Draft Documentation
Version date: 27 January 2015
Following cell selection the number of cells desired and the cell size in each of the X, Y, and Z axis can
be set. The number of cells and size of cell in each axis are independent of each other, so any
combination can be set.
Note: Currently the program generates the lattice cells independently from adjoining cells, so it is
recommended to not generate more than 1000 cells from this interface. Future versions will remove
this limitation with the use of symmetry.
The strut radius, origin of the lattice and cross-section order can then be set. For the purposes of this
program, each of the elements connecting the lattice nodes are referred to as ‘struts’, with many
struts making up each cell, and many cells making up the lattice.
The lattice origin is defined as the location of the first node in the lattice, with every other node in
the lattice being placed in the positive direction. For example, a lattice with an origin of [0,0,0] will
extend entirely into the positive direction along each of the X, Y and Z axes. If the lattice was to be
100 units across in each axis and it was intended that the global origin be at the centre, then the
origin should be set at [-50,-50,-50]. It is also important to note that Matlab syntax be observed
here, enclosing the three data points in a comma separated square bracket array.
The strut cross-section is a unique feature of this program, and one of the principle reasons behind
developing it. The cross-section parameter sets the cross-sectional polygon order of each of the
lattice struts, and in-turn setting the total number of STL facets in the lattice. For example, an order
of 6 (the default) will create struts with a hexagonal cross-section.
The final option is the setting of the STL file name, in which the lattice will be saved to. It is
important to label the file with the extension “.STL” so that it is recognisable to other programs
outside the Matlab environment. This file will be saved in the current Matlab working directory.
CAUTION: If there is a file with the same filename in the current working directory it will overwrite
the file, deleting all previous data.
Following the setting of the desired parameters, click
“Generate”. While processing the user request the
following dialog box will show:
The time of lattice generation is dependent on the size
of the lattice to be created and the available processing
power of the user’s PC. For larger lattices it may take some time (in the present configuration), so
feel free to minimise this task. Once completed, the dialog box will show: