摘 要:在现今互联网的时代,网购已经成为一种不可忽视的消费趋势,电子商务的迅速崛
头企业为代表,对 C2C 及 B2C 两种不同的商业模式进行对比分析,探讨不同的商业模式对电子商
关键词:商业模式 盈利能力 淘宝 京东商城
Abstract:It is a net period now, online shopping has become a kind of consumption
trend, the rapidly rise of electronic commerce. Study the effect of its business
model to its profitability. That is of great significance. Electronic business
enterprise sequential listed, but some of them decline of enterprise constantly.
Why have this contrast. Taobao and Jingdong Mall as the electric business
enterprise , which of two different business model is C2C business model and B2C
business model. In combination with the practical situation of the comparative
analysis of different business models of electronic commerce the influence
factors of corporate profitability, find the problems and the profit model of
electronic commerce business. To the enterprise management of the entire
electricity industry provides valuable experience for reference.
Key words:E- Commerce Profitability Business Model Taobao Jingdong Mall