId (Generally you don't want to change this)
* `ActionType`: Determines the behavior with which the action triggers. See [ActionType Docs](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@1.0/api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputActionType.html)
So your Attribute could be written like this:
[InputAction("<Keyboard>/minus", Name = "Explode")]
public InputAction ExplodeKey { get; set; }
Or with any combination of optional parameters:
[InputAction("<Keyboard>/minus", Name = "Explode", GamepadPath = "<Gamepad>/Button North", KbmInteractions = "hold(duration = 5)")]
public InputAction ExplodeKey { get; set; }
> [!NOTE]
> In this case above the Hold Interaction is being used. This keybind triggers after being held for *5* seconds. See [Interactions Docs](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@1.7/api/UnityEngine.InputSystem.Interactions.html)
### At Runtime
- **Override Method** `void CreateInputActions(in InputActionMapBuilder builder)`
- Use the builder to create InputActions
- **Reference InputAction** by calling `Asset["actionId"]` in your class
> Make sure you call `Finish()` after you're done creating each InputAction.
Here's an example usage of the runtime api
public class MyExampleInputClass : LcInputActions
public static readonly MyExampleInputClass Instance = new();
public InputAction ExplodeKey => Asset["explodekey"];
public override void CreateInputActions(in InputActionMapBuilder builder)
### Referencing Your Binds
To use your InputActions class, you need to instantiate it.
> Do **not** create more than one instance of your InputActions class.
> If your class is instantiated more than once, your InputActions are unlikely to work as intended.
The easiest (opinionated) way to do so would be to have a static instance in your plugin class.
[BepInDependency("com.rune580.LethalCompanyInputUtils", BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.HardDependency)]
public class MyExamplePlugin : BaseUnityPlugin
internal static MyExampleInputClass InputActionsInstance = new MyExampleInputClass();
You could also opt for instantiating the instance in the InputActions class (Singleton-style).
public class MyExampleInputClass : LcInputActions
public static MyExampleInputClass Instance = new();
[InputAction("explodekey", "<Keyboard>/j", "<Gamepad>/Button North", Name = "Explode")]
public InputAction ExplodeKey { get; set; }
> #### But How Do I Get My Binds String?
> You may have noticed that `<keyboard>/yourKey` can be a little confusing for the special buttons. So try this:
> 1. First, arbitrarily set the value to some regular value or just an empty string
> 2. Then, load up your mod and change the keybind to the desired key
> 3. After, look in your `.../BepInEx/controls/YOURMODID.json` file
> 4. Find the `{"action":"myaction","origPath":"","path":"<Keyboard>/f8"}]}`
> 5. Last, copy that `path:""` from the far right i.e. `"<Keyboard>/f8"`
### Using Your Binds
You could then simply reference the instance anywhere you need to have your actions at.
public class MyOtherClassOrMonoBehavior
public void DoSomething()
MyExamplePlugin.InputActionsInstance.ExplodeKey ...
public class MyOtherClassOrMonoBehavior
public void DoSomething()
MyExampleInputClass.Instance.ExplodeKey ...
#### Best Practices
It is common to see tutorials call `InputAction.ReadValue<>()` or `InputAction.triggered` from mono-behaviour `Update()` functions.
public class MyOtherClassOrMonoBehavior
public void Update()
public void DoSomething()
if (!MyExamplePlugin.InputActionsInstance.ExplodeKey.triggered) return;
//Your executing code here
This approach is sufficient for 'continuous' actions, e.g. movement.
For 'discrete' actions, it's more appropriate to create event listeners that accept an `InputAction.CallbackContext`
and subscribe to `InputAction.performed`.
public class MyOtherClassOrMonoBehavior
public void Awake()
// Name this whatever you like. It needs to be called exactly once, so
public void SetupKeybindCallbacks()
MyExamplePlugin.InputActionsInstance.ExplodeKey.performed += OnExplodeKeyPressed;
public void OnExplodeKeyPressed(InputAction.CallbackContext explodeConext)
if (!explodeConext.performed) return;
// Add more context checks if desired
// Your executing code here
### Using InputUtils as an Optional or Soft Dependency
First make sure to add the `[BepInDepe
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