function mlsd = MLSD2DlinesPrecompute(varargin)
% MLSD2DLINESPRECOMPUTE Generates a 2D MLSD structure.
% function mlsd = MLSD2DlinesPrecompute(p,v,type)
% This function precomputes a set of values and generate an MLSD structure
% that embeds infos about the deformation algorithm to be used and embeds
% the parameters that must be used for the process. This function allows to
% initialize a deformation process of one or more an images. For more
% informations see [1].
% [1] "Image Deformation Using Moving Least Squares",
% Scott Schaefer, Travis McPhail, Joe Warren
% Parameters
% ----------
% IN:
% p = The starting position of the handles lines (as [a;b] vectors with
% a and b column points that define the extrema of the segment).
% v = The points to be moved (i.e. a grid).
% type = The algorithm type ('affine','similar','rigid'). (def='rigid')
% Parsing parameters:
[p,v,type] = ParseParams(varargin{:});
% Removing coincidences:
v = RemoveCoincidences(v,p);
% Precomputing the weights:
W = PrecomputeWeights(p,v);
% Precomputing the centroids:
[Pstar,denStar] = PrecomputeWCentroids(p,W);
% Preparing the structure:
mlsd.p = p;
mlsd.v = v;
mlsd.type = type;
mlsd.W = W;
mlsd.constr = 'lines';
% Selecting the generation function:
switch type
case 'affine' = PrecomputeAffine(p,v,W,Pstar);
case 'similar' = PrecomputeSimilar(p,v,W,Pstar);
case 'rigid' = PrecomputeRigid(p,v,W,Pstar);
% Other data: = denStar;
% ------------------------ LOCAL FUNCTIONS ------------------------
% Removing coincidences:
function v = RemoveCoincidences(v,p)
% Iterating on points:
for i=1:size(p,2)
% Coincidences with a:
ind = find(v(1,:)==p(1,i) & v(2,:)==p(2,i));
v(:,ind) = v(:,ind) + 1e-8;
% Coincidences with b:
ind = find(v(1,:)==p(3,i) & v(2,:)==p(4,i));
v(:,ind) = v(:,ind) + 1e-8;
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Precomputing the weights:
function W = PrecomputeWeights(p,v)
% Init W:
W.d00 = zeros(size(p,2),size(v,2));
W.d01 = W.d00;
W.d11 = W.d00;
% Computing usefull quantities:
a_b = p(1:2,:)-p(3:4,:);
b_a = -a_b;
for i=1:size(p,2)
% Computing the a-v and b-v values:
a_v = repmat(p(1:2,i),[1,size(v,2)])-v;
b_v = repmat(p(3:4,i),[1,size(v,2)])-v;
v_b = -b_v;
% Computing the triplaned values:
a_v_t = [-a_v(2,:);a_v(1,:)];
b_v_t = [-b_v(2,:);b_v(1,:)];
% Computing the big Delta and all the other combinations:
Num1 = b_v(1,:).*b_a(1,i) + b_v(2,:).*b_a(2,i);
Num2 = a_v(1,:).*a_b(1,i) + a_v(2,:).*a_b(2,i);
Den1 = b_v_t(1,:).*b_a(1,i) + b_v_t(2,:).*b_a(2,i);
Delta = a_v_t(1,:).*a_b(1,i) + a_v_t(2,:).*a_b(2,i);
% Computing the angle theta:
theta = atan2(Den1,Num1)-atan2(Delta,Num2);
% Clearing:
clear Num1 Num2 Den1 a_v_t b_v_t;
% The beta vectors:
beta00 = sum(a_v.^2,1);
beta01 = sum(a_v.*v_b,1);
beta11 = sum(v_b.^2,1);
% Removing the Delta==0 case:
ind = find(Delta==0);
Delta(ind) = Delta(ind) + 1e-8;
% Precomputing values:
a_bNorm = norm(a_b(:,i));
a_bNorm_2Delta2 = a_bNorm./(2*Delta.^2);
theta_Delta = theta./Delta;
% Computing the weights:
W.d00(i,:) = a_bNorm_2Delta2.*(beta01./beta00-beta11.*theta_Delta);
W.d01(i,:) = a_bNorm_2Delta2.*(1-beta01.*theta_Delta);
W.d11(i,:) = a_bNorm_2Delta2.*(beta01./beta11-beta00.*theta_Delta);
% % Getting the case vector:
% DeltaIsZero = Delta==0;
% % The non-zero case:
% ind = find(~DeltaIsZero);
% a_bNorm = norm(a_b(:,i));
% a_bNorm_2Delta2 = a_bNorm./(2*Delta(ind).^2);
% theta_Delta = theta(ind)./Delta(ind);
% W.d00(i,ind) = a_bNorm_2Delta2.*(beta01(ind)./beta00(ind)-beta11(ind).*theta_Delta);
% W.d01(i,ind) = a_bNorm_2Delta2.*(1-beta01(ind).*theta_Delta);
% W.d11(i,ind) = a_bNorm_2Delta2.*(beta01(ind)./beta11(ind)-beta00(ind).*theta_Delta);
% % Clearing:
% clear beta00 beta01 beta11 theta Delta theta_Delta;
% % The zero case:
% ind = find(DeltaIsZero);
% if ~isempty(ind)
% % Computing the other elements:
% a_bNorm5 = a_bNorm.^5;
% a_vb_a = a_v(1,ind).*b_a(1,i) + a_v(2,ind).*b_a(2,i);
% v_bb_a = v_b(1,ind).*b_a(1,i) + v_b(2,ind).*b_a(2,i);
% W.d00(i,ind) = a_bNorm5./(3*v_bb_a.*a_vb_a.^3+1e-8);
% W.d01(i,ind) = a_bNorm5./(6*v_bb_a.^2.*a_vb_a.^2+1e-8);
% W.d11(i,ind) = a_bNorm5./(3*v_bb_a.^3.*a_vb_a+1e-8);
% end
% Clearing:
clear a_vb_a v_bb_a ind DeltaIsZero a_v b_v v_b;
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Precomputing weighted centroids:
function [Pstar,denStar] = PrecomputeWCentroids(p,W)
% Computing the den star:
denStar = sum(W.d00+2*W.d01+W.d11,1);
% Initializing the Pstar array:
Pstar = zeros(2,size(W.d00,2));
% Iterating on segments:
for i=1:size(p,2)
% Auxiliary:
d00_d01 = W.d00(i,:) + W.d01(i,:);
d01_d11 = W.d01(i,:) + W.d11(i,:);
% Updating the centroids:
Pstar = Pstar + repmat(p(1:2,i),[1,size(d00_d01,2)]).*[d00_d01;d00_d01] + ...
% Computing the centroids:
Pstar = Pstar./[denStar;denStar];
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Precomputing the affine deformation:
function data = PrecomputeAffine(p,v,W,Pstar)
% Computing the ahat and bhat and the matrix elements:
ahat = cell(1,size(p,2));
bhat = ahat;
a = zeros(1,size(Pstar,2));
b = a;
d = a;
for i=1:size(p,2)
% Computing ahat{i} and bhat{i}:
ahat{i} = repmat(p(1:2,i),[1,size(Pstar,2)])-Pstar;
bhat{i} = repmat(p(3:4,i),[1,size(Pstar,2)])-Pstar;
% Computing the matrix elements:
a = a + ahat{i}(1,:).^2.*W.d00(i,:) + ...
2*ahat{i}(1,:).*bhat{i}(1,:).*W.d01(i,:) + ...
b = b + ahat{i}(1,:).*ahat{i}(2,:).*W.d00(i,:) + ...
(ahat{i}(2,:).*bhat{i}(1,:)+ahat{i}(1,:).*bhat{i}(2,:)).*W.d01(i,:) + ...
d = d + ahat{i}(2,:).^2.*W.d00(i,:) + ...
2*ahat{i}(2,:).*bhat{i}(2,:).*W.d01(i,:) + ...
% Computing the inverse:
det = a.*d - b.^2;
det(find(det==0)) = 1e-8;
Ia = d./det;
Ib = -b./det;
Id = a./det;
% Computing the v-Pstar values:
M1 = v - Pstar;
% Computing the first product elements:
F1 = [sum(M1.*[Ia;Ib],1);sum(M1.*[Ib;Id],1)];
% Computing the A values:
A = cell(1,size(p,2));
for j=1:size(p,2)
% All but W:
a = sum(F1.*ahat{j},1);
b = sum(F1.*bhat{j},1);
% Multipling per W:
A{j}.a = a.*W.d00(j,:) + b.*W.d01(j,:);
A{j}.b = a.*W.d01(j,:) + b.*W.d11(j,:);
% The data structure:
data.A = A;
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% Precomputing the Asimilar:
function [A,R1] = PrecomputeA(Pstar,ahat,bhat,v,W)
% Allocating:
A = cell(1,numel(ahat));
% Fixed part:
R1 = v - Pstar;
R2 = [R1(2,:);-R1(1,:)];
% Iterating on segments:
for i=1:numel(ahat)
% The transformed versions:
ahat_t = [ahat{i}(2,:);-ahat{i}(1,:)];
bhat_t = [bhat{i}(2,:);-bhat{i}(1,:)];
% Computing the first block:
a11 = sum(ahat{i}.*R1,1);
a12 = sum(ahat{i}.*R2,1);
a21 = sum(ahat_t.*R1,1);
a22 = sum(ahat_t.*R2,1);
a31 = sum(bhat{i}.*R1,1);
a32 = sum(bhat{i}.*R2,1);
a41 = sum(bhat_t.*R1,1);
a42 = sum(bhat_t.*R2,1);
% Computing the values:
A{i}.a11 = a11.*W.d00(i,:) + a31.*W.d01(i,:);
A{i}.a12 = a12.*W.d00(i,:) + a32.*W.d01(i,:);
A{i}.a21 = a21.*W.d00(i,:) + a41.*W.d01(i,:);
A{i}.a22 = a22.*W.d00(i,:) + a42.*W.d01(i,:);
A{i}.a31 = a11.*W.d01(i,:) + a31.*W.d11(i,:);
A{i}.a32 = a12.*W.d01(i,:) + a32.*W.d11(i,:);
A{i}.a41 = a21.*W.d01(i,:) + a41.*W.d11(i,:);
A{i}.a42 = a22.*W.d01(i,:) + a42.*W.d