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AN4507 Security FlashProtection.pdf
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The Kinetis family of microcontrollers include system security and flash protection features that can be used to protect code and data from unauthorized access or modification. This application note discusses usage of the security and flash protection features available on the Kinetis family processors. The chip security and flash protection features controlled using the flash configuration field will be covered in this application note.
1 Introduction
The Kinetis family of microcontrollers include system security
and flash protection features that can be used to protect code
and data from unauthorized access or modification. This
application note discusses usage of the security and flash
protection features available on the Kinetis family processors.
The chip security and flash protection features controlled
using the flash configuration field will be covered in this
application note.
The default security options are configured at reset based on
the application image. All flash application images need to
include configuration of the security and protection options.
Configuration is required in all cases. Even if the required
setting is to have the flash and security options disabled, the
application image must configure the setting for those desired
values. Therefore, anyone writing an application must be
aware of the security and protection options and how to
correctly configure them.
2 Security vs. protection
The Kinetis security features are system-level options that are
designed to prevent unauthorized access to the processor and
the code and data within the processor. Software intellectual
Freescale Semiconductor
Document Number:AN4507
Application Note
Rev. 1, 6/2012
Using the Kinetis Security and
Flash Protection Features
Melissa Hunter
Automotive and Industrial Solutions Group
© 2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
General Business Information
1 Introduction................................................................1
2 Security vs. protection...............................................1
2.1 Security options.............................................2
3 Flash protection.......................................................10
3.1 Flash protection regions...............................10
3.2 Configuring flash protection
3.3 Changing flash protection
4 Tamper detection and cryptography........................12
property (IP) is a very valuable investment and the security features protect that investment, prevent cloning, and secure
sensitive data that might be stored in the memory.
• Security feature: Although the security on Kinetis is controlled by the settings that reside within the flash, it is not a
flash-level feature. The flash provides the security options to the chip system logic, and the chip system logic takes
action based on the settings. So, even though the user interacts with the flash to use the security settings, it must be
considered as a processor mode selection because the decisions made by the user will affect the entire processor. In
fact, the option to enable or disable security has very little impact on the flash itself. Even when the security is enabled,
the flash is still fully operational. This means that firmware residing in the flash that enables security can still modify
the flash because read, erase, and program operations to the flash itself are not changed (with the possible exception of
mass erase).
• Flash protection feature: By comparison, the flash protection features only affect the flash itself. The flash protection is
designed to prevent accidental erasure or programming of areas of the flash. This option only affects the ability to
modify selected flash regions; there is no effect on the rest of the processor.
2.1 Security options
The following sections will show the security options that are available on Kinetis. Initially, look at the actual register and
field descriptions from the Kinetis reference manual available on http://www.freescale.com, then go into more detail on how
each option works and how to configure them.
2.1.1 FSEC register and field settings
The Flash Security (FSEC) register contains several fields that are used to enable/disable security and also select a few
features that come into effect when security is enabled. Figure 1 shows the FSEC register fields, and Table 1 shows the bit
settings for each of the fields. The following sections discuss all of the options available in the FSEC register in more detail
including impact on the system and recommended usage.
Figure 1. Flash Security register
Table 1. FSEC field description
Field Description
Backdoor Key Security Enable.
This field enables and disables backdoor key access to
the flash memory module.
00 Backdoor key access is disabled.
01 Backdoor key access is disabled (preferred
KEYEN state to disable backdoor key access)
10 Backdoor key access is enabled.
11 Backdoor key access is disabled.
Table continues on the next page...
Security vs. protection
Using the Kinetis Security and Flash Protection Features, Rev. 1, 6/2012
2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
General Business Information
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