Copyright NComputing Inc. - 2009
Product Release Notes
NComputing vSpace
Software for the L-series
Thank you for using NComputing® products. These release notes contain important information regarding the
newest available release for your L-series NComputing desktop virtualization kits. NComputing recommends you
read the entire document thoroughly prior to installation.
Product: NComputing vSpace for L-Series devices
Version: 4.04.007
Changes since previous release include:
• Updated for compatibility with Windows update KB956572
• You can download the NComputing software update in either of the following two ways:
Run the NComputing update utility on your NComputing host systems. This utility will download the
setup software for the appropriate version of vSpace for your hardware.
Updating vSpace or NCT-2000-XP Software:
Once you have successfully completed the NComputing software registration process, you can update the
host software directly over the Internet by selecting “vSpace update” or “NCT-2000-XP Internet Update” from
the “Start” menu. (If the “Enter Password” window appears, enter the administrator password.)
Click the “Connect” button on the Update Wizard to check for the latest software update and click on the
“Download” button to start the download process.
When the download is complete, installation of the new version will begin; just follow the instructions in the
installation wizard.
2. Alternatively, you can go to the Support section of the NComputing website and login and
download the software directly from the Software Download Center. Please note that if you have
not already done so, you will be prompted to create an online account to access the software from
the download center.
IMPORTANT: During the update process you will be prompted to uninstall the current version of
NComputing software – when doing so, be sure to keep your registration data active (do NOT select
“unregister” when prompted).
Known issues:
Note that Windows update KB968537 may generate a popup warning bubble (example below). This
warning has no impact on core vSpace functionality and can be ignored. The popup bubble is
displayed only on the host console session once per system reboot and will disappear on its own after
a few seconds. You can also dismiss the popup by simply clicking the bubble’s “X” symbol.
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