#AWS Mobile SDK for iOS
##Setting Up
To get started with the AWS SDK for iOS, you can set up the SDK and start building a new project, or you integrate the SDK in an existing project. You can also run the samples to get a sense of how the SDK works.
To use the AWS SDK for iOS, you will need the following installed on your development machine:
* Xcode 7 or later
* iOS 8 or later
At the AWS GitHub repo, you can check out the [SDK source code](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ios).
For more information, see [AWS Mobile SDK for iOS Developer Guide](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforios/developerguide/).
##Include the SDK for iOS in an Existing Application
The [samples](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-ios-samples) included with the SDK for iOS are standalone projects that are already set up for you. You can also integrate the SDK for iOS with your own existing project. There are three ways to import the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS into your project:
* [CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org/)
* [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage)
* [Dynamic Frameworks](https://aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdk/)
You should use one of these three ways to import the AWS Mobile SDK but not multiple. Importing the SDK in multiple ways loads duplicate copies of the SDK into the project and causes compiler errors.
1. The AWS Mobile SDK for iOS is available through [CocoaPods](http://cocoapods.org). If you have not installed CocoaPods, install CocoaPods by running the command:
$ gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
Depending on your system settings, you may have to use `sudo` for installing `cocoapods` as follows:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
1. In your project directory (the directory where your `*.xcodeproj` file is), create a plain text file named `Podfile` (without any file extension) and add the lines below. Replace `YourTarget` with your actual target name.
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
target :'YourTarget' do
pod 'AWSAutoScaling'
pod 'AWSCloudWatch'
pod 'AWSCognito'
pod 'AWSCognitoIdentityProvider'
pod 'AWSDynamoDB'
pod 'AWSEC2'
pod 'AWSElasticLoadBalancing'
pod 'AWSIoT'
pod 'AWSKinesis'
pod 'AWSLambda'
pod 'AWSMachineLearning'
pod 'AWSMobileAnalytics'
pod 'AWSS3'
pod 'AWSSES'
pod 'AWSSimpleDB'
pod 'AWSSNS'
pod 'AWSSQS'
1. Then run the following command:
$ pod install
1. Open up `*.xcworkspace` with Xcode and start using the SDK.
**Note**: Do **NOT** use `*.xcodeproj`. If you open up a project file instead of a workspace, you receive an error:
ld: library not found for -lPods-AWSCore
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
1. Install the latest version of [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage#installing-carthage).
1. Add the following to your `Cartfile`:
github "aws/aws-sdk-ios"
1. Then run the following command:
$ carthage update
1. With your project open in Xcode, select your **Target**. Under **General** tab, find **Embedded Binaries** and then click the **+** button.
1. Click the **Add Other...** button, navigate to the `AWS<#ServiceName#>.framework` files under `Carthage` > `Build` > `iOS` and select them. Do not check the **Destination: Copy items if needed** checkbox when prompted.
* `AWSCore.framework`
* `AWSAutoScaling.framework`
* `AWSCloudWatch.framework`
* `AWSCognito.framework`
* `AWSCognitoIdentityProvider.framework`
* `AWSDynamoDB.framework`
* `AWSEC2.framework`
* `AWSElasticLoadBalancing.framework`
* `AWSIoT.framework`
* `AWSKinesis.framework`
* `AWSLambda.framework`
* `AWSMachineLearning.framework`
* `AWSMobileAnalytics.framework`
* `AWSS3.framework`
* `AWSSES.framework`
* `AWSSimpleDB.framework`
* `AWSSNS.framework`
* `AWSSQS.framework`
1. Under the **Build Phases** tab in your **Target**, click the **+** button on the top left and then select **New Run Script Phase**. Then setup the build phase as follows. Make sure this phase is below the `Embed Frameworks` phase.
Shell /bin/sh
bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/AWSCore.framework/strip-frameworks.sh"
Show environment variables in build log: Checked
Run script only when installing: Not checked
Input Files: Empty
Output Files: Empty
1. Download the SDK from our [AWS Mobile SDK](http://aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdk) page. The SDK is stored in a compressed file archive named `aws-ios-sdk-#.#.#` (where `#.#.#` represents the version number, so for version 2.4.0, the filename is `aws-ios-sdk-2.4.0`).
1. With your project open in Xcode, select your **Target**. Under **General** tab, find **Embedded Binaries** and then click the **+** button.
1. Click the **Add Other...** button, navigate to the `AWS<#ServiceName#>.framework` files and select them. Check the **Destination: Copy items if needed** checkbox when prompted.
* `AWSCore.framework`
* `AWSAutoScaling.framework`
* `AWSCloudWatch.framework`
* `AWSCognito.framework`
* `AWSCognitoIdentityProvider.framework`
* `AWSDynamoDB.framework`
* `AWSEC2.framework`
* `AWSElasticLoadBalancing.framework`
* `AWSIoT.framework`
* `AWSKinesis.framework`
* `AWSLambda.framework`
* `AWSMachineLearning.framework`
* `AWSMobileAnalytics.framework`
* `AWSS3.framework`
* `AWSSES.framework`
* `AWSSimpleDB.framework`
* `AWSSNS.framework`
* `AWSSQS.framework`
1. Under the **Buid Phases** tab in your **Target**, click the **+** button on the top left and then select **New Run Script Phase**. Then setup the build phase as follows. Make sure this phase is below the `Embed Frameworks` phase.
Shell /bin/sh
bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/AWSCore.framework/strip-frameworks.sh"
Show environment variables in build log: Checked
Run script only when installing: Not checked
Input Files: Empty
Output Files: Empty
##Update the SDK to a Newer Version
When we release a new version of the SDK, you can pick up the changes as described below.
1. Run the following command in your project directory. CocoaPods automatically picks up the new changes.
$ pod update
**Note**: If your pod is having an issue, you can delete `Podfile.lock` and `Pods/` then run `pod install` to cleanly install the SDK.
1. Run the following command in your project directory. Carthage automatically picks up the new changes.
$ carthage update
1. In Xcode select the following frameworks in **Project Navigator** and hit **delete** on your keyboard. Then select **Move to Trash**:
* `AWSCore.framework`
* `AWSAutoScaling.framework`
* `AWSCloudWatch.framework`
* `AWSCognito.framework`
* `AWSCognitoIdentityProvider.framework`
* `AWSDynamoDB.framework`
* `AWSEC2.framework`
* `AWSElasticLoadBalancing.framework`
* `AWSIoT.framework`
* `AWSKinesis.framework`
* `AWSLambda.framework`
* `AWSMachineLearning.framework`
* `AWSMobileAnalytics.framework`
* `AWSS3.framework`
* `AWSSES.framework`
* `AWSSimpleDB.framework`
* `AWSSNS.framework`
* `AWSSQS.framework`
1. Follow the installation process above to include the new version of the SDK.
##Preparing your apps for iOS 9
The release of i
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上海开放数据创新应用大赛.zip (2003个子文件)
style.css 8KB
.DS_Store 8KB
.DS_Store 6KB
.DS_Store 6KB
AWSCognitoIdentityProvider.html 363KB
AWSAutoScaling.html 303KB
index.html 229KB
hierarchy.html 212KB
AWSS3TransferUtility.html 39KB
AWSS3GetObjectOutput.html 26KB
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingGroup.html 23KB
AWSEC2InstanceType.html 23KB
AWSMobileAnalyticsEventClient.html 22KB
AWSEC2DescribeInstancesRequest.html 19KB
AWSMobileAnalyticsEvent.html 17KB
AWSCognitoIdentityProviderErrorType.html 16KB
AWSEC2Snapshot.html 15KB
AWSCloudWatchStandardUnit.html 14KB
AWSEC2SpotFleetRequestConfigData.html 13KB
AWSElasticLoadBalancingErrorType.html 12KB
AWSServiceType.html 12KB
AWSEC2DescribeSpotPriceHistoryRequest.html 12KB
AWSEC2Route.html 12KB
AWSEC2VpnConnection.html 12KB
AWSEC2RevokeSecurityGroupEgressRequest.html 11KB
AWSS3TransferUtilityTask.html 11KB
AWSLambdaUpdateFunctionConfigurationRequest.html 11KB
AWSEC2ReplaceNetworkAclEntryRequest.html 11KB
AWSServiceErrorType.html 10KB
AWSCognitoIdentityIdentityPool.html 10KB
AWSDynamoDBPaginatedOutput.html 10KB
AWSIoTErrorType.html 10KB
AWSSimpleDBErrorType.html 10KB
AWSLambdaErrorType.html 10KB
AWSS3CompleteMultipartUploadOutput.html 10KB
AWSEC2Address.html 10KB
AWSFirehoseS3DestinationDescription.html 10KB
AWSAutoScalingAutoScalingInstanceDetails.html 10KB
AWSEC2ResourceType.html 9KB
AWSEC2SecurityGroup.html 9KB
AWSEC2EbsBlockDevice.html 9KB
AWSS3UploadPartCopyOutput.html 9KB
AWSSQSErrorType.html 9KB
AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper.html 9KB
AWSAutoScalingScalingActivityStatusCode.html 9KB
AWSS3BucketLocationConstraint.html 9KB
AWSEC2DescribeClassicLinkInstancesRequest.html 9KB
AWSRegionType.html 9KB
AWSValidationErrorType.html 9KB
AWSSQSQueueAttributeName.html 9KB
AWSS3PresignedURLErrorType.html 9KB
AWSAutoScalingLifecycleState.html 9KB
AWSEC2InstanceAttributeName.html 8KB
AWSCognitoSyncErrorType.html 8KB
AWSDynamoDBBatchWriteItemOutput.html 8KB
AWSDynamoDBComparisonOperator.html 8KB
AWSElasticLoadBalancingListener.html 8KB
AWSKinesisPutRecordInput.html 8KB
AWSCognitoIdentityClientErrorType.html 8KB
AWSCognitoIdentityErrorType.html 8KB
AWSEC2CustomerGateway.html 8KB
AWSCognitoIdentityProviderConfirmSignUpRequest.html 8KB
AWSCognitoIdentityLookupDeveloperIdentityInput.html 8KB
AWSEC2AllocateHostsRequest.html 8KB
AWSCognitoIdentityInteractiveAuthenticationDelegate.html 7KB
AWSCognitoIdentityGetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInput.html 7KB
AWSEC2VpcPeeringConnectionStateReasonCode.html 7KB
AWSCognitoIdentityProviderUserImportJobStatusType.html 7KB
AWSSESErrorType.html 7KB
AWSSQSGetQueueAttributesRequest.html 7KB
AWSEC2ReportInstanceReasonCodes.html 7KB
AWSEC2ImportVolumeRequest.html 7KB
AWSIoTDataErrorType.html 7KB
AWSAutoScalingTag.html 7KB
AWSCognitoSyncRecordPatch.html 7KB
AWSEC2Reservation.html 7KB
AWSDynamoDBModeling.html 7KB
AWSDynamoDBObjectMapperSaveBehavior.html 7KB
AWSEC2AssignPrivateIpAddressesRequest.html 7KB
AWSDynamoDBCreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction.html 7KB
AWSKinesisPutRecordsResultEntry.html 7KB
AWSSNSErrorType.html 7KB
AWSEC2ScheduledInstancesBlockDeviceMapping.html 7KB
AWSCognitoIdentityProviderChallengeNameType.html 7KB
AWSEC2CreateSecurityGroupRequest.html 7KB
AWSLambdaFunctionCode.html 7KB
AWSS3Event.html 7KB
AWSCognitoIdentityUnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput.html 6KB
AWSS3Grantee.html 6KB
AWSKinesisMetricsName.html 6KB
AWSCognitoIdentityProviderAdminRespondToAuthChallengeResponse.html 6KB
AWSCognitoIdentityProviderRespondToAuthChallengeResponse.html 6KB
AWSCloudWatchErrorType.html 6KB
AWSCognitoSyncUnsubscribeFromDatasetRequest.html 6KB
AWSEC2ExportToS3Task.html 6KB
AWSXMLParserErrorType.html 6KB
AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndex.html 6KB
AWSEC2ReservedInstancesConfiguration.html 6KB
AWSCloudWatchStatisticSet.html 6KB
AWSEC2SnapshotDiskContainer.html 6KB
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