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这份文件是《美国电动汽车快速充电走廊路线图2023》,主要分析了美国电动汽车(EV)长途充电基础设施的现状与未来规划,并提出了具体的建议措施。以下是核心内容提炼: 项目背景与目的: 背景:随着电动汽车市场的快速增长,建设全面的长途充电基础设施成为迫切需求。 目的:制定美国电动汽车快速充电走廊路线图,确保电动汽车车主能够顺畅进行长途旅行。 现有充电站情况: 现状:目前已有509个符合NEVI(国家电动汽车基础设施)标准的公共非特斯拉充电站,即“走廊就绪”充电站。 问题:部分走廊区段充电站间距超过50英里,不满足NEVI要求,存在网络缺口。 推荐充电站布局: 战略部署:建议在特定位置增设1,084个充电站,以解决现有网络缺口。 布局原则:根据NEVI指南,确保充电站间距不超过50英里,以达到全面建成的标准。 充电站类型与成本: 类别:包括高速公路充电站和其他公路充电站,分别满足不同路段的充电需求。 成本:具体成本因州而异,需考虑州际充电站和公路充电站的建设成本。 资金来源与分配: 资金来源:NEVI计划将在2022年至2026年间提供总计50亿美元的资金支持。 资金分配:各州获得的资金额
Plugged In:
How Americans
Charge Their Electric Vehicles
Findings from the largest plug-in electric vehicle
infrastructure demonstration in the world
Building the Laboratory
Barriers to PEV adoption
remain, however. One of
the most commonly cited
barriers is the need for places
for PEV drivers to plug in their
vehicles. How many and what
kind of charging stations are
needed? Where and how
often do PEV drivers charge?
To answer these questions,
the U.S. Department of
Energy launched The EV
Project and the ChargePoint
America project. Combined,
these projects form the
largest PEV infrastructure
demonstration in the world.
Between Jan. 1, 2011, and
Dec. 31, 2013, this com-
bined project installed
nearly 17,000 alternating
current (AC) Level 2 charging
stations for residential and
commercial use and over 100
dual-port direct current (DC)
fast chargers in 22 regions
across the United States.
More than 8,000 privately
owned Nissan Leafs and
Chevrolet Volts and more
than 300 Smart ForTwo
Electric Drive vehicles in
Car2Go car-sharing eets
were enrolled in the project.
This project was not just
about installing charging
infrastructure; the pur-
pose was to build a living
laboratory to study its use
and learn.
To accomplish this, Idaho
National Laboratory part-
nered with the Blink Net-
work, ChargePoint, General
Motors and OnStar, Nissan
North America, and Car2Go
to collect and analyze data
from the electric vehicle
charging stations and vehi-
cles enrolled in the project.
Private vehicle owners
participating in the project
had an AC Level 2 (240-volt)
charging unit installed in
their residences. In return,
they gave written consent
for researchers to collect
and analyze data from their
home charging units and
their PEVs. Data also was
collected from publicly
accessible charging stations
installed at a wide variety
of venues in and between
metropolitan areas around
the United States.
Data collected from vehicles
and charging infrastructure
over the 3-year project
period captured almost 125
million miles of driving and
6 million charging events,
providing the most com-
prehensive view of PEV and
charging usage to date.
Through partnerships with
states, municipalities, elec-
tric utilities, local business
owners, and numerous other
stakeholders, The EV Project
and ChargePoint America
installed charging stations in
22 regions across the United
States, shown in Figure 1.
Widespread adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) has
the potential to signicantly reduce our nation’s transportation
petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
San Francisco,
Sacramento, CA
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA
San Antonio, TX
Houston, TX
Corvallis, OR
Tacoma, WA
Tucson, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Ft. Worth, TX
Chicago, IL
Nashville, TN
Memphis, TN
Boston, MA
Public AC Level 2 charging
stations installed
Public DC fast chargers installed
Chevrolet Volts enrolled
Nissan Leafs enrolled
New York City, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Washington, DC
Knoxville, TN
Chattanooga, TN
Atlanta, GA
125 Million
Regions in the U.S.
Miles of driving
Primary project partners
Million charging events
Figure 1.
Areas where public
charging infrastructure
was installed and
vehicles were enrolled
in The EV Project and
ChargePoint America.
With gas stations seemingly
on every block, it would
seem logical to expect
that a similarly ubiquitous
network of public charging
stations would be needed
to refuel, or rather, recharge
PEVs. However, charging
stations can be installed
where gas stations cannot –
at people’s homes, work-
places, and destinations
where their cars spend
a long time parked. The
project installed AC Level
2 and DC fast charging
stations in a wide variety
of locations, including
homes, workplaces, stores,
restaurants, gas stations,
and many other venues,
to allow researchers to
observe where PEV drivers
charge. Would they plug in
around town at the nearest
charging station, following
the pattern they followed
with the gas-powered cars
they grew up with, or would
they adopt a new refueling
paradigm and charge at the
few places where they park
their cars for the longest
periods of time?
The answer was clear:
despite the installation of
extensive public charging
infrastructure in most of the
project areas, the majority
of charging was done at
home and work. About half
the project participants
charged at home almost
exclusively. Of those
who charged away from
home, the vast majority
favored three or fewer
away-from-home charging
locations, and one or more
of these locations was at
work for some drivers.
This is not to say that public
charging stations are not
necessary or desirable.
Many DC fast chargers (all
of which were accessible
to the public) experienced
heavy use to support both
in-town and inter-city
driving. Also, a relatively
small number of public AC
Level 2 public charging
sites saw consistently high
use. This begs the question:
what is it about the small
number of highly used
charging sites that led to
their popularity?
There was some correlation
between public charging
location characteristics and
utilization. Public Level 2
charging stations installed
in locations where vehicles
were typically parked for
longer periods of time
often were, in fact, among
those most often used.
These locations included
shopping malls, airports
and commuter lots, and
downtown parking lots or
This study is the largest plug-in electric vehicle
infrastructure demonstration in the world.
What Have We Learned?
Photo courtesy of ChargePoint
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