provide a practical overview of their applications in modern signal analysis,
modeling, and learning problems.
Software accompanying this tutorial is available at [43].
B. Why transport?
In recent years numerous techniques for signal and image analysis have been developed to
address important learning and estimation problems. Researchers working to find solutions
to these problems have found it necessary to develop techniques to compare signal
intensities across different signal/image coordinates. A common problem in medical
imaging, for example, is the analysis of magnetic resonance images with the goal of learning
brain morphology differences between healthy and diseased populations. Decades of
research in this area have culminated with techniques such as voxel and deformation-based
morphology which make use of nonlinear registration methods to understand differences in
tissue density and locations. Likewise, the development of dynamic time warping techniques
was necessary to enable the comparison of time series data more meaningfully, without
confounds from commonly encountered variations in time. Finally, researchers desiring to
create realistic models of facial appearance have long understood that appearance models for
eyes, lips, nose, etc. are significantly different and must thus be dependent on position
relative to a fixed anatomy. The pervasive success of these, as well as other techniques such
as optical flow, level-set methods, deep neural networks, for example, have thus taught us
that 1) nonlinearity and 2) modeling the location of pixel intensities are essential concepts to
keep in mind when solving modern regression problems related to estimation and
The methodology mentioned above for modeling appearance and learning morphology, time
series analysis and predictive modeling, deep neural networks for classification of sensor
data, etc., is algorithmic in nature. The transport-related techniques reviewed below are
nonlinear methods that, unlike linear methods such as Fourier, wavelets, and dictionary
models, for example, explicitly model jointly signal intensities as well as their locations.
Furthermore, they are often based on the theory of optimal mass transport from which
fundamental principles can be put to use. Thus they hold the promise to ultimately play a
significant role in the development of a theoretical foundation for certain subclasses of
modern learning and estimation problems.
C. Overview and outline
As detailed below in section II, the optimal mass transport problem first arose due to Monge
[35]. It was later expanded by Kantorovich [23] and found applications in operations
research and economics. Section III provides an overview of the mathematical principles and
formulation of optimal transport-related metrics, their geometric interpretation, and related
embedding methods and signal transforms. We also explain Brenier’s theorem [9], which
helped pave the way for several practical numerical implementation algorithms, which are
then explained in detail in section IV. Finally, in section V we review and demonstrate the
application of transport-based techniques to numerous problems including: image retrieval,
registration and morphing, color and texture analysis, image denoising and restoration,
Kolouri et al.
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IEEE Signal Process Mag
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 June 29.
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