%WAVE_SIGNIF Significance testing for the 1D Wavelet transform WAVELET
% Y = the time series, or, the VARIANCE of the time series.
% (If this is a single number, it is assumed to be the variance...)
% DT = amount of time between each Y value, i.e. the sampling time.
% SCALE = the vector of scale indices, from previous call to WAVELET.
% SIGNIF = significance levels as a function of SCALE
% FFT_THEOR = output theoretical red-noise spectrum as fn of PERIOD
% *** Note *** setting any of the following to -1 will cause the default
% value to be used.
% SIGTEST = 0, 1, or 2. If omitted, then assume 0.
% If 0 (the default), then just do a regular chi-square test,
% i.e. Eqn (18) from Torrence & Compo.
% If 1, then do a "time-average" test, i.e. Eqn (23).
% In this case, DOF should be set to NA, the number
% of local wavelet spectra that were averaged together.
% For the Global Wavelet Spectrum, this would be NA=N,
% where N is the number of points in your time series.
% If 2, then do a "scale-average" test, i.e. Eqns (25)-(28).
% In this case, DOF should be set to a
% two-element vector [S1,S2], which gives the scale
% range that was averaged together.
% e.g. if one scale-averaged scales between 2 and 8,
% then DOF=[2,8].
% LAG1 = LAG 1 Autocorrelation, used for SIGNIF levels. Default is 0.0
% SIGLVL = significance level to use. Default is 0.95
% DOF = degrees-of-freedom for signif test.
% IF SIGTEST=0, then (automatically) DOF = 2 (or 1 for MOTHER='DOG')
% IF SIGTEST=1, then DOF = NA, the number of times averaged together.
% IF SIGTEST=2, then DOF = [S1,S2], the range of scales averaged.
% Note: IF SIGTEST=1, then DOF can be a vector (same length as SCALEs),
% in which case NA is assumed to vary with SCALE.
% This allows one to average different numbers of times
% together at different scales, or to take into account
% things like the Cone of Influence.
% See discussion following Eqn (23) in Torrence & Compo.
% Copyright (C) 1995-1998, Christopher Torrence and Gilbert P. Compo
% University of Colorado, Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.
% This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
% sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
% routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
% whatsoever.
function [signif,fft_theor] = ...
if (nargin < 9), param = -1;, end
if (nargin < 8), mother = -1;, end
if (nargin < 7), dof = -1;, end
if (nargin < 6), siglvl = -1;, end
if (nargin < 5), lag1 = -1;, end
if (nargin < 4), sigtest = -1;, end
if (nargin < 3)
error('Must input a vector Y, sampling time DT, and SCALE vector')
n1 = length(Y);
J1 = length(scale1) - 1;
scale(1:J1+1) = scale1;
s0 = min(scale);
dj = log(scale(2)/scale(1))/log(2.);
if (n1 == 1)
variance = Y;
variance = std(Y)^2;
if (sigtest == -1), sigtest = 0;, end
if (lag1 == -1), lag1 = 0.0;, end
if (siglvl == -1), siglvl = 0.95;, end
if (mother == -1), mother = 'MORLET';, end
mother = upper(mother);
% get the appropriate parameters [see Table(2)]
if (strcmp(mother,'MORLET')) %---------------------------------- Morlet
if (param == -1), param = 6.;, end
k0 = param;
fourier_factor = (4*pi)/(k0 + sqrt(2 + k0^2)); % Scale-->Fourier [Sec.3h]
empir = [2.,-1,-1,-1];
if (k0 == 6), empir(2:4)=[0.776,2.32,0.60];, end
elseif (strcmp(mother,'PAUL')) %-------------------------------- Paul
if (param == -1), param = 4.;, end
m = param;
fourier_factor = 4*pi/(2*m+1);
empir = [2.,-1,-1,-1];
if (m == 4), empir(2:4)=[1.132,1.17,1.5];, end
elseif (strcmp(mother,'DOG')) %--------------------------------- DOG
if (param == -1), param = 2.;, end
m = param;
fourier_factor = 2*pi*sqrt(2./(2*m+1));
empir = [1.,-1,-1,-1];
if (m == 2), empir(2:4) = [3.541,1.43,1.4];, end
if (m == 6), empir(2:4) = [1.966,1.37,0.97];, end
error('Mother must be one of MORLET,PAUL,DOG')
period = scale.*fourier_factor;
dofmin = empir(1); % Degrees of freedom with no smoothing
Cdelta = empir(2); % reconstruction factor
gamma_fac = empir(3); % time-decorrelation factor
dj0 = empir(4); % scale-decorrelation factor
freq = dt ./ period; % normalized frequency
fft_theor = (1-lag1^2) ./ (1-2*lag1*cos(freq*2*pi)+lag1^2); % [Eqn(16)]
fft_theor = variance*fft_theor; % include time-series variance
signif = fft_theor;
if (dof == -1), dof = dofmin;, end
if (sigtest == 0) % no smoothing, DOF=dofmin [Sec.4]
dof = dofmin;
chisquare = chisquare_inv(siglvl,dof)/dof;
signif = fft_theor*chisquare ; % [Eqn(18)]
elseif (sigtest == 1) % time-averaged significance
if (length(dof) == 1), dof=zeros(1,J1+1)+dof;, end
truncate = find(dof < 1);
dof(truncate) = ones(size(truncate));
dof = dofmin*sqrt(1 + (dof*dt/gamma_fac ./ scale).^2 ); % [Eqn(23)]
truncate = find(dof < dofmin);
dof(truncate) = dofmin*ones(size(truncate)); % minimum DOF is dofmin
for a1 = 1:J1+1
chisquare = chisquare_inv(siglvl,dof(a1))/dof(a1);
signif(a1) = fft_theor(a1)*chisquare;
elseif (sigtest == 2) % time-averaged significance
if (length(dof) ~= 2)
error('DOF must be set to [S1,S2], the range of scale-averages')
if (Cdelta == -1)
error(['Cdelta & dj0 not defined for ',mother, ...
' with param = ',num2str(param)])
s1 = dof(1);
s2 = dof(2);
avg = find((scale >= s1) & (scale <= s2)); % scales between S1 & S2
navg = length(avg);
if (navg == 0)
error(['No valid scales between ',num2str(s1),' and ',num2str(s2)])
Savg = 1./sum(1 ./ scale(avg)); % [Eqn(25)]
Smid = exp((log(s1)+log(s2))/2.); % power-of-two midpoint
dof = (dofmin*navg*Savg/Smid)*sqrt(1 + (navg*dj/dj0)^2); % [Eqn(28)]
fft_theor = Savg*sum(fft_theor(avg) ./ scale(avg)); % [Eqn(27)]
chisquare = chisquare_inv(siglvl,dof)/dof;
signif = (dj*dt/Cdelta/Savg)*fft_theor*chisquare; % [Eqn(26)]
error('sigtest must be either 0, 1, or 2')
% end of code
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