function [out,OKflag] = ISM_AbsCoeff(rttype,rt,room,weight,method,varargin)
%ISM_AbsCoeff Calculates absorption coefficients for a given reverberation time
% [ALPHA,OKFLAG] = ISM_AbsCoeff( ... ,'c',SOUND_SPEED_VAL)
% Returns the six absorption coefficients in the vector ALPHA for a given
% vector of room dimensions ROOM and a given value RT_VAL of reverberation
% time, with RT_TYPE corresponding to the desired measure of reverberation
% time, i.e., either 'T60' or 'T20'. Calling this function with RT_VAL=0
% simply returns ALPHA=[1 1 1 1 1 1] (anechoic case), regardless of the
% settings of the other input parameters.
% The parameter ABS_WEIGHTS is a 6 element vector of absorption
% coefficients weights which adjust the relative amplitude ratios between
% the six absorption coefficients in the resulting ALPHA vector. This
% allows the simulation of materials with different absorption levels on
% the room boundaries. Leave empty or set ABS_WEIGHTS=ones(1,6) to obtain
% uniform absorption coefficients for all room boundaries.
% If the desired reverberation time could not be reached with the desired
% environmental setup (i.e., practically impossible reverberation time
% value given ROOM and ABS_WEIGHTS), the function will issue a warning on
% screen accordingly. If the function is used with two output arguments,
% the on-screen warnings are disabled and the function sets the flag OKFLAG
% to 0 instead (OKFLAG is set to 1 if the computations are successful).
% The returned coefficients are calculated using one of the following
% methods, defined by the METHOD parameter:
% * Lehmann and Johansson (METHOD='LehmannJohansson')
% * Sabine (METHOD='Sabine')
% * Norris and Eyring (METHOD='NorrisEyring')
% * Millington-Sette (METHOD='MillingtonSette')
% * Fitzroy (METHOD='Fitzroy')
% * Arau (METHOD='Arau')
% * Neubauer and Kostek (METHOD='NeubauerKostek')
% In case the first computation method is selected (i.e., if METHOD is set
% to 'LehmannJohansson'), this function also accepts an additional
% (optional) argument 'c', which will set the value of the sound wave
% propagation speed to SOUND_SPEED_VAL. If omitted, 'c' will default to 343
% m/s. This parameter has no influence on the other six computation
% methods.
% Lehmann & Johansson's method relies on a numerical estimation of the
% energy decay in the considered environment, which leads to accurate RT
% prediction results. For more detail, see: "Prediction of energy decay in
% room impulse responses simulated with an image-source model", J. Acoust.
% Soc. Am., vol. 124(1), pp. 269-277, July 2008. The definition of T20 used
% with the 'LehmannJohansson' method corresponds to the time required by
% the energy--time curve to decay from -5 to -25dB, whereas the definition
% of T60 corresponds to the time required by the energy--time curve to
% decay by 60dB from the time lag of the direct path in the transfer
% function.
% On the other hand, the last six calculation methods are based on various
% established equations that attempt to predict the physical reverberation
% time T60 resulting from given environmental factors. These methods are
% known to provide relatively inaccurate results. If RT_TYPE='T20', the
% value of T20 for these methods then simply corresponds to T60/3 (linear
% energy decay assumption). For more information, see: "Measurement of
% Absorption Coefficients: Sabine and Random Incidence Absorption
% Coefficients" in the online room acoustics teaching material "AEOF3/AEOF4
% Acoustics of Enclosed Spaces" by Y.W. Lam, The University of Salford,
% 1995, as well as the paper: "Prediction of the Reverberation Time in
% Rectangular Rooms with Non-Uniformly Distributed Sound Absorption" by R.
% Neubauer and B. Kostek, Archives of Acoustics, vol. 26(3), pp. 183�202,
% 2001.
% Release date: November 2009
% Author: Eric A. Lehmann, Perth, Australia (
% Copyright (C) 2009 Eric A. Lehmann
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
VarList = {'c' 343}; % default sound propagation speed
if ~strcmpi(rttype,'t60') && ~strcmpi(rttype,'t20'),
error('Unrecognised ''RT_TYPE'' parameter (must be either ''T60'' or ''T20'').');
if rt==0,
out = ones(size(weight));
OKflag = 1;
if isempty(weight),
weight = ones(1,6);
weight = weight./max(weight);
if strcmpi(method,'sabine'),
if strcmpi(rttype,'t20'), rt = 3*rt; end % linear energy decay assumption
out = fminbnd(@sabine, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight);
elseif strcmpi(method,'norriseyring'),
if strcmpi(rttype,'t20'), rt = 3*rt; end % linear energy decay assumption
out = fminbnd(@norris_eyring, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight);
elseif strcmpi(method,'millingtonsette'),
if strcmpi(rttype,'t20'), rt = 3*rt; end % linear energy decay assumption
out = fminbnd(@millington_sette, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight);
elseif strcmpi(method,'fitzroy'),
if strcmpi(rttype,'t20'), rt = 3*rt; end % linear energy decay assumption
out = fminbnd(@fitzroy, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight);
elseif strcmpi(method,'arau'),
if strcmpi(rttype,'t20'), rt = 3*rt; end % linear energy decay assumption
out = fminbnd(@arau, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight);
elseif strcmpi(method,'neubauerkostek'),
if strcmpi(rttype,'t20'), rt = 3*rt; end % linear energy decay assumption
out = fminbnd(@neubauer_kostek, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight);
elseif strcmpi(method,'lehmannjohansson'),
if strcmpi(rttype,'t20'),
out = fminbnd(@lehmann_johansson_20, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight, c);
out = fminbnd(@lehmann_johansson_60, 0.0001, 0.9999, [], rt, room, weight, c);
error('Unrecognised ''METHOD'' parameter (see help for a list of accepted methods).');
foo = optimset('fminbnd');
tolx = foo.TolX;
if out<.0001+3*tolx,
if nargout<2,
warning(['Some absorption coefficients are close to the allowable limits (alpha->0). The \n' ...
'resulting reverberation time might end up lower than desired for the given environmental \n' ...
'setup. Try to relax some environmental constraints so that the desired reverberation time \n' ...
'is physically achievable (e.g., by increasing the room volume, increasing the maximum gap \n' ...
'between the absorption weights, or decreasing the desired RT value).%s'],'');
OKflag = 0;
elseif out>.9999-3*tolx,
if nargout<2,
warning(['Some absorption coefficients are close to the allowable limits (alpha->1). The \n' ...
'resulting reverberation time might end up higher than desired for the given environmental \n' ...
'setup. Try to relax some environmental constraints so that the desired reverberation time \n' ...
'is physically achievable (e.g., by reducing the room volume, reducing the maximum gap \n' ...
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基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip 【资源说明】 该项目是个人毕设项目,答辩评审分达到95分,代码都经过调试测试,确保可以运行!欢迎下载使用,可用于小白学习、进阶。 该资源主要针对计算机、通信、人工智能、自动化等相关专业的学生、老师或从业者下载使用,亦可作为期末课程设计、课程大作业、毕业设计等。 项目整体具有较高的学习借鉴价值!基础能力强的可以在此基础上修改调整,以实现不同的功能。
基于Matlab的声源定位算法源码.zip (126个子文件)
1 4B
ISM_AbsCoeff.m 14KB
ISM_AbsCoeff.m 14KB
ISM_AudioData.m 12KB
ISM_AudioData.m 12KB
ISM_RT_check.m 12KB
ISM_RT_check.m 12KB
ISM_RoomResp.m 11KB
ISM_RoomResp.m 11KB
ISM_RIR_DecayTime.m 8KB
ISM_RIR_DecayTime.m 8KB
ISM_RIR_bank.m 7KB
ISM_RIR_bank.m 7KB
ISM_RIRpow_approx.m 5KB
ISM_RIRpow_approx.m 5KB
my_ISM_setup_2.m 4KB
my_ISM_setup_2.m 4KB
my_ISM_setup_1.m 4KB
my_ISM_setup_1.m 4KB
ISM_setup.m 4KB
ISM_setup.m 4KB
SetUserVars.m 3KB
SetUserVars.m 3KB
SSBoll79m.m 3KB
SSBoll79m.m 3KB
PrintLoopPCw.m 3KB
PrintLoopPCw.m 3KB
vad_ezm1.m 3KB
vad_ezm1.m 3KB
reusefig.m 2KB
reusefig.m 2KB
train_ISM_clean.m 2KB
positioning_ISM_clean.m 2KB
freq_conv.m 2KB
freq_conv.m 2KB
OverlapAdd2.m 2KB
OverlapAdd2.m 2KB
vad_noise.m 1KB
vad_noise.m 1KB
vad.m 1KB
vad.m 1KB
GCC_transfer.m 1KB
GCC_transfer.m 1KB
eigenvector_y.m 983B
eigenvector_y.m 983B
segment.m 849B
segment.m 849B
naive_byaes.m 826B
findSegment.m 753B
findSegment.m 753B
eigenvector.m 678B
Gnoisegen.m 661B
Gnoisegen.m 661B
zc2.m 608B
zc2.m 608B
noisegen.m 364B
caculate.m 272B
import_data.m 188B
location.m 179B
loop.m 138B
frame2time.m 110B
frame2time.m 110B
Q_r_generator.m 98B
multimidfilter.m 94B
multimidfilter.m 94B
white.mat 8.96MB
ISM_RIRs.mat 29KB
ISM_RIRs.mat 29KB
Q_r.mat 10KB
mu_scot_50.mat 6KB
mu_cps-m_30.mat 6KB
mu_scot_100.mat 6KB
mu_roth_30.mat 6KB
mu_scot_30.mat 6KB
mu_phat_20.mat 6KB
mu_un_50.mat 6KB
mu_phat_40.mat 6KB
mu_scot_10.mat 6KB
mu_cps-m_10.mat 6KB
mu_un_30.mat 6KB
mu_roth_10.mat 6KB
mu_phat_100.mat 6KB
mu_phat_10.mat 6KB
mu_un_10.mat 6KB
mu_un_100.mat 6KB
mu_cps-m_100.mat 6KB
mu_phat_30.mat 6KB
mu_roth_100.mat 6KB
mu_roth_50.mat 6KB
mu_cps-m_50.mat 6KB
mu_phat_50.mat 6KB
sigma_phat_10.mat 6KB
sigma_cps-m_50.mat 6KB
sigma_cps-m_30.mat 6KB
sigma_un_50.mat 6KB
sigma_phat_100.mat 6KB
sigma_phat_20.mat 6KB
sigma_un_10.mat 6KB
共 126 条
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