original one, obtaining a slightly better deadline-miss ratio,
with a greatly reduced number of migrations. Note that this
paper focuses on an exper imental evaluation of the proposed
scheduler. Reader s interested in schedu la bility analysis argu-
ments can refer to prior works as detailed next.
Several works exist in the literature dealing with scheduling
of hard or soft real-time task sets on multi-processor systems.
In the former case [11]–[15], even a single deadline miss
cannot be tolerated and is co nsidered a system failure. In the
latter case [16], [ 17], a few deadline misses can be acceptable
if their number and frequency can be kept under control.
Approac hes based o n partitioned scheduling ar e known to
have the potential of reusing well-k nown optimal results from
the single-processor real-time scheduling literature, like the
EDF utilization bound [18] for independent periodic tasks,
but they add the burden of having to partition the task set
upfront across the CPUs, which is a NP-h a rd p roblem when
optimality is n eeded. This is normally tackled via integer line ar
programming techniques applied off-line [19], [20].
On the other hand, approaches based on global sche dul-
ing are easier to adopt, but their capability to satura te the
underlying physical resources is generally reduced. Inde ed,
for examp le , simple utilization-based tests for schedulability
analysis on mu lti- processors are charac te rized by poor and
quite pessimistic utilizatio n bounds [21]–[23]. However, in soft
real-time systems one can load the system beyond said limits,
as generally there are techn iques to compute the maximum
tardiness a task can achieve under certain conditions, like the
well-known tardiness bo und for global ED F [16], [24].
Modifying global EDF restricting migrations at job-level
only [25], it is possible to improve its utilization bound,
and prove that it is optim al among fixed-job-priority algo-
rithms [11]. A number of oth e r works exist a bout optimality of
global multiprocessor scheduling algorithms [12]–[15], [26].
However, due to the additional complexity needed in the
realization of the above techniq ues, often requiring higher
implementation overheads, common real-time Operating Sys-
tems focus mostly on simpler scheduling algorithms, either
partitioned or global, and based on e ither fixed-priority or
EDF. Specifically, partitioned fixed-priority scheduling is the
preferred choice in hard real-time systems. On the other hand,
global EDF-based scheduling is increasingly popular in soft
real-time ones, as witnessed by the SCHED DEADLINE policy
available in the mainlin e Linux kernel today [10], often a pplied
to real-time multimed ia workloads [27]. M oreover, a number
of work s can be found w ith experimental compar iso ns among
the perform a nce of global vs par titioned schedulin g techniques
under various workload conditions [5], [28].
Linux is a popular platform of choice for evaluating the
effectiveness of real-time schedu ling algorithms, often proto-
typed as invasive modifications to the kernel. Indeed , this is
the case of the Litmu s-RT framework [29], used f or em pirical
compariso ns among a number of RT scheduling algorithms
and resource handling protocols [30]. Albeit interesting, this
platform was not used in the present work, as we tried to adapt
directly the global EDF scheduler in SCHED DEADLINE, so to
obtain a minimally invasive patch to the mainline code base.
In a number of works, on-line partitioning techniques were
investigated , to leverage the advantages of partitioned schedul-
ing, yet being capable of adapting the system configuration
depending on dynamic run -time workload cond itions.
To this pu rpose, co mmon heuristics th at have been in-
vestigated include first-fit, worst-fit and next-fit, which have
been studied in depth also in other contexts, such as memory
management [31]–[33]. Useful surveys on the topic can be
found in [34], [35]. Many of these works focus on the concept
of absolute approximation ratio: this is the minimum numbe r
of bins that are nee ded to pack a n umber of items w ith different
weights, when using one of the above me ntioned bin-packing
heuristics, as compared to the numbe r that would have been
sufficient if u sin g an optimal ap proach. Some authors focused
on the asymptotic value of such an approx imation ratio,
achieved as the size of the problem grows to ∞. For example ,
one interesting result in the area is the 12/7 ≅ 1.7143 bo und
for the first-fit heuristic [35]. However, many of these works
are not concerned with scheduling of real-time tasks, so they
do not study the effectiveness of the mentione d he uristics on
the pe rformance, in terms of slack and/or tardiness, obtained
when scheduling various real-time task sets.
Note that the present study is strongly motivated by [8],
where heuristic partitioning techniques are applied to real-time
scheduling, a nalyzing the effectiveness of utilization-based
admission tests and demonstrating optim ality of th e first-fit
policy, amon g the ones usable in the context.
This section provides some d efinitions and a quick overview
of the adaptive partitioning approach.
A. Task Model
The scheduler selects tasks from a (dynamic) set Γ = {τ
of real- time tasks τ
and dispatches them on M (identical)
CPU cores. A real-time task τ
is seen as a stream of jobs
}, each arriving (becom ing ready for execution) at time
, executing for a time c
and then finishing at time f
Notice that the finishing time f
of each job depends on
the schedulin g decisions. Each ta sk is also assoc iate d with a
relative deadline D
and ea ch job J
must finish within its
absolute deadline of d
= r
+ D
: if f
≤ d
, then the
deadline of J
is respected, otherwise it is missed. Task τ
respects all of its deadlines if ∀k, f
≤ d
⇒ ∀k, f
≤ D
. Finally, the tardiness of job J
is defined as
max{0, f
− d
A real-time task τ
is often periodic with period P
, if
∀k, r
= P
, or sporadic with minimum inter-arrival
time P
among subsequent jobs, if ∀k, r
− r
≥ P
in this work, we m a ke the simplifying assumption of implicit
deadlines, i.e ., ∀i, D
= P
, and we assume to know a reason-
able estima tion of the Worst-Case Execution Time ( WCET) C
of each real-time task, respecting the condition: C
≥ c