Adds the method `.serializeJSON()` to [jQuery](http://jquery.com/) (or [Zepto](http://zeptojs.com/)) that serializes a form into a JavaScript Object, using the same format as the default Ruby on Rails request params.
Install with [bower](http://bower.io/) `bower install jquery.serializeJSON`, or [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) `npm install jquery-serializejson`, or just download the [jquery.serializejson.js](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON/master/jquery.serializejson.js) script.
And make sure it is included after jQuery, for example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.serializejson.js"></script>
Usage Example
HTML form:
<input type="text" name="title" value="Finding Loot"/>
<input type="text" name="author[name]" value="John Smith"/>
<input type="text" name="author[job]" value="Legendary Pirate"/>
// returns =>
title: "Finding Loot",
author: {
name: "John Smith",
job: "Legendary Pirate"
Form input, textarea and select tags are supported. Nested attributes and arrays can be specified by using the `attr[nested][nested]` syntax.
HTML form:
<form id="my-profile">
<!-- simple attribute -->
<input type="text" name="fullName" value="Mario Izquierdo" />
<!-- nested attributes -->
<input type="text" name="address[city]" value="San Francisco" />
<input type="text" name="address[state][name]" value="California" />
<input type="text" name="address[state][abbr]" value="CA" />
<!-- array -->
<input type="text" name="jobbies[]" value="code" />
<input type="text" name="jobbies[]" value="climbing" />
<!-- nested arrays, textareas, checkboxes ... -->
<textarea name="projects[0][name]">serializeJSON</textarea>
<textarea name="projects[0][language]">javascript</textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="projects[0][popular]" value="0" />
<input type="checkbox" name="projects[0][popular]" value="1" checked />
<textarea name="projects[1][name]">tinytest.js</textarea>
<textarea name="projects[1][language]">javascript</textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="projects[1][popular]" value="0" />
<input type="checkbox" name="projects[1][popular]" value="1"/>
<!-- select -->
<select name="selectOne">
<option value="paper">Paper</option>
<option value="rock" selected>Rock</option>
<option value="scissors">Scissors</option>
<!-- select multiple options, just name it as an array[] -->
<select multiple name="selectMultiple[]">
<option value="red" selected>Red</option>
<option value="blue" selected>Blue</option>
<option value="yellow">Yellow</option>
// returns =>
fullName: "Mario Izquierdo",
address: {
city: "San Francisco",
state: {
name: "California",
abbr: "CA"
jobbies: ["code", "climbing"],
projects: {
'0': { name: "serializeJSON", language: "javascript", popular: "1" },
'1': { name: "tinytest.js", language: "javascript", popular: "0" }
selectOne: "rock",
selectMultiple: ["red", "blue"]
The `serializeJSON` function returns a JavaScript object, not a JSON String. The plugin should probably have been called `serializeObject` or similar, but those plugins already existed.
To convert into a JSON String, use the `JSON.stringify` method, that is available on all major [new browsers](http://caniuse.com/json).
If you need to support very old browsers, just include the [json2.js](https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js) polyfill (as described on [stackoverfow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191881/serializing-to-json-in-jquery)).
var obj = $('form').serializeJSON();
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj);
The plugin implememtation relies on jQuery's [.serializeArray()](https://api.jquery.com/serializeArray/) method.
This means that it only serializes the inputs supported by `.serializeArray()`, which follows the standard W3C rules for [successful controls](http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2). In particular, the included elements **cannot be disabled** and must contain a **name attribute**. No submit button value is serialized since the form was not submitted using a button. And data from file select elements is not serialized.
Parse values with :types
All attribute values are **strings** by default. But you can force values to be parsed with specific types by appending the type with a colon.
<input type="text" name="strbydefault" value=":string is the default (implicit) type"/>
<input type="text" name="text:string" value=":string type can still be used to overrid other parsing options"/>
<input type="text" name="excluded:skip" value="Use :skip to not include this field in the result"/>
<input type="text" name="numbers[1]:number" value="1"/>
<input type="text" name="numbers[1.1]:number" value="1.1"/>
<input type="text" name="numbers[other stuff]:number" value="other stuff"/>
<input type="text" name="bools[true]:boolean" value="true"/>
<input type="text" name="bools[false]:boolean" value="false"/>
<input type="text" name="bools[0]:boolean" value="0"/>
<input type="text" name="nulls[null]:null" value="null"/>
<input type="text" name="nulls[other stuff]:null" value="other stuff"/>
<input type="text" name="autos[string]:auto" value="text with stuff"/>
<input type="text" name="autos[0]:auto" value="0"/>
<input type="text" name="autos[1]:auto" value="1"/>
<input type="text" name="autos[true]:auto" value="true"/>
<input type="text" name="autos[false]:auto" value="false"/>
<input type="text" name="autos[null]:auto" value="null"/>
<input type="text" name="autos[list]:auto" value="[1, 2, 3]"/>
<input type="text" name="arrays[empty]:array" value="[]"/>
<input type="text" name="arrays[list]:array" value="[1, 2, 3]"/>
<input type="text" name="objects[empty]:object" value="{}"/>
<input type="text" name="objects[dict]:object" value='{"my": "stuff"}'/>
// returns =>
"strbydefault": ":string is the default (implicit) type",
"text": ":string type can still be used to overrid other parsing options",
// excluded:skip is not included in the output
"numbers": {
"1": 1,
"1.1": 1.1,
"other stuff": NaN, // <-- Not a Number
"bools": {
"true": true,
"false": false,
"0": false, // <-- "false", "null", "undefined", "", "0" parse as false
"nulls": {
"null": null, // <-- "false", "null", "undefined", "", "0" parse as null
"other stuff": "other stuff"
"autos": { // <-- works like the parseAll option
"string": "text with stuff",
"0": 0, // <-- parsed as number
"1": 1, // <-- parsed as number
"true": true, // <-- parsed as boolean
"false": false, // <-- parsed as boolean
"null": null, // <-- parsed as null
"list": "[1, 2, 3]" // <-- array and object types are not auto-parsed
"arrays": { // <-- uses JSON.parse
"empty": [],
"not empty": [1,2,3]
"objects": { // <-- uses JSON.parse
"empty": {},
"not empty": {"my": "stuff"}
Types can also be specified with the attribute `data-value-type`, instead of having to add the ":type" suffix:
<input type="text" name="anumb" data-value-type="number" value="1"/>
<input type="text" name="abool" data-value-type="
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
## 功能实现: 管理员操作包含以下功能:管理员登录,客户管理,添加客户,订单管理,添加快递单,处理快递单,审核财务单,货物入库,管理员管理,角色管理,修改权限,基础数据菜单管理等功能。 用了技术框架: HTML+CSS+JavaScript+jsp+mysql+mybatis+Spring 管理员账号/密码:admin/123456 ## 运行环境:jdk1.8/jdk1.9 ## IDE环境: Eclipse,Myeclipse,IDEA都可以 ## tomcat环境: Tomcat8.x/9.x
JSP基于SSM快递物流管理系统设计 (1607个子文件)
controller.ashx 3KB
ExportExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 39KB
OrderExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 30KB
CustomerViewExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 24KB
ExportExample$Criteria.class 24KB
TransactionController.class 21KB
CustomerExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 20KB
OrderViewExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 20KB
ExportDetailExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 20KB
UserExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 18KB
OrderExample$Criteria.class 18KB
InfoExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 17KB
OrderDetailExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 17KB
TransactionExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 17KB
PermissionExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 15KB
CustomerViewExample$Criteria.class 15KB
TransactionDetailExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 14KB
OrderController.class 13KB
CustomerExample$Criteria.class 12KB
ExportDetailExample$Criteria.class 12KB
OrderViewExample$Criteria.class 12KB
InfoExample$Criteria.class 10KB
UserExample$Criteria.class 10KB
RoleExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 10KB
OrderDetailExample$Criteria.class 10KB
TransactionExample$Criteria.class 10KB
BasicDataExample$GeneratedCriteria.class 10KB
PermissionExample$Criteria.class 9KB
TransactionDetailExample$Criteria.class 8KB
CustomerController.class 8KB
AdminController.class 7KB
RoleController.class 6KB
PermissionController.class 6KB
BasicDataController.class 6KB
RoleExample$Criteria.class 6KB
BasicDataExample$Criteria.class 6KB
Order.class 5KB
Export.class 5KB
LoginRealm.class 5KB
ShiroConfig.class 4KB
User.class 4KB
Transaction.class 3KB
Customer.class 3KB
OrderDetail.class 3KB
CustomerView.class 3KB
Permission.class 3KB
Info.class 3KB
ExportDetail.class 3KB
OrderView.class 3KB
IndexController.class 2KB
TransactionDetail.class 2KB
TransactionDetailExample.class 2KB
TransactionDetailExample$Criterion.class 2KB
CustomerViewExample.class 2KB
ExportDetailExample.class 2KB
TransactionExample.class 2KB
OrderDetailExample.class 2KB
ExportDetailExample$Criterion.class 2KB
CustomerViewExample$Criterion.class 2KB
OrderDetailExample$Criterion.class 2KB
TransactionExample$Criterion.class 2KB
PermissionExample$Criterion.class 2KB
PermissionExample.class 2KB
BasicDataExample$Criterion.class 2KB
OrderViewExample$Criterion.class 2KB
CustomerExample$Criterion.class 2KB
BasicDataExample.class 2KB
OrderViewExample.class 2KB
ExportExample$Criterion.class 2KB
OrderExample$Criterion.class 2KB
InfoExample$Criterion.class 2KB
UserExample$Criterion.class 2KB
CustomerExample.class 2KB
RoleExample$Criterion.class 2KB
ExportExample.class 2KB
OrderExample.class 2KB
UserExample.class 2KB
InfoExample.class 2KB
RoleExample.class 2KB
TransactionDetailServiceImpl.class 2KB
TransactionServiceImpl.class 2KB
OrderDetailServiceImpl.class 2KB
Role.class 2KB
PermissionServiceImpl.class 2KB
BasicDataServiceImpl.class 2KB
UserServiceImpl.class 2KB
CustomerServiceImpl.class 2KB
OrderServiceImpl.class 2KB
InfoServiceImpl.class 2KB
RoleServiceImpl.class 2KB
BasicData.class 2KB
ExportDetailServiceImpl.class 1KB
CustomerViewServiceImpl.class 1KB
OrderViewServiceImpl.class 1KB
ExportServiceImpl.class 1KB
MyFormAuthenticationFilter.class 1KB
ConstantDataField.class 1KB
ServletInitializer.class 886B
LogisticApplication.class 835B
TransactionDetailMapper.class 826B
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