**IMPORTANT NOTE** The next major version (v9.0.0) is developed in the master branch.
The last stable version is available in the [release/v8.3](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/tree/release/v8.3) branch.
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<h1 align="center">Light and Versatile Graphics Library</h1>
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<img src="https://github.com/kisvegabor/test/raw/master/smartwatch_demo.gif">
<img border="1px" src="https://lvgl.io/assets/images/lvgl_widgets_demo.gif">
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<a href="https://docs.lvgl.io/" title="Detailed documentation with 100+ examples">Docs</a> |
<a href="https://forum.lvgl.io" title="Get help and help others">Forum</a> |
<a href="https://lvgl.io/demos" title="Demos running in your browser">Demos</a> |
<a href="https://lvgl.io/services" title="Graphics design, UI implementation and consulting">Services</a> |
<a href="https://squareline.io/" title="UI Editor for LVGL">SquareLine Studio</a>
## :ledger: Overview
**Mature and Well-known**<br>
LVGL is the most popular free and open source embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type. It's supported by industry leading vendors and projects like Arm, STM32, NXP, Espressif, Nuvoton, Arduino, RT-Thread, Zephyr, NuttX, Adafruit and many more.
**Feature Rich**<br>
It has all the features to create modern and beautiful GUIs: 30+ built-in widgets, a powerful style system, web inspired layout managers, and a typography system supporting many languages. To integrate LVGL into your platform, all you need is at least 32kB RAM and 128 kB Flash, a C compiler, a frame buffer, and at least an 1/10 screen sized buffer for rendering.
**UI Editor**<br>
SquareLine Studio is a professional yet affordable drag and drop UI editor for LVGL. It runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS too and you can try it out even without registering to the website.
Our team is ready to help you with graphics design, UI implementation and consulting services. Contact us if you need some support during the development of your next GUI project.
## :rocket: Features
**Free and Portable**
- A fully portable C (C++ compatible) library with no external dependencies.
- Can be compiled to any MCU or MPU, with any (RT)OS.
- Supports monochrome, ePaper, OLED or TFT displays, or even monitors. [Porting Guide](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/porting/project.html)
- Distributed under the MIT licence, so you can easily use it in commercial projects too.
- Needs only 32kB RAM and 128 kB Flash, a frame buffer, and at least an 1/10 screen sized buffer for rendering.
- OS, External memory and GPU are supported but not required.
**Widgets, Styles, Layouts and more**
- 30+ built-in [Widgets](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/widgets/index.html): Button, Label, Slider, Chart, Keyboard, Meter, Arc, Table and many more.
- Flexible [Style system](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/overview/style.html) with ~100 style properties to customize any part of the widgets in any state.
- [Flexbox](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/layouts/flex.html) and [Grid](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/layouts/grid.html)-like layouts engines to automatically size and position the widgets in a responsive way.
- Texts are rendered with UTF-8 encoding supporting CJK, Thai, Hindi, Arabic, Persian writing systems.
- Word wrapping, kerning, text scrolling, sub-pixel rendering, Pinyin-IME Chinese input, Emojis in texts.
- Rendering engine supporting animations, anti-aliasing, opacity, smooth scrolling, shadows, image transformation, etc
- Supports Mouse, Touchpad, Keypad, Keyboard, External buttons, Encoder [Input devices](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/porting/indev.html).
- [Multiple display](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/overview/display.html) support.
**Binding and Build Support**
- [Micropython Binding](https://blog.lvgl.io/2019-02-20/micropython-bindings) exposes LVGL API
- [PikaScript Binding](https://blog.lvgl.io/2022-08-24/pikascript-and-lvgl) python on MCU lighter and easier.
- No custom build system is used. You can build LVGL as you build the other files of your project.
- Support for Make and [CMake](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/get-started/platforms/cmake.html) is included out of the box.
- [Develop on PC](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/get-started/platforms/pc-simulator.html) and use the same UI code on embedded hardware.
- Convert the C UI code to HTML file with our [Emscripten port](https://github.com/lvgl/lv_web_emscripten).
**Docs, Tools, and Services**
- Detailed [Documentation](https://docs.lvgl.io/) with [100+ simple examples](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/index.html)
- [SquareLine Studio](https://squareline.io/) - A professional and easy-to-use UI editor software to speed up and simplify the UI development.
- [Services](https://lvgl.io/services) such as User interface design, Implementation and Consulting to make UI development simpler and faster.
## :heart: Sponsor
If LVGL saved you a lot of time and money or you just had fun using it, consider [Supporting its Development](https://opencollective.com/lvgl).
**How do we spend the donations?**<br>
Our goal is to provide financial compensation for people who do the most for LVGL. It means not only the maintainers but anyone who implements a great feature should get a payment from the accumulated money. We use the donations to cover our operational costs like servers and related services.
**How to donate?**<br>
We use [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/lvgl) where you can easily send one time or recurring donations. You can also see all of our expenses in a transparent way.
**How to get paid for your contribution?**<br>
If someone implements or fixes an issue labeled as [Sponsored](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/labels/Sponsored) he or she will get a payment for that work. We estimate the required time, complexity and importance of the issue and set a price accordingly. To jump in just comment on a [Sponsored](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/labels/Sponsored) issue saying "Hi, I'd like to deal with it. This is how I'm planning to fix/implement it...". A work is considered ready when it's approved and merged by a maintainer. After that you can submit and expense at [opencollective.com](https://opencollective.com/lvgl) and you will receive teh payment in a few days.
**Organizations supporting LVGL**<br>
[![Sponsors of LVGL](https://opencollective.com/lvgl/organizations.svg?width=600)](https://opencollective.com/lvgl)
**Individuals supporting LVGL**<br>
[![Backers of LVGL](https://opencollective.com/lvgl/individuals.svg?width=600)](https://opencollective.com/lvgl)
## :package: Packages
LVGL is available as:
- [Arduino library](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/get-started/platforms/arduino.html)
- [PlatformIO package](https://registry.platformio.org/libraries/lvgl/lvgl)
- [Zephyr library](https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/reference/kconfig/CONFIG_LVGL.html)
- [ESP32 component](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/get-started/platforms/espressif.html)
- [NXP MCUXpresso component](https://www.nxp.com/design/software/embedded-software/lvgl-open-source-graphics-library:LITTLEVGL-OPEN-SOURCE-GRAPHICS-LIBRARY)
- [NuttX library](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/get-started/os/nuttx.html)
- [RT-Thread RTOS](https://docs.lvgl.io/master/get-started/os/rt-thread.html)
- [RIOT OS package](https://doc.riot-os.org/group__pkg__lvgl.html#details)
- NXP MCUXpresso library
- CMSIS-Pack
## :robot: Examples
See some examples of creating widg
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
LVGV LVGL Arduino 库文件和ESP32 Project Demo
需积分: 18 2 下载量 148 浏览量
收藏 22.9MB RAR 举报
转到已安装的 Arduino 库的目录 转到 lvgl 并将 lv_conf_template.h 作为 lv_conf.h 复制到 lvgl 库文件夹旁边的 Arduino Libraries 目录中。 打开lv_conf.h并将第一个#if 0改为#if 1以启用文件的内容 在 LV_COLOR_DEPTH 中设置您显示的颜色深度 设置 LV_TICK_CUSTOM 1
LVGV LVGL Arduino 库文件和ESP32 Project Demo (1272个子文件)
example_32bit.bmp 39KB
example_24bit.bmp 29KB
example_16bit.bmp 20KB
img_lv_demo_music_cover_1_large.c 7.34MB
img_lv_demo_music_cover_2_large.c 7.34MB
img_lv_demo_music_cover_3_large.c 7.34MB
img_lv_demo_music_wave_bottom_large.c 1.42MB
img_lv_demo_music_wave_top_large.c 1.42MB
img_lv_demo_music_cover_1.c 1.24MB
img_lv_demo_music_cover_3.c 1.24MB
img_lv_demo_music_cover_2.c 1.24MB
img_demo_widgets_avatar.c 1.22MB
ubuntu_font.c 1.14MB
animimg003.c 1.14MB
animimg001.c 1.14MB
animimg002.c 1.14MB
lv_font_simsun_16_cjk.c 1.03MB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_pause_large.c 1.03MB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_play_large.c 1.03MB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_prev_large.c 640KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_next_large.c 640KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_list_pause_large.c 589KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_list_play_large.c 589KB
lv_font_montserrat_48.c 578KB
lv_font_montserrat_46.c 545KB
img_benchmark_cogwheel_argb.c 529KB
img_cogwheel_argb.c 529KB
lv_font_montserrat_44.c 499KB
img_lv_demo_music_wave_bottom.c 470KB
img_lv_demo_music_wave_top.c 470KB
lv_font_montserrat_42.c 461KB
lv_font_montserrat_40.c 422KB
img_benchmark_cogwheel_chroma_keyed.c 412KB
img_cogwheel_chroma_keyed.c 412KB
img_benchmark_cogwheel_rgb.c 412KB
img_cogwheel_rgb.c 412KB
img_lv_demo_music_logo.c 387KB
lv_font_montserrat_38.c 381KB
lv_font_montserrat_36.c 346KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_pause.c 322KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_play.c 322KB
lv_font_montserrat_34.c 316KB
lv_font_dejavu_16_persian_hebrew.c 281KB
lodepng.c 278KB
lv_font_montserrat_32.c 278KB
lv_font_montserrat_30.c 255KB
img_lv_demo_music_slider_knob_large.c 231KB
lv_font_montserrat_28.c 228KB
img_emoji_F617.c 214KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_next.c 204KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_prev.c 204KB
lv_font_montserrat_26.c 202KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_list_pause.c 185KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_list_play.c 185KB
img_lv_demo_music_list_border_large.c 178KB
lv_font_montserrat_24.c 177KB
img_benchmark_cogwheel_rgb565a8.c 177KB
img_clothes.c 167KB
lv_font_montserrat_12_subpx.c 166KB
lv_font_montserrat_22.c 158KB
lv_font_montserrat_28_compressed.c 142KB
lv_font_montserrat_20.c 136KB
lv_font_montserrat_18.c 120KB
img_bulb_gif.c 108KB
lv_font_montserrat_16.c 101KB
img_lvgl_logo.c 96KB
lv_font_montserrat_14.c 87KB
img_skew_strip.c 85KB
lv_font_montserrat_12.c 75KB
img_lv_demo_music_slider_knob.c 73KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_loop_large.c 71KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_rnd_large.c 71KB
lv_demo_widgets.c 69KB
unity.c 64KB
lv_font_montserrat_10.c 62KB
lv_chart.c 61KB
img_lv_demo_music_icon_3_large.c 59KB
img_lv_demo_music_list_border.c 58KB
lv_gpu_arm2d.c 57KB
img_lv_demo_music_corner_right_large.c 55KB
img_lv_demo_music_corner_left_large.c 55KB
img_lv_demo_music_btn_corner_large.c 55KB
lv_draw_mask.c 54KB
lv_draw_sw_rect.c 52KB
img_lv_demo_music_icon_2_large.c 52KB
lv_font_montserrat_8.c 52KB
img_lv_demo_music_icon_4_large.c 52KB
tjpgd.c 51KB
font_2.c 50KB
font_1.c 49KB
img_lv_demo_music_icon_1_large.c 49KB
img_hand.c 48KB
lv_theme_default.c 48KB
img_star.c 47KB
lv_label.c 44KB
qrcodegen.c 44KB
lv_demo_benchmark.c 43KB
lv_indev.c 43KB
lv_refr.c 43KB
lv_textarea.c 41KB
共 1272 条
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