# coding:utf-8 #
# Project 'dict-icyomik@appspot.com' By:
# iCyOMiK(蒋骏): http://icyomik.tk/
# David and Boyi: http://yodao-free.sourceforge.net/
# 从 Google App Engine 导入一些该程序必要的模块
from google.appengine.api import xmpp
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
# 对请求查询的语句以及从有道返回的数据进行正则处理,有以下函数:
# get_elements_by_path(xml, elem), get_elements(xml, elem), get_text(xml)
import re
single = re.compile("^[A-Z]+$", re.IGNORECASE)
textre = re.compile("\!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]", re.DOTALL)
def get_elements_by_path(xml, elem):
if type(xml) == type(''):
xml = [xml]
if type(elem) == type(''):
elem = elem.split('/')
if (len(xml) == 0):
return []
elif (len(elem) == 0):
return xml
elif (len(elem) == 1):
result = []
for item in xml:
result += get_elements(item, elem[0])
return result
subitems = []
for item in xml:
subitems += get_elements(item, elem[0])
return get_elements_by_path(subitems, elem[1:])
def get_elements(xml, elem):
p = re.compile("<" + elem + ">" + "(.*?)</" + elem + ">", re.DOTALL)
it = p.finditer(xml)
result = []
for m in it:
return result
def get_text(xml):
match = re.search(textre, xml)
if not match:
return xml
return match.group(1)
# 以下的函数用于查询并将查询到的结果进行分析格式化
def crawl_xml(queryword):
# 不是一个英文单词的时候执行翻译操作
if single.match(queryword) == None:
xml = urlfetch.fetch(
% urlfetch.urllib2.quote(queryword))
xml = xml.content
translation = get_elements(xml, "translation")
return get_text(translation[0])
# 只是一个英文单词的时候使用字典查询
results = ''
asterisk = '-' * 25
xml = urlfetch.fetch(
% urlfetch.urllib2.quote(queryword))
xml = xml.content
return_phrase = get_elements(xml, "return-phrase")
# 如果没有查询到这个英文单词就返回下面的 if 语句
if return_phrase == []:
results = ":-( _CAN NOT FIND THE WORD:_ *" \
+ get_text(get_elements(xml, "original-query")[0]) \
+ "* :-("
return results.strip()
# 对查询到的英文单词进行格式化处理,然后返回到上层调用函数的位置
return_phrase = get_text(return_phrase[0])
phonetic_symbol = get_elements(xml, "phonetic-symbol")
phonetic_symbol = get_text(phonetic_symbol[0])
results = return_phrase + ' [' + phonetic_symbol + '] ' + '\n'
custom_translations = get_elements(xml, "custom-translation")
for cus in custom_translations:
if get_text(get_elements(cus, "type")[0]) == 'ee':
contents = get_elements_by_path(cus, "translation/content")
if contents:
results = results + asterisk + '\n'
for content in contents[0:]:
results = results + get_text(content) + '\n'
for cus in custom_translations:
contents = get_elements_by_path(cus, "word-forms/word-form")
if contents:
results = results + asterisk + '\n'
for content in contents[0:]:
results = results + get_text(get_elements(content, 'name')[0]) \
+ ': ' + get_text(get_elements(content, 'value')[0]) + '\n'
results = results + asterisk
return results.strip()
# 以下的类用于接收用户提交的语句和返回结果给用户
class XMPPHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
message = xmpp.Message(self.request.POST)
results = crawl_xml(message.body.encode("utf-8"))
# 以下语句相当于在主函数中的语句 (if __name__ == "__main__":)
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/_ah/xmpp/message/chat/', XMPPHandler)])
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