# Recommendation system based on knowledge graph embedding
基于knowledge graph embedding的推荐系统
本系统是一个基于knowledge graph embedding的商品推荐系统,以下是对该系统的详细介绍,
3.dataset.py文件主要是模型训练中处理数据的代码,model.py是我复现的两种knolwedge graph embedding的方法,在训练中进行调用
5.run.py是用于对模型的超参数进行设置,采用的是五折交叉验证,在求打分验证时可以采用不同的scoring 函数,注释后面写有“Rescal”的
7.run.sh是在linux系统下使用的,如是windows系统,可以直接吧代码中os.system('bash run.sh')改为os.system('python main.py'),具体超参数在main中设置即可
Recommendation system based on knowledge graph embedding
This system is a product recommendation system based on knowledge graph embedding. The following is a detailed introduction to the system.
The basic code is written by myself. The implementation part of the TransE and Rescal methods is based on the paper and the relevant code.
, And there are some comments I wrote in the relevant code.
1.generate_data.py is used to generate simulation data, and when it is used in real, you can refer to the format of the generated simulation data for data entry
2.data folder needs entities.txt and relationships.txt two data, they are the name of the entity (people and items) and the index number, and the name and index of the association, there can be multiple associations,
Then there should be train.txt, valid.txt, and test.txt in this folder as the basis for model training. Neg.txt is required or not. This file does not participate in the training process of the model.
3.dataset.py file is mainly the code for processing data in model training. Model.py is the two knolwedge graph embedding methods I reproduced, which are called during training.
4.main.py is the main function, where you need to modify the Rescal method to replace TransE with Rescal, and you can set the hyperparameters used for training elsewhere.
5.run.py is used to set the hyperparameters of the model. It uses 5-fold cross-validation. Different scoring functions can be used when scoring and verifying. The "Rescal"
6.use.py is training with all samples, scoring and sorting all negative samples, taking the first 100 scores for output (the number is optional)
7.run.sh is used in the Linux system. If it is a Windows system, you can directly change os.system ('bash run.sh') in the code to os.system ('python main.py'). The specific hyperparameters Just set it in main
8. If it is found in run.py how to adjust the hyperparameter model is not ideal, it may be caused by the data being too simple or unreal.
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python开发基于在线教学平台数据进行关联分析和数据挖掘系统源码.zip (113个子文件)
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文本分析-总课程.ipynb 257KB
文本分析-数据结构.ipynb 255KB
文本分析-高等数学.ipynb 182KB
Reception of information.ipynb 136KB
information processing.ipynb 87KB
Information inputs.ipynb 82KB
attitude toward learning.ipynb 77KB
information perception.ipynb 75KB
Five-dimensional user profile output.ipynb 47KB
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echarts-optimize-conf.js 4KB
学习行为(含总体评价).json 307KB
学习行为分析(数据结构词云).json 306KB
学习行为分析(含高等数学).json 299KB
饼图(含总体评价.json 206KB
饼图(含数据结构评价.json 205KB
饼图(含高等数学.json 198KB
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events.out.tfevents.1681211002.LAPTOP-B0LOR470 265KB
events.out.tfevents.1681201167.LAPTOP-B0LOR470 213KB
events.out.tfevents.1681211785.LAPTOP-B0LOR470 213KB
vis.map 763KB
项目说明.md 617B
TransE_entity_emb.npy 1.15MB
negposscore.npy 110KB
posscore.npy 5KB
TransE_relation_emb.npy 928B
运行结果图.png 18KB
model.py 29KB
text_grapher.py 18KB
social_analysis3.py 7KB
sentence_parser.py 7KB
run.py 7KB
dataset.py 5KB
use.py 5KB
linear_analysis.py 4KB
keywords_textrank.py 4KB
text_similarity.py 3KB
GraphShow.py 3KB
Calculate the average score of the assignment.py 2KB
main.py 2KB
test_capacity.py 2KB
visualization.py 1KB
generate_data.py 839B
work_final.py 808B
model.cpython-35.pyc 53KB
model.cpython-36.pyc 46KB
model.cpython-37.pyc 16KB
sentence_parser.cpython-36.pyc 5KB
sentence_parser.cpython-38.pyc 5KB
dataset.cpython-35.pyc 5KB
dataset.cpython-37.pyc 5KB
dataset.pyc 5KB
dataset.cpython-36.pyc 5KB
keywords_textrank.cpython-36.pyc 3KB
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