local-to-global pyramid. We define a skip architecture to
take advantage of this feature spectrum that combines deep,
coarse, semantic information and shallow, fine, appearance
information in Section 4.2 (see Figure 3).
In the next section, we review related work on deep clas-
sification nets, FCNs, and recent approaches to semantic
segmentation using convnets. The following sections ex-
plain FCN design and dense prediction tradeoffs, introduce
our architecture with in-network upsampling and multi-
layer combinations, and describe our experimental frame-
work. Finally, we demonstrate state-of-the-art results on
PASCAL VOC 2011-2, NYUDv2, and SIFT Flow.
2. Related work
Our approach draws on recent successes of deep nets
for image classification [20, 31, 32] and transfer learning
[3, 38]. Transfer was first demonstrated on various visual
recognition tasks [3, 38], then on detection, and on both
instance and semantic segmentation in hybrid proposal-
classifier models [10, 15, 13]. We now re-architect and fine-
tune classification nets to direct, dense prediction of seman-
tic segmentation. We chart the space of FCNs and situate
prior models, both historical and recent, in this framework.
Fully convolutional networks To our knowledge, the
idea of extending a convnet to arbitrary-sized inputs first
appeared in Matan et al.[26], which extended the classic
LeNet [21] to recognize strings of digits. Because their net
was limited to one-dimensional input strings, Matan et al.
used Viterbi decoding to obtain their outputs. Wolf and Platt
[37] expand convnet outputs to 2-dimensional maps of de-
tection scores for the four corners of postal address blocks.
Both of these historical works do inference and learning
fully convolutionally for detection. Ning et al.[27] define
a convnet for coarse multiclass segmentation of C. elegans
tissues with fully convolutional inference.
Fully convolutional computation has also been exploited
in the present era of many-layered nets. Sliding window
detection by Sermanet et al.[29], semantic segmentation
by Pinheiro and Collobert [28], and image restoration by
Eigen et al.[4] do fully convolutional inference. Fully con-
volutional training is rare, but used effectively by Tompson
et al.[35] to learn an end-to-end part detector and spatial
model for pose estimation, although they do not exposit on
or analyze this method.
Alternatively, He et al.[17] discard the non-
convolutional portion of classification nets to make a
feature extractor. They combine proposals and spatial
pyramid pooling to yield a localized, fixed-length feature
for classification. While fast and effective, this hybrid
model cannot be learned end-to-end.
Dense prediction with convnets Several recent works
have applied convnets to dense prediction problems, includ-
ing semantic segmentation by Ning et al.[27], Farabet et al.
[7], and Pinheiro and Collobert [28]; boundary prediction
for electron microscopy by Ciresan et al.[2] and for natu-
ral images by a hybrid convnet/nearest neighbor model by
Ganin and Lempitsky [9]; and image restoration and depth
estimation by Eigen et al.[4, 5]. Common elements of these
approaches include
• small models restricting capacity and receptive fields;
• patchwise training [27, 2, 7, 28, 9];
• post-processing by superpixel projection, random field
regularization, filtering, or local classification [7, 2, 9];
• input shifting and output interlacing for dense output [29,
28, 9];
• multi-scale pyramid processing [7, 28, 9];
• saturating tanh nonlinearities [7, 4, 28]; and
• ensembles [2, 9],
whereas our method does without this machinery. However,
we do study patchwise training 3.4 and “shift-and-stitch”
dense output 3.2 from the perspective of FCNs. We also
discuss in-network upsampling 3.3, of which the fully con-
nected prediction by Eigen et al.[5] is a special case.
Unlike these existing methods, we adapt and extend deep
classification architectures, using image classification as su-
pervised pre-training, and fine-tune fully convolutionally to
learn simply and efficiently from whole image inputs and
whole image ground thruths.
Hariharan et al.[15] and Gupta et al.[13] likewise adapt
deep classification nets to semantic segmentation, but do
so in hybrid proposal-classifier models. These approaches
fine-tune an R-CNN system [10] by sampling bounding
boxes and/or region proposals for detection, semantic seg-
mentation, and instance segmentation. Neither method is
learned end-to-end. They achieve state-of-the-art segmen-
tation results on PASCAL VOC and NYUDv2 respectively,
so we directly compare our standalone, end-to-end FCN to
their semantic segmentation results in Section 5.
We fuse features across layers to define a nonlinear local-
to-global representation that we tune end-to-end. In con-
temporary work Hariharan et al.[16] also use multiple lay-
ers in their hybrid model for semantic segmentation.
3. Fully convolutional networks
Each layer of data in a convnet is a three-dimensional
array of size h ⇥ w ⇥ d , where h and w are spatial dimen-
sions, and d is the feature or channel dimension. The first
layer is the image, with pixel size h ⇥ w, and d color chan-
nels. Locations in higher layers correspond to the locations
in the image they are path-connected to, which are called
their receptive fields.
Convnets are built on translation invariance. Their ba-
sic components (convolution, pooling, and activation func-
tions) operate on local input regions, and depend only on
relative spatial coordinates. Writing x
for the data vector
at location (i, j) in a particular layer, and y
for the follow-