Dragon UnPACKer v5.6.2 "Exedra-Chac" MPL 1.1 open source
by Alexande "Elbereth" Devilliers 07/08/2011
** English Readme (voir lisezmoi.txt pour la version fran�aise)
** For information about what's new in this version see the whatsnew.txt file
1. Legal Stuff & Distribution Information
2. Program Description
3. Installation
4. Needed to work
5. How-to use this program
6. HyperRipper
7. Options
8. Supported Formats
9. Contacts
10. Special Thanks
This program is open source under the Mozilla Public Licence 1.1 (see
LICENCE.txt for details).
Quickly: - Completly free
- Source code available (see http://www.dragonunpacker.com)
Any public version (beta, release candidate or final) can be placed on any
media for distribution (ex: CD-Rom, FTP, HTTP, etc..). But all text files must
stay intact, and no files can be added to the archive file (7Z/SETUP).
This program have 2 differents types of releases (same content):
SETUP - ~3.1MB - dup562exedrachac-setup.exe With Installer (recommended)
7Z - ~2.5MB - dup562exedrachac.7z Plain 7-Zip (v9.20) archive
This program allow you to see into the big files in games like Quake 2 (go
look in the baseq2 sub directory, see the big pak0.pak file, that's one) and
extract files to anywhere you want easily. It can also convert some weird
formats to common formats (like .ART Duke Nukem 3D files to Windows BitMaP .BMP
Version 5 brings modularity and a completly recoded program from scratch in
Delphi 6/7. This means much faster and better memory management than version 4.
See the SUPPORTED FORMATS chapter to known which files are readable and which
file formats can be created/edited.
If you have downloaded the SETUP version then you already have installed
Dragon UnPACKer 5. ;)
If not decompress the 7z archive in the directory of your choice. Then run
DrgUnPack5.exe and voila it is installed..
Here is a list of files you must find in the Dragon UnPACKer distribution:
(if not go to homepage and download it from there)
*drgunpack5.exe 4315648
drgunpack5.exe.sig 72 GPG Signature of drgunpack5.exe file
file_id.diz 658
historique.txt 57606
lisezmoi.txt 64206
readme.txt 59007
whatsnew.txt 48220
default.dulk 43110 Default Look
*english.lng 10688 English translation of DUP5
homepage.uht 21759 Create list template "DUP4 Style"
*spanish.lng 10993 Spanish translation of DUP5
text-db.uht 5400 Create list template "Text Database"
text-list.uht 14180 Create list template "Text List"
xml-db.uht 5335 Create list template "XML Database"
Blood.dpal 1024 Blood color palette
cnv_pictex.d5c 468480 Textures convert plugin (v2.2.0)
Doom.dpal 1024 Doom color palette
Duke3D.dpal 1024 Duke Nukem 3D color palette
Quake 1.dpal 1024 Quake color palette
Quake 2.dpal 1024 Quake 2 color palette
Shadow Warrior.dpal 1024 Shadow Warrior color palette
drv_11th.d5d 423936 11th Hour driver plugin (v1.0.0)
drv_default.d5d 296960 Elbereth's Main driver plugin (v2.1.1)
drv_default_mix.lst 272755 Filename list for .MIX support
drv_ut.d5d 686592 UT Packages driver plugin (v2.3.0)
drv_zip.d5d 105984 ZIP driver plugin (v1.1.2)
unzip32.dll 102400 Info-Zip's UnZip32.Dll v5.5.2
+duppi.exe 1173504 DUP5 Package installer (v3.3.5)
+DuppiInstall.exe 43520 Duppi Auto-Update Installer
hrf_30_spec.txt 6347 HyperRipper file 3.0 specification
+libcurl-3.dll 286208 Curl Library (no SSL) (v7.21.6)
+zlib1.dll 82432 Zlib Library (v1.2.5)
+english.lng 4535 Duppi English translation
+spanish.lng 4816 Duppi Spanish translation
duhtcomp.exe 127488 UHT file compiler
duhtcomp.txt 5243 UHT file compiler documentation
ex-homepage.zip 23514 Sources of the homepage.uht template
ex-text.zip 7045 Sources of the text-db.uht template
ex-text-list.zip 15756 Sources of the text-list.uht template
ex-xml.zip 6906 Sources of the xml-db.uht template
dlngc.exe 128512 LNG file compiler
dlngc.txt 3226 LNG file compiler documentation
english.ls 19529 English translation sources (Core)
english_duppi.ls 10202 English translation sources (Duppi)
english-duppi-320-changes.txt 2191 Changes in duppi 3.0.0 -> 3.2.0
english-duppi-330-changes.txt 1256 Changes in duppi 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0
english-duppi-334-changes.txt 1248 Changes in duppi 3.3.3 -> 3.3.4
english-beta2-changes.txt 3207 Changes in english.ls 5.0.0 Beta 1 -> 2
english-beta3-changes.txt 3306 Changes in english.ls 5.0.0 Beta 2 -> 3
english-rc1-changes.txt 2005 Changes in english.ls 5.0.0 Beta 3 -> RC1
english-rc2-changes.txt 1410 Changes in english.ls 5.0.0 RC1 -> RC2
english-rc3-changes.txt 2488 Changes in english.ls 5.0.0 RC2 -> RC3
english-520-changes.txt 4031 Changes in english.ls 5.0.0 -> 5.2.0
english-532-changes.txt 2517 Changes in english.ls 5.2.0 -> 5.3.2 WIP
english-533-changes.txt 1599 Changes in english.ls 5.3.2 -> 5.3.3 Beta
english-540-changes.txt 6215 Changes in english.ls 5.3.3 Beta -> 5.4.0
english-551-changes.txt 1293 Changes in english.ls 5.4.0 -> 5.5.1 Beta
english-561-changes.txt 1641 Changes in english.ls 5.5.1 Beta -> 5.6.1
english-562-changes.txt 1247 Changes in english.ls 5.6.1 -> 5.6.2
flag_fr.bmp 1078 France flag icon
flag_sp.bmp 246 Spain flag icon
flag_us.bmp 218 USA flag icon
french.ls 20799 French translation sources (Core)
french_duppi.ls 12167 French translation sources (Duppi)
spanish.ls 15863 Spanish translation sources (Core)
spanish_duppi.ls 7957 Spanish translation sources (Duppi)
translation.txt 1974 How to make a DUP5 translation
* Needed files for DRGUNPACK5.EXE to work.
+ Needed files for DUPPI.EXE to work.
You will need:
* Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Seven.
Tested under:
Windows Seven Ultimate x64 (Hardware see below / UAC=Off)
Windows Seven Ultimate x86 (VM with 2x CPU and 2GB RAM /
Dragon UnPACKer(游戏解包工具)v5.7.0.284
需积分: 0 33 浏览量
收藏 2.47MB 7Z 举报
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 1
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