Typodermic Fonts Inc. End User License Agreement (02-2014)
THIS IS A LEGAL CONTRACT. Please read it before installing the Fonts. If you don’t
accept this agreement, don’t install the Fonts. This End User License Agreement
(hereinafter “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you, or, if you represent a legal
entity, that legal entity (hereinafter “You”) and Typodermic Fonts Inc. (hereinafter
“Typodermic”). By installing the fonts, you accept this agreement. “Fonts” means the fonts
(i.e. font software) specified in your invoice or included with this agreement. THIS
1. Installation
1.1: Your invoice indicates the number of workstations on which you may install the Fonts.
The basic license is for 1-5 workstations. If you need to use the Fonts on more workstations
than your invoice states, you must purchase an upgrade. Any number of printers or output
devices may be used. The licensed workstations need not be at the same business location.
1.2: Apart from the workstations licensed, you may also install the Fonts on a network
server. The number of workstations licensed means each and every workstation where the
Fonts will be used, not just the maximum number on a network that might possibly use it at
any one time.
1.3: For every workstation for which you are licensed, you may also install the Fonts on a
portable (laptop) computer, phone, tablet and/or a home computer, provided the Fonts are
not used on the secondary computer(s) at the same time. At home, you may not install the
Fonts on the computers of other family members.
1.4: If the Fonts are free, you may distribute the Fonts within the same company or
household, provided this license agreement is included.
2. Copyright
2.1: You have not bought the Fonts: you are licensed to use them, by the terms and
conditions of this agreement. Typodermic Fonts Inc. retains title and all copyrights to the
Fonts, and all copies and adaptations thereof in whatever media. The Fonts are intellectual
property, containing proprietary information and valuable trade secrets, and as such they are
protected by the copyright laws of many nations, and by international treaties. You may not
copy the Fonts, except as specified in this agreement.
2.2: Archival copies of the Fonts may be made.
2.3: You may provide a copy of the Fonts to your service bureau or commercial printer, with
the job files for output, but only if you are assured that the Fonts will be used only for
outputting your files and will be deleted subsequently.
2.4: Embedding of the Fonts in documents (e.g. PDF files) is permitted for viewing and
printing, but not for editing. If someone at a remote location wants to edit a document
which contains embedded Fonts, they must purchase their own license. Internal corporate
documents with embedded Fonts may of course be edited on licensed workstations.
2.5: You may not rent, lease, sub-license, distribute, disseminate, give away or lend the
Fonts. You may permanently transfer the Fonts provided the recipient accepts the terms of
this agreement, and if you delete all your copies of the Fonts.
2.6: You may modify typesetting produced by the Fonts in any way you see fit. You may
also modify the Fonts for your own personal or internal business use, but you may not
distribute, or transfer your adaptations; for instance, (a) you may not make customized
versions of the Fonts for use by your clients, (b) you may not adapt, or merge the Fonts to
create hybrid Fonts for resale. Each workstation where a modified Font is installed shall be
counted as one of your permitted number of users.
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