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“Finding Feasible Routes with Reinforcement Learning Using Macro-Level Traffic Measurements” 是一篇探讨如何利用强化学习和宏观交通测量数据来寻找可行路径的研究论文。以下是这篇论文的概述: 背景与动机: 路径规划问题:在智能交通系统(ITS)和导航应用中,寻找车辆从起点到目的地的最优路径是一个关键问题。传统的路径规划方法通常依赖于实时交通数据或预定义的规则,但这些方法可能难以应对复杂的交通状况或大规模网络。 宏观交通测量:宏观层面的交通数据,例如路段的平均车速、交通流量、拥堵指数等,提供了整体交通网络的状态。这些数据可以用于估计路况和预测拥堵,但如何有效利用这些信息来指导路径选择是一个挑战。 强化学习的优势:强化学习(RL)是一种基于试错的机器学习方法,能够通过不断交互来学习最优策略。将强化学习应用于路径规划,可以动态适应变化的交通状况,并通过经验逐步优化路径选择。 研究内容: 问题建模:论文将路径规划问题建模为一个马尔可夫决策过程(MDP),其中状态表示交通网络的当前状态。
Finding Feasible Routes with Reinforcement
Learning Using Macro-Level Traffic Measurements
Mustafa Can Ozkan
SpaceTimeLab, University College London, UK
Tao Cheng #
SpaceTimeLab, University College London, UK
The quest for identifying feasible routes holds immense significance in the realm of transportation,
spanning a diverse range of applications, from logistics and emergency systems to taxis and public
transport services. This research area offers multifaceted benefits, including optimising traffic
management, maximising traffic flow, and reducing carbon emissions and fuel consumption. Extensive
studies have been conducted to address this critical issue, with a primary focus on finding the
shortest paths, while some of them incorporate various traffic conditions such as waiting times at
traffic lights and traffic speeds on road segments. In this study, we direct our attention towards
historical data sets that encapsulate individuals’ route preferences, assuming they encompass all
traffic conditions, real-time decisions and topological features. We acknowledge that the prevailing
preferences during the recorded period serve as a guide for feasible routes. The study’s noteworthy
contribution lies in our departure from analysing individual preferences and trajectory information,
instead focusing solely on macro-level measurements of each road segment, such as traffic flow or
traffic speed. These types of macro-level measurements are easier to collect compared to individual
data sets. We propose an algorithm based on Q-learning, employing traffic measurements within a
road network as positive attractive rewards for an agent. In short, observations from macro-level
decisions will help us to determine optimal routes between any two points. Preliminary results
demonstrate the agent’s ability to accurately identify the most feasible routes within a short training
2012 ACM Subject Classification Computing methodologies → Q-learning
Keywords and phrases routing, reinforcement learning, q-learning, data mining, macro-level patterns
Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.GIScience.2023.58
Category Short Paper
1 Introduction
The topic of finding routes between two points has been studied in many different fields, such
as computer systems, transportation systems and communication networks. The majority
of research concentrates on route optimisation, seeking to reduce travel time or distance
or to maximise operational efficiencies, such as the maximum number of taxi customers
or the maximum storage of a delivery truck. These studies, which employ mathematical
optimisation techniques, include optimisation constraints such as the truck’s maximum cargo
capacity and minimise/maximise the objective function of the main aim, such as travel time.
They often take into account the average travel time on a route depending on the length of
the road, the timing of the traffic lights, or occasionally the traffic situation, including actual
or historical traffic flow and speeds. They also factor in user preferences from surveys or GPS
corresponding author
© Mustafa Can Ozkan and Tao Cheng;
licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0
12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023).
Editors: Roger Beecham, Jed A. Long, Dianna Smith, Qunshan Zhao, and Sarah Wise; Article No. 58; pp. 58:1–58:6
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics
Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl Publishing, Germany
- 粉丝: 183
- 资源: 7
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