DOTween and DOTween Pro are copyright (c) 2014-2018 Daniele Giardini - Demigiant
// IMPORTANT!!! /////////////////////////////////////////////
// Upgrading DOTween from versions older than 1.2.000 ///////
// (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) //////////////////////
If you're upgrading your project from a version of DOTween older than 1.2.000 (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) please follow these instructions carefully.
1) Import the new version in the same folder as the previous one, overwriting old files. A lot of errors will appear but don't worry
2) Close and reopen Unity (and your project). This is fundamental: skipping this step will cause a bloodbath
3) Open DOTween's Utility Panel (Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel) if it doesn't open automatically, then press "Setup DOTween...": this will run the upgrade setup
4) From the Add/Remove Modules panel that opens, activate/deactivate Modules for Unity systems and for external assets (Pro version only)
// GET STARTED //////////////////////////////////////////////
- After importing a new DOTween update, select DOTween's Utility Panel from the "Tools/Demigiant" menu (if it doesn't open automatically) and press the "Setup DOTween..." button to activate/deactivate Modules. You can also access a Preferences Tab from there to choose default settings for DOTween.
- In your code, add "using DG.Tweening" to each class where you want to use DOTween.
- You're ready to tween. Check out the links below for full documentation and license info.
// LINKS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DOTween website (documentation, examples, etc):
DOTween license:
DOTween repository (Google Code):
Demigiant website (documentation, examples, etc):
// NOTES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- DOTween's Utility Panel can be found under "Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel" and also contains other useful options, plus a tab to set DOTween's preferences
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【资源说明】 c#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zipc#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zip c#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zip 【备注】 1.项目代码均经过功能验证ok,确保稳定可靠运行。欢迎下载使用体验! 2.主要针对各个计算机相关专业,包括计算机科学、信息安全、数据科学与大数据技术、人工智能、通信、物联网等领域的在校学生、专业教师、企业员工。 3.项目具有丰富的拓展空间,不仅可作为入门进阶,也可直接作为毕设、课程设计、大作业、初期项目立项演示等用途。 4.当然也鼓励大家基于此进行二次开发。在使用过程中,如有问题或建议,请及时沟通。 5.期待你能在项目中找到乐趣和灵感,也欢迎你的分享和反馈!
c#课程作业基于Unity的消消乐小游戏源码.zip (321个子文件)
ProjectSettings.asset 19KB
QualitySettings.asset 6KB
InputManager.asset 6KB
GraphicsSettings.asset 2KB
Physics2DSettings.asset 2KB
NavMeshAreas.asset 1KB
DynamicsManager.asset 1KB
DOTweenSettings.asset 1KB
PackageManagerSettings.asset 1003B
EditorSettings.asset 970B
UnityConnectSettings.asset 901B
AudioManager.asset 416B
TagManager.asset 378B
VFXManager.asset 308B
TimeManager.asset 202B
VersionControlSettings.asset 188B
EditorBuildSettings.asset 160B
XRSettings.asset 158B
PresetManager.asset 146B
ClusterInputManager.asset 114B
DOTweenModuleUI.cs 38KB
DOTweenModulePhysics.cs 13KB
DOTweenModuleUnityVersion.cs 13KB
BlockManage.cs 12KB
AudioManage.cs 11KB
DOTweenModuleAudio.cs 9KB
DOTweenModuleUtils.cs 6KB
DOTweenModulePhysics2D.cs 6KB
FileManage.cs 4KB
DOTweenModuleSprite.cs 4KB
TimeManage.cs 4KB
WindowsDialog.cs 3KB
UIPanelBase.cs 3KB
TimeHelper.cs 2KB
StringHelper.cs 2KB
UIManager.cs 2KB
ResourcesManage.cs 1KB
PoolManager.cs 1KB
EventManage.cs 1KB
SingletonGameObject.cs 1KB
MapBlock.cs 905B
ColorBlock.cs 816B
GameManager.cs 723B
Singleton.cs 375B
DOTween.dll 152KB
DOTweenEditor.dll 50KB
Header.jpg 22KB
packages-lock.json 9KB
manifest.json 2KB
White.mat 2KB
Green.mat 2KB
Blue.mat 2KB
Pink.mat 2KB
Red.mat 2KB
BG.mat 2KB
Yellow.mat 2KB
Black.mat 2KB
None.mat 2KB
项目说明.md 98B
DOTween.dll.mdb 58KB
DOTweenEditor.dll.mdb 9KB
fruits_atlas.png.meta 18KB
Candies_atlas_sliced.png.meta 17KB
Candies_atlas.png.meta 10KB
candy1.png.meta 2KB
candy11.png.meta 2KB
candy5.png.meta 2KB
candy7.png.meta 2KB
candy6.png.meta 2KB
candy9.png.meta 2KB
candy10.png.meta 2KB
candy8.png.meta 2KB
candy14.png.meta 2KB
candy2.png.meta 2KB
candy4.png.meta 2KB
candy3.png.meta 2KB
candy12.png.meta 2KB
candy13.png.meta 2KB
candy5_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy7_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy9_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy2_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy8_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy12_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy3_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy3_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy13_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy5_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy8_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy10_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy13_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy4_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy9_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy6_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy4_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy11_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy7_part2.png.meta 2KB
candy12_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy1_part1.png.meta 2KB
candy2_part1.png.meta 2KB
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