# Tweejump
Jump on platforms, collect coins on the way, and get highest score.
* [Tweejump on the App Store][1] (Free)
* [Tweejump video on YouTube][2]
Powered by [Cocos2D][3] framework.
[1]: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tweejump/id318903704?mt=8
[2]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtPiVIlCfMY
[3]: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/
## License
The code is released under the [MIT License][4].
All images are copyrighted by [Sergey Tikhonov][5]. Please use them only for learning purposes, and don't release with your own project.
[4]: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
[5]: http://haqu.net/
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Doodle Jump 源代码,需要的请下载,Doodle Jump 是 app store排名前20的游戏,与之前发放的tiny wings一样,有需要参考的下载吧,放出两个链接: Doodle Jump: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/doodle-jump-be-warned-insanely/id307727765?mt=8 Tiny Wings: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tiny-wings/id417817520?mt=8
Doodle Jump 源代码 (125个子文件)
glu.c 2KB
bitmapFont.fnt 1KB
.gitignore 45B
CocosNode.h 13KB
IntervalAction.h 11KB
Texture2D.h 9KB
Director.h 8KB
ParticleSystem.h 7KB
Transition.h 7KB
ccArray.h 7KB
MenuItem.h 6KB
EAGLView.h 6KB
TiledGridAction.h 6KB
Grid3DAction.h 5KB
CGPointExtension.h 5KB
AtlasSprite.h 5KB
OpenGL_Internal.h 4KB
GridAction.h 4KB
TextureAtlas.h 4KB
Layer.h 3KB
Sprite.h 3KB
PVRTexture.h 3KB
ccTypes.h 3KB
Action.h 3KB
TextureMgr.h 3KB
BitmapFontAtlas.h 3KB
Grid.h 3KB
AtlasSpriteManager.h 3KB
InstantAction.h 2KB
AtlasNode.h 2KB
EaseAction.h 2KB
cocos2d.h 2KB
Menu.h 2KB
TileMapAtlas.h 2KB
Label.h 2KB
Scheduler.h 2KB
TouchDispatcher.h 2KB
Camera.h 2KB
CameraAction.h 2KB
LabelAtlas.h 2KB
Primitives.h 2KB
ccMacros.h 1KB
ParticleExamples.h 1KB
TextureNode.h 1KB
TGAlib.h 1KB
QuadParticleSystem.h 1KB
TargetedTouchDelegate.h 1KB
TouchHandler.h 1012B
UIColor-OpenGL.h 1000B
ccExceptions.h 920B
PointParticleSystem.h 915B
ParallaxNode.h 908B
Scene.h 864B
Grabber.h 704B
FileUtils.h 601B
Main.h 577B
TransformUtils.h 543B
glu.h 526B
Game.h 355B
Highscores.h 305B
AppDelegate.h 132B
Director.m 22KB
IntervalAction.m 21KB
Transition.m 19KB
CocosNode.m 18KB
Texture2D.m 16KB
ParticleExamples.m 15KB
TiledGridAction.m 14KB
MenuItem.m 11KB
BitmapFontAtlas.m 11KB
Grid3DAction.m 11KB
AtlasSprite.m 11KB
Game.m 11KB
Grid.m 10KB
Menu.m 10KB
EAGLView.m 10KB
Highscores.m 8KB
QuadParticleSystem.m 8KB
PVRTexture.m 7KB
AtlasSpriteManager.m 7KB
TGAlib.m 7KB
Layer.m 6KB
GridAction.m 6KB
PointParticleSystem.m 6KB
TextureAtlas.m 6KB
TileMapAtlas.m 5KB
ParticleSystem.m 5KB
TouchDispatcher.m 5KB
Sprite.m 5KB
Scheduler.m 4KB
TextureMgr.m 4KB
EaseAction.m 4KB
InstantAction.m 3KB
LabelAtlas.m 3KB
Action.m 3KB
CameraAction.m 3KB
AtlasNode.m 3KB
Main.m 3KB
Camera.m 3KB
ParallaxNode.m 3KB
共 125 条
- 1
- 2
- 粉丝: 1w+
- 资源: 213
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- 我的C币 登录后查看C币余额
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- 下载帮助
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