# MMSkeleton
## News
ST-GCN has joined into the [open-mmlab](https://github.com/open-mmlab) project in charge of [Multimedia Laboratory, CUHK](http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/).
The new ST-GCN will be named as **MMSkeleton**.
It is going to be an open source toolbox for skeleton-based human understanding,
including but not limited to pose estimation, action recognition and skeleton sequence generation.
## Introduction
This repository holds the codebase, dataset and models for the paper:
**Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition** Sijie Yan, Yuanjun Xiong and Dahua Lin, AAAI 2018. [[Arxiv Preprint]](https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.07455)
<div align="center">
<img src="resource/info/pipeline.png">
## Visulization of ST-GCN in Action
Our demo for skeleton-based action recognition:
<p align="center">
<img src="resource/info/demo_video.gif", width="1200">
ST-GCN is able to exploit local pattern and correlation from human skeletons.
Below figures show the neural response magnitude of each node in the last layer of our ST-GCN.
<table style="width:100%; table-layout:fixed;">
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/S001C001P001R001A044_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/S003C001P008R001A008_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/S002C001P010R001A017_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/S003C001P008R001A002_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/S001C001P001R001A051_w.gif"></td>
<td><font size="1">Touch head<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Sitting down<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Take off a shoe<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Eat meal/snack<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Kick other person<font></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/hammer_throw_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/clean_and_jerk_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/pull_ups_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/tai_chi_w.gif"></td>
<td><img width="150px" src="resource/info/juggling_balls_w.gif"></td>
<td><font size="1">Hammer throw<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Clean and jerk<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Pull ups<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Tai chi<font></td>
<td><font size="1">Juggling ball<font></td>
The first row of above results is from **NTU-RGB+D** dataset, and the second row is from **Kinetics-skeleton**.
## Prerequisites
- Python3 (>3.5)
- [PyTorch](http://pytorch.org/)
- [Openpose](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose) **with** [Python API](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/blob/master/doc/installation.md#python-api). (Optional: for demo only)
- Other Python libraries can be installed by `pip install -r requirements.txt`
<!-- - FFmpeg (Optional: for demo only), which can be installed by `sudo apt-get install ffmpeg` -->
### Installation
cd torchlight; python setup.py install; cd ..
### Get pretrained models
We provided the pretrained model weithts of our **ST-GCN**. The model weights can be downloaded by running the script
bash tools/get_models.sh
<!-- The downloaded models will be stored under ```./models```. -->
You can also obtain models from [GoogleDrive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IYKoSrjeI3yYJ9bO0_z_eDo92i7ob_aF) or [BaiduYun](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dwKG2TLvG-R1qeIiE4MjeA#list/path=%2FShare%2FAAAI18%2Fst-gcn%2Fmodels&parentPath=%2FShare), and manually put them into ```./models```.
## Demo
<!-- To visualize how ST-GCN exploit local correlation and local pattern, we compute the feature vector magnitude of each node in the final spatial temporal graph, and overlay them on the original video. **Openpose** should be ready for extracting human skeletons from videos. The skeleton based action recognition results is also shwon thereon. -->
You can use the following commands to run the demo.
# with offline pose estimation
python main.py demo_offline [--video ${PATH_TO_VIDEO}] [--openpose ${PATH_TO_OPENPOSE}]
# with realtime pose estimation
python main.py demo [--video ${PATH_TO_VIDEO}] [--openpose ${PATH_TO_OPENPOSE}]
Optional arguments:
- `PATH_TO_OPENPOSE`: It is required if the Openpose Python API is not in `PYTHONPATH`.
- `PATH_TO_VIDEO`: Filename of the input video.
<!-- The realtime demo also support to load video streams from camera source by
python main.py demo --video camera
``` -->
<!-- Openpose Python API is required in the above demos. -->
## Data Preparation
We experimented on two skeleton-based action recognition datasts: **Kinetics-skeleton** and **NTU RGB+D**.
Before training and testing, for convenience of fast data loading,
the datasets should be converted to proper file structure.
You can download the pre-processed data from
and extract files with
cd st-gcn
unzip <path to st-gcn-processed-data.zip>
Otherwise, for processing raw data by yourself,
please refer to below guidances.
#### Kinetics-skeleton
[Kinetics](https://deepmind.com/research/open-source/open-source-datasets/kinetics/) is a video-based dataset for action recognition which only provide raw video clips without skeleton data. Kinetics dataset include To obatin the joint locations, we first resized all videos to the resolution of 340x256 and converted the frame rate to 30 fps. Then, we extracted skeletons from each frame in Kinetics by [Openpose](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose). The extracted skeleton data we called **Kinetics-skeleton**(7.5GB) can be directly downloaded from [GoogleDrive](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SPQ6FmFsjGg3f59uCWfdUWI-5HJM_YhZ) or [BaiduYun](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dwKG2TLvG-R1qeIiE4MjeA#list/path=%2FShare%2FAAAI18%2Fkinetics-skeleton&parentPath=%2FShare).
After uncompressing, rebuild the database by this command:
python tools/kinetics_gendata.py --data_path <path to kinetics-skeleton>
#### NTU RGB+D
NTU RGB+D can be downloaded from [their website](http://rose1.ntu.edu.sg/datasets/actionrecognition.asp).
Only the **3D skeletons**(5.8GB) modality is required in our experiments. After that, this command should be used to build the database for training or evaluation:
python tools/ntu_gendata.py --data_path <path to nturgbd+d_skeletons>
where the ```<path to nturgbd+d_skeletons>``` points to the 3D skeletons modality of NTU RGB+D dataset you download.
## Testing Pretrained Models
<!-- ### Evaluation
Once datasets ready, we can start the evaluation. -->
To evaluate ST-GCN model pretrained on **Kinetcis-skeleton**, run
python main.py recognition -c config/st_gcn/kinetics-skeleton/test.yaml
For **cross-view** evaluation in **NTU RGB+D**, run
python main.py recognition -c config/st_gcn/ntu-xview/test.yaml
For **cross-subject** evaluation in **NTU RGB+D**, run
python main.py recognition -c config/st_gcn/ntu-xsub/test.yaml
<!-- Similary, the configuration file for testing baseline models can be found under the ```./config/baseline```. -->
To speed up evaluation by multi-gpu inference or modify batch size for reducing the memory cost, set ```--test_batch_size``` and ```--device``` like:
python main.py recognition -c <config file> --test_batch_size <batch size> --device <gpu0> <gpu1> ...
### Results
The expected **Top-1** **accuracy** of provided models are shown here:
| Model | Kinetics-<br>skeleton (%) | NTU RGB+D <br> Cross View (%) | NTU RGB+D <br> Cross Subject (%) |
| Baseline[1] | 20.3 | 83.1 | 74.3 |
| **ST-GCN** (Ours) | **31.6** |
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
基于ST-GCN自适应图卷积网络的人体动作识别系统python源码+使用说明.zip 基于ST-GCN(Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks,时空图卷积网络)自适应图卷积网络的人体动作识别系统是一个利用深度学习技术,特别是图卷积网络(GCN)来处理和分析人体动作数据的项目。该系统通过捕捉人体关节点随时间变化的动态信息,实现对人体动作的准确识别。 【说明】 【1】项目代码完整且功能都验证ok,确保稳定可靠运行后才上传。欢迎下载使用!在使用过程中,如有问题或建议,请及时私信沟通,帮助解答。 【2】项目主要针对各个计算机相关专业,包括计科、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网等领域的在校学生、专业教师或企业员工使用。 【3】项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,不仅适用于小白学习入门进阶。也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、初期项目立项演示等。 【4】如果基础还行,或热爱钻研,可基于此项目进行二次开发,DIY其他不同功能,欢迎交流学习。 【注意】 项目下载解压后,项目名字和项目路径不要用中文,建议解压重命名为英文名字后再运行!有问题私信沟通,祝顺利!
基于ST-GCN自适应图卷积网络的人体动作识别系统python源码+使用说明.zip (476个子文件)
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hammer_throw_w.gif 1.13MB
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S002C001P010R001A017_w.gif 673KB
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S001C001P001R001A044_w.gif 355KB
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skateboarding.mp4 1.44MB
skateboarding.mp4 1.44MB
skateboarding.mp4 1.44MB
clean_and_jerk.mp4 212KB
clean_and_jerk.mp4 212KB
clean_and_jerk.mp4 212KB
clean_and_jerk.mp4 212KB
clean_and_jerk.mp4 212KB
clean_and_jerk.mp4 212KB
ta_chi.mp4 134KB
ta_chi.mp4 134KB
ta_chi.mp4 134KB
ta_chi.mp4 134KB
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val_data.npy 135B
train_data.npy 135B
val_data.npy 135B
standard_data.npy 133B
standard_data.npy 133B
standard_data.npy 133B
standard_data.npy 133B
standard_data.npy 133B
standard_data.npy 133B
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